WAC Bibliography

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7,820 references

Mitchell, R.W. (1970). Total number and density estimates of some species of cavernicoles inhabiting Fern Cave, Texas. Annales de Spéléologie 25: 73–90. -- Show included taxa

Mitchell, R.W. (1970). Population size and dispersion and species associations of a Mexican cavernicole ricinuleid. Ciencia, México 27: 63–74. -- Show included taxa

Monniot, F. (1970). Quelques caractères morphologiques de Eukoenenia mirabilis (Arachnide, Palpigrade) observés au stereoscan. Revue d'Ecologie et de Biologie du Sol 7: 559–562. -- Show included taxa

Morikawa, K. (1970). Results of the speleological survey in South Korea 1966. XX. New pseudoscorpions from South Korea. Bulletin of the National Science Museum of Tokyo 13: 141–148. -- Show included taxa

Muchmore, W.B. (1970a). New cavernicolous Kleptochthonius spp. from Virginia (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpionida, Chthoniidae). Entomological News 81: 210–212. -- Show included taxa

Muchmore, W.B. (1970b). An unusual new Pseudochthonius from Brazil (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpionida, Chthoniidae). Entomological News 81: 221–223. -- Show included taxa

Muma, M.H. (1970a). A synoptic review of North American, Central American, and West Indian Solpugida (Arthropoda: Arachnida). Arthropods of Florida and Neighboring Land Areas 5: 1–62. -- Show included taxa

Muma, M.H. (1970b). The Galapagos Islands solpugid (Arachnida). In: Résultats Scientifiques du Mission Zoologique Belge aux îles Galapagos et en Ecuador (N. and J. Leleup, 1964-1965) Museé Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren 2: 125–135. -- Show included taxa

Reddell, J.R. (1970). A checklist of the cave fauna of Texas. IV. Additional records of Invertebrata (exclusive of Insecta). Texas Journal of Science 21: 389–415. -- Show included taxa

Ressl, F. (1970). Weitere Pseudoskorpion-Funde aus dem Bezirk Scheibbs (Niederösterreich). Berichte des Naturwissenschaftlich-Medizinischen Vereins in Innsbruck 58: 249–254. -- Show included taxa

Roth, V.D. & Craig, P.R. (1970). Arachnida of the Galápagos Islands (excluding Acari). In: Résultats Scientifiques du Mission Zoologique Belge aus îles Galapagos et en Ecuador (N. et J. Leleup, 1964-1965) Museé Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren 2: 107–124. -- Show included taxa

Schmoller, R.R. (1970). Terrestrial desert arthropods: fauna and ecology. Biologist 52: 77–98. -- Show included taxa

Shear, W.A. (1970). Stridulation in Acanthophrynus coronatus (Butler) (Amblypygi, Tarantulidae). Psyche, Cambridge 77: 181–183. -- Show included taxa

Snow, K.R. (1970). The arachnids: an introduction. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London. -- Show included taxa

Størmer, L. (1970). Arthropods from the Lower Devonian (Lower Emsian) of Alken an der Mosel, Germany. Part 1: Arachnida. Senckenbergiana Lethaea 51: 335–369. -- Show included taxa

Uchikawa, K. (1970). Notes on the arthropod fauna of Delichon urbica nests in Nagano Prefecture. Medical Entomology and Zoology 21: 73–77. -- Show included taxa

Vachon, M. (1970). Remarques sur Withius piger (Simon, 1878) nov. comb. (Pseudoscorpion Cheliferidae) et sur le genre Diplotemnus J.C. Chamberlin, 1933, à propos de Diplotemnus beieri nov. nom. (Pseudoscorpion Miratemnidae). Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (2) 42: 185–191. -- Show included taxa

Vitali-di Castri, V. (1970a). Un nuevo genero de Gymnobisiinae (Pseudoscorpionida) de las Islas Malvinas. Revisión taxonómica de la subfamilia. Physis, Buenos Aires 30: 1–9. -- Show included taxa

Vitali-di Castri, V. (1970b). Pseudochiridiinae (Pseudoscorpionida) du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Remarques sur la sous-famille et description de deux nouvelles espèces de Madagascar et d'Angola. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (2) 41: 1175–1199. -- Show included taxa

Vitali-di Castri, V. (1970c). Revision de la sistematica y distribucion de los Gymnobisiinae (Pseudoscorpionida, Vachoniidae). Boletín de la Sociedad de Biología de Concepción 42: 123–135. -- Show included taxa

Vitali-di Castri, V. & Castri, F. di (1970). L'évolution du dimorphisme sexuel dans une lignée de pseudoscorpions. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (2) 42: 382–391. -- Show included taxa

Vornatscher, J. (1970). Koenenien-Funde und Temperaturen in Alpenhöhlen. Die Höhle 21: 167–169. -- Show included taxa

Wallwork, J.A. (1970). Ecology of soil animals. McGraw-Hill, London. -- Show included taxa

Weygoldt, P. (1970a). Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Fortpflanzungsbiologie der Pseudoscorpione II. Zeitschrift für die Zoologische Systematik und Evolutionforschung 8: 241–259. -- Show included taxa

Weygoldt, P. (1970b). Courtship behaviour and sperm transfer in the giant whip scorpion, Mastigoproctus giganteus (Lucas) (Uropygi, Thelyphonidae). Behaviour 36: 1–8. -- Show included taxa