7,820 references
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Mitchell, R.W. (1969b). The cover illustration, Cryptocellus osorioi (Arachnida; Ricinulei). Southwestern Naturalist 14: 136–138. -- Show included taxa
Muchmore, W.B. (1969a). New species and records of cavernicolous pseudoscorpions of the genus Microcreagris (Arachnida, Chelonethida, Neobisiidae, Ideobisiinae). American Museum Novitates 2392: 1–21. -- Show included taxa
Muchmore, W.B. (1969b). A cavernicolous Tyrannochthonius from Mexico (Arach., Chelon., Chthon.). Ciencia, México 27: 31–32. -- Show included taxa
Muchmore, W.B. (1969c). The pseudoscorpion genus Macrochernes, with the description of a new species from Puerto Rico (Arachnida, Chelonethida, Chernetidae). Caribbean Journal of Science and Mathematics 1(2): 9–14. -- Show included taxa
Muchmore, W.B. (1969d). A population of a European pseudoscorpion established in New York. Entomological News 80: 66. -- Show included taxa
Muchmore, W.B. (1969e). The pseudoscorpion genus Neochthonius Chamberlin (Arachnida, Chelonethida, Chthoniidae) with description of a cavernicolous species. American Midland Naturalist 81: 387–394. -- Show included taxa
Muchmore, W.B. & Alteri, C.H. (1969). Parachernes (Arachnida, Chelonethida, Chernetidae) from the coast of North Carolina. Entomological News 80: 131–137. -- Show included taxa
Sbordoni, V. & Cobolli, M. (1969). Note sull'allevamento sperimentale degli animali cavernicoli in laboratorio. Archivo Zoologico Italiano 54: 33–57. -- Show included taxa
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Simon, H.R. (1969). Art und ökologische Umwelt: der Moosskorpion - Neobisium muscorum Leach - und seine Stellung im Ökosystem. Mitteilungen der Pollichia (3) 16: 149–159. -- Show included taxa
Stark, N. (1969). Microecosystems in Lehman Cave, Nevada. Bulletin of the National Speleological Society 31: 73–82. -- Show included taxa
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Townes, H. (1969). The genera of Ichneumonidae, Part 2. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 12: 1–537. -- Show included taxa
Vachon, M. (1969). Remarques sur la famille des Syarinidae J.C. Chamberlin (Arachnides, Pseudoscorpions) à propos de la description d'une nouvelle espèce: Pseudoblothrus thiebaudi habitant des cavernes de Suisse. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 76: 387–396. -- Show included taxa
Vigna Taglianti, A. (1969). Un nuovo Doderotrechus cavernicolo delle Alpi occidentali (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Fragmenta Entomologica 6: 253–269. -- Show included taxa
Vitali-di Castri, V. (1969a). Remarques sur la famille des Menthidae (Arachnida Pseudoscorpionida) a propos de la présence au Chili d'une nouvelle espèce, Oligomenthus chilensis. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (2) 41: 498–506. -- Show included taxa
Vitali-di Castri, V. (1969b). Tercera nota sobre los Cheiridiidae de Chile (Pseudoscorpionida) con descripcion de Apocheiridium (Chiliocheiridium) serenense n. subgen., n. sp.. Boletín de la Sociedad de Biología de Concepción 41: 265–280. -- Show included taxa
Ward, R.D. (1969). A pseudoscorpion found with Cicindela hirticollis Say. Cicindela 1(4): 6. -- Show included taxa
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Weygoldt, P. (1969). Beobachtungen zur Fortpflanzungsbiologie und zum Verhalten der Geisselspinne Tarantula marginemaculata C.L. Koch (Chelicerata, Amblypygi). Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Ökologie der Tiere 64: 338–360. -- Show included taxa
Weygoldt, P. (1969a). The biology of pseudoscorpions. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. -- Show included taxa
Weygoldt, P. (1969b). Paarungsverhalten und Samenübertragung beim Pseudoskorpion Withius subruber Simon (Cheliferidae). Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie 26: 230–235. -- Show included taxa
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Zielke, E. (1969). Beobachtungen zur Phoresie bei Lamprochernes nodosus (Schrank). Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Staatsinstitut und Zoologischen Museum in Hamburg 3: 1–3. -- Show included taxa