7,820 references
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Weygoldt, P. (1970d). Evolution des Paarungsverhaltens bei Pseudoscorpionen. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (2) 41(supplément 1): 141. -- Show included taxa
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Beier, M. (1971f). Ein neuer troglobionter Pseudoscorpion aus Tarragona (Chelicerata). Eos, Madrid 46: 15–17. -- Show included taxa
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Cooke, J.A.L. (1971). Mating behavior and the functional morphology of the male copulatory apparatus in Cryptocellus palaezi. Texas Tech University. [M.Sc. Thesis] -- Show included taxa
Crawford, C.S. & Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L. (1971). Water relations and dessication-avoiding behavior in the vinegaroon Mastigoproctus giganteus (Arachnida: Uropygi). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 14: 99–106. -- Show included taxa
Delle Cave, L. (1971). Additional notes on the Solpugidae (Arachnida, Solifugae) from Ethiopia and Somalia. Monitore Zoologico Italiano, n.s., Supplemento 4: 91–99. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/03749444.1972.10736775 -- Show included taxa
Delle Cave, L. & Simonetta, A.M. (1971). A tentative revision of the Daesiidae (Arachnida, Solifugae) from Ethiopia and Somalia. Monitore Zoologico Italiano, n.s., Supplemento 4: 37–77. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/03749444.1972.10736773 -- Show included taxa
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Edwards, C.L. (1971). Relative humidity and temperature preference responses of the ricinuleid Cryptocellus pelaezi (Arachnida). Texas Tech University. [Master of Science] -- Show included taxa
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Gertsch, W.J. (1971). Three new ricinuleids from Mexican caves (Arachnida, Ricinulei). Bulletin of the Association for Mexican Cave Studies 4: 127–135. -- Show included taxa