Pselaphochernes dubius (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1892)


Original combination: Chelifer dubius


Taxonomic references

Chelifer parasita Hermann:

Templeton, 1836: 14 (misidentification)

Chelifer dubius

Pickard-Cambridge, 1892: 227–228, plate C fig. 19
Ellingsen, 1907a: 156–158
Godfrey, 1907: 162

Chernes phaleratus (Simon):

Evans, 1901b: 242 (misidentification)

Chernes dubius (O. Pickard-Cambridge):

Evans, 1903b: 249–250
Whyte and Whyte, 1907: 203–204
Godfrey, 1908: 157
Godfrey, 1909: 23–25
Kew, 1909b: 259
Warburton, 1909: 438
Pickard-Cambridge, 1913: 127
Falconer, 1916: 192
Morley, 1940: 168
Savory, 1945: 180, 184

Chelifer (Chernes) dubius (O. Pickard-Cambridge):

Kew, 1909a: 249
Kew, 1911a: 44, fig. 5
Standen, 1912: 12
Kew, 1914b: 93
Kew, 1916b: 78–79
Kästner, 1928: 6

Allochernes (Toxochernes) dubius (O. Pickard-Cambridge):

Beier, 1932e: 152, fig. 162

Allochernes dubius (O. Pickard-Cambridge):

Roewer, 1937: 298
Lohmander, 1939b: 303–308, fig. 9
Vachon, 1947a: 85, 86
Beier, 1948b: 444, 458
Kaisila, 1949b: 83, map 8
Evans and Browning, 1954: 21
Beier, 1955n: 109
Beier, 1959f: 130
Beier, 1961a: 74
Pax and Paul, 1961: 73
Strebel, 1961: 107
Meinertz, 1962: 84–86, figs 37a, 45b–c, 48a–b
Beier, 1963b: 262, fig. 262
Meinertz, 1964: 398, map 6
Pedder, 1965: 108, 110
Helversen, 1966a: 140
Rafalski, 1967: 16–17
Gabbutt, 1969c: 231–232
Hammen, 1969b: 21
Smith, 1967: 297–298, figs i-l
Beier, 1970a: 45
Gabbutt, 1970c: 11–12
Legg, 1970b: n/a, fig. 3(1)
Verner, 1971: n/a, fig. 60
Gabbutt, 1972a: 37–40, figs 1c, 2c
Gabbutt, 1972b: 2–13
Howes, 1972a: 109
Legg, 1972a: 580, fig. 4(2)
Legg, 1972b: 5
Salmon, 1972: 66
Legg, 1973b: 430, fig. 2e
Beier, 1976a: 24
Klausen, 1975: 64
Legg, 1975a: 66
Legg, 1975d: n/a, fig. 2
Crocker, 1976: 9
Klausen and Totland, 1977: 101–108, plates 11–13, figs 1–2
Crocker, 1978: 9
Jones, 1978: 92
Goddard, 1976b: 296
Jones, 1979a: 200
Judson, 1979a: 62–63
Rundle, 1979: 48
Jones, 1980c: n/a, map 18
Mendel, 1981: 229
Pieper, 1981: 4
Cowden, 1983: 5
Jones, 1985: 70
Mahnert, 1986d: 81–82
Judson, 1987: 369

Allochernes (Chernes) dubius (O. Pickard-Cambridge):

Cloudsley-Thompson, 1956a: 71

Pselaphochernes dubius (O. Pickard-Cambridge):

Legg, 1987: 181–182
Legg and Jones, 1988: 105–106, figs 25a, 25b(a–j)
Harvey, 1991a: 625–626
Pieper, 1991: 218
Gärdenfors and Wilander, 1992: 33
Harvey, 1992: 150
Fowles, 1994: 17
Platen, Blick, Bliss, Drogla, Malten, Martens, Sacher and Wunderlich, 1995: 55
Drogla and Blick, 1996: 37
Legg and O'Connor, 1997: 113–114, fig. 7
García Carrillo, 1998: 13
Klausen, 1998: 101
Poinar, Ćurčić and Cokendolpher, 1998: 84
Gardini, 2000: 127
Henderickx, 1999b: 68
Delfosse, 2003b: 43
Krumpál and Krumpálova, 2003: 123
Drogla and Lippold, 2004: 41
Stol, 2005: 21, 33, fig. 27, map 24
Tooren, 2005b: 95–96
Zaragoza, 2007a: 61
Zaragoza and Galán, 2007: 4
Holmen and Scharff, 2008: 68
Christophoryová, Štáhlavský, Krumpál and Fedor, 2012: 15
Cawley, 2016: 118
Legg and Farr-Cox, 2016: n/a, fig. 21
Muster and Blick, 2016: 550
Andrews, 2017a: 2
Legg, 2019: 191
Muster, Spelda, Rulik, Thormann, von der Mark and Astrin, 2021: fig. 4, fig. 4
Hlebec, Harms, Kučinić and Harvey, 2024: n/a, fig. 3

Chelifer tullgreni Strand, 1900 -- synonymised by Evans, 1903b: 250
Chelifer n. sp.:
Tullgren, 1899a: 176–177, plate 1 figs 11–12
Chelifer tullgreni
Strand, 1900a: 102 (synonymised by Evans, 1903b: 250) original description
Tullgren, 1906b: 215
Chelifer (Chernes) tullgreni Strand:
Evans, 1903a: 120–121
Distribution table

Realm: Palearctic

France (mainland)
Italy (mainland)
Portugal (Madeira)
Spain (mainland, Islas Baleares)
Type locality: Glanvilles Wootton, Dorset, England, United Kingdom.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Glanvilles Wootton 50.866666 -2.45
Type repository
Zoobank LSID


Andrews, L. (2017a). How to find pseudoscorpions. Newsletter of the British Arachnological Society 138: 2–3. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1932e). Pseudoscorpionidea II. Subord. C. Cheliferinea. Tierreich 58: i–xxi, 1–294. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1948b). Phoresie und Phagophilie bei Pseudoscorpionen. Österreichische Zoologische Zeitschrift 1: 441–497. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1955n). Neue Beiträge zur Kenntnis der iberischen Pseudoscorpioniden-Fauna. Eos, Madrid 31: 87–122. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1959f). Ergänzungen zur iberischen Pseudoscorpioniden-Fauna. Eos, Madrid 35: 113–131. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1961a). Pseudoscorpione von den Azoren und Madeira. Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal 14: 67–74. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1963b). Ordnung Pseudoscorpionidea (Afterskorpione). In: Bestimmungsbücher zur Bodenfauna Europas Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1: vi, 313 pp.. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1970a). Ergänzungen zur Pseudoskorpionidenfauna der Kanaren. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 74: 45–49. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1976a). Die Pseudoscorpione der macaronesischen Inseln. Vieraea, Tenerife 5: 23–32. -- Show included taxa

Christophoryová, J., Štáhlavský, F., Krumpál, M. & Fedor, P. (2012). Pseudoscorpions of the Czech Republic and Slovakia: an annotated and revised checklist (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). North-Western Journal of Zoology 8(1): 1–21. -- Show included taxa

Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L. (1956a). Notes on Arachnida, 25. - An unusual case of phoresy by false-scorpions. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 92: 71. -- Show included taxa

Cowden, D.R. (1983). Further notes and records on spiders from Worcestershire. British Arachnological Society, Secretary's Newsletter 37: 5–6. -- Show included taxa

Crocker, J. (1976). False scorpions. Heritage, Quarterly Bulletin of the Loughborough Naturalists' Club 61: 1–11. -- Show included taxa

Crocker, J. (1978). Introduction to false scorpions. British Arachnological Society, Secretary's News Letter 21: 4–9. -- Show included taxa

Delfosse, E. (2003b). Catalogue préliminaire des Pseudoscorpions de France métropolitaine (Arachnida Pseudoscorpiones). Bulletin de Phyllie 17: 24–48. -- Show included taxa

Drogla, R. & Blick, T. (1996). Rote Liste der Pseudoskorpione Deutschlands (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Arachnologische Mitteilungen 11: 36–38. -- Show included taxa

Drogla, R. & Lippold, K. (2004). Zur Kenntnis der pseudoskorpion-fauna von Ostdeutschland (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones). Arachnologische Mitteilungen 27–28: 1–54. -- Show included taxa

Ellingsen, E. (1907a). Notes on pseudoscorpions, British and foreign. Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club (2) 10: 155–172. -- Show included taxa

Evans, G.O. & Browning, E. (1954). Synopses of the British Fauna. No. 10. Pseudoscorpiones. Linnean Society, London. -- Show included taxa

Evans, W. (1901b). Chthonius tetrachelatus, Preyss., and other chernetids in Scotland. Annals of Scottish Natural History 10: 241. -- Show included taxa

Evans, W. (1903a). Chelifer (Chernes) tullgreni, Strand, in Scotland. Annals of Scottish Natural History 12: 120–121. -- Show included taxa

Evans, W. (1903b). Chernes dubius, Cambr. (= C. tullgreni, Strand) in Scotland. Annals of Scottish Natural History 12: 249–250. -- Show included taxa

Falconer, W. (1916). The harvestmen and pseudoscorpions of Yorkshire. Naturalist, London 41: 103–106, 135–140, 155–158, 191–193. -- Show included taxa

Fowles, A. (1994). A provisional checklist of the invertebrates recorded from Wales. 1. False scorpions, harvestmen and spiders (Arachnida). Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru (Countryside Council for Wales), Bangor, Gwynedd. -- Show included taxa

Gabbutt, P.D. (1969c). Life-histories of some British pseudoscorpions inhabiting leaf litter. In: Sheals, J.G. (ed.) The soil ecosystem Systematics Association Publication no. 8, London: 229–235. -- Show included taxa

Gabbutt, P.D. (1970c). Sampling problems and the validity of life history analyses of pseudoscorpions. Journal of Natural History 4: 1–15. -- Show included taxa

Gabbutt, P.D. (1972a). The disposition of trichobothria in the Chernetidae (Pseudoscorpiones). In: Anonymous (ed.) Arachnologorum Congressus Internationalis V, Brno: 37–42. -- Show included taxa

Gabbutt, P.D. (1972b). Differences in the disposition of trichobothria in the Chernetidae (Pseudoscorpiones). Journal of Zoology, London 167: 1–13. -- Show included taxa

García Carrillo, J. (1998). Los Pseudoscorpiones de Aragón (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpionida). Catalogus de la Entomofauna Aragonesa 18: 11–17. -- Show included taxa

Gärdenfors, U. & Wilander, P. (1992). Sveriges klokrypare med nyckel till arterna. Entomologisk Tidskrift 113: 20–35. -- Show included taxa

Gardini, G. (2000). Catalogo degli Pseudoscorpioni d'Italia (Arachnida). Fragmenta Entomologica 32, Supplemento: 1–181. -- Show included taxa

Goddard, S.J. (1976b). Population dynamics, distribution patterns and life cycles of Neobisium muscorum and Chthonius orthodactylus (Pseudoscorpiones: Arachnida). Journal of Zoology, London 178: 295–304. -- Show included taxa

Godfrey, R. (1907). The false-scorpions of the west of Scotland. Annals of Scottish Natural History 16: 162–163. -- Show included taxa

Godfrey, R. (1908). The false scorpions of Scotland. Annals of Scottish Natural History 17: 90–100, 155–161. -- Show included taxa

Godfrey, R. (1909). The false scorpions of Scotland (continued). Annals of Scottish Natural History 18: 22–26, 153–163. -- Show included taxa

Hammen, L. van der (1969b). Bijdrage tot de kennis van de Nederlandse bastaardschorpioenen (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpionida). Zoologische Bijdragen 11: 15–24. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (1991a). Catalogue of the Pseudoscorpionida. Manchester University Press, Manchester. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, P.R. (1992). Pseudoscorpions. Essex Naturalist 11: 149–150. -- Show included taxa

Helversen, O. von (1966a). Pseudoskorpione aus dem Rhein-Main-Gebiet. Senckenbergiana Biologica 47: 131–150. -- Show included taxa

Henderickx, H. (1999b). Naamlijst van de Belgische pseudoschorpioenen (Arachnida Pseudoscorpionida). Bulletin de la Societe Royale Belge d'Entomologie 135: 66–71. -- Show included taxa

Holmen, M. & Scharff, N. (2008). Anthrenochernes stellae Lohmander, 1939 - status in Denmark for a new species on the EC Habitats Directive (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones). Entomologiske Meddelelser- Entomologisk Forening Kobenhavn 76: 55–68. -- Show included taxa

Howes, C.A. (1972a). A review of Yorkshire pseudoscorpions. Naturalist, Hull 918: 107–110. -- Show included taxa

Jones, P.E. (1978). Phoresy and commensalism in British pseudoscorpions. Proceedings and Transactions of the British Entomological and Natural History Society 1978: 90–96. -- Show included taxa

Jones, P.E. (1979a). Pseudoscorpions from Little Wood, Eye, with some additional records from Northamptonshire. Journal of the Northamptonshire Natural History Society and Field Club 37: 198–201. -- Show included taxa

Jones, P.E. (1980c). Provisional atlas of the Arachnida of the British Isles. Part 1. Pseudoscorpiones.. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Monks Wood. -- Show included taxa

Jones, R.E. (1985). The false-scorpions of Norfolk. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society 27: 67–71. -- Show included taxa

Judson, M.L.I. (1979a). Pseudoscorpions in Hertfordshire. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club 28: 58–64. -- Show included taxa

Judson, M.L.I. (1987). Further records of pseudoscorpions (Arachnida) from Hertfordshire. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club 29: 368–370. -- Show included taxa

Kaisila, J. (1949b). A revision of the pseudoscorpion fauna of eastern Fennoscandia. Annales Entomologici Fennici 15: 72–92. -- Show included taxa

Kästner, A. (1928). 2. Ordnung: Moos- oder Afterskorpione, Pseudoscorpiónes Latr. (Chernétes Simon; Chelonéti Thorell; Chernetídea Camb.). In: Brohmer, P, Ehrmann, P. and Ulmer, G. (ed.) Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas Quelle und Meyer, Leipzig 3 (1, IV): 1–13. -- Show included taxa

Kew, H.W. (1909a). Notes on the Irish false-scorpions in the National Museum of Ireland. Irish Naturalist 18: 249–250. -- Show included taxa

Kew, H.W. (1909b). Pseudoscorpiones (false-scorpions). In: Grinling, C. et al. (ed.) Survey and record of Woolwich and West Kent South Eastern Union of Scientific Societies, Woolwich: 258–259. -- Show included taxa

Kew, H.W. (1911a). A synopsis of the false scorpions of Britain and Ireland. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, section B 29: 38–64. -- Show included taxa

Kew, H.W. (1914b). Pseudo-scorpiones. Annual Report and Proceedings of the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club 7: 93. -- Show included taxa

Kew, H.W. (1916b). A synopsis of the false-scorpions of Britain and Ireland; supplement. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, section B 33: 71–85. -- Show included taxa

Klausen, F.E. (1975). Notes on the Pseudoscorpiones of Norway. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 22: 63–65. -- Show included taxa

Klausen, F.E. (1998). Additional records of pseudoscorpions from Norway. Fauna Norvegica, Series B 45: 100–103. -- Show included taxa

Klausen, F.E. & Totland, G.K. (1977). A scanning electron microscopic study of the setae of some chernetid pseudoscorpions. Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 4: 101–108. -- Show included taxa

Krumpál, M. & Krumpálova, Z. (2003). Šťúriky - Pseudoscorpiones. In: Mašán, P. and Svatoň, J. (ed.) Pavúkovce Národného Parku Poloniny (Arachnida: Araneae, Pseudoscorpiones, Opiliones, Acari - Parasitiformes) Balada Press, Humenné: 115–126. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1970b). False-scorpions: their capture and care, and identification of families. Countryside 21: 367–372. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1972a). False-scorpions: the families Cheliferiidae [sic] and Chernetiidae [sic]. Countryside 21: 576–583. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1972b). Some little known arachnids. Newsletter of the British Arachnological Society 4: 4–6. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1973b). The structure of encysted sperm of some British Pseudoscorpiones (Arachnida). Journal of Zoology, London 170: 429–440. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1975a). A generalised account of the male genitalia and associated glands of pseudoscorpions (Arachnida). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 3: 66–74. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1975d). The possible significance of spermathecae in pseudoscorpions (Arachnida). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 3: 91–95. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1987). Proposed taxonomic changes to the British pseudoscorpion fauna (Arachnida). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 7: 179–182. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. & Jones, R.E. (1988). Synopses of the British fauna (new series). 40. Pseudoscorpions (Arthropoda; Arachnida). Brill/Backhuys, Leiden. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. & O'Connor, J.P. (1997). A review of the Irish pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Bulletin of the Irish Biogeographical Society 20: 105–126. -- Show included taxa

Lohmander, H. (1939b). Zur Kenntnis der Pseudoskorpionfauna Schwedens. Entomologisk Tidskrift 60: 279–323. -- Show included taxa

Mahnert, V. (1986d). Arthropodes epigés du Massif de 'San Juan de la Peña' (Jaca, Huesca). Pirineos 124: 73–86. -- Show included taxa

Meinertz, T. (1962). Mosskorpioner og mejere (Pseudoscorpionidea og Opiliones). G.E.C. Gads, København 67. -- Show included taxa

Meinertz, T. (1964). Beiträge zur Verbreitung der Pseudoskorpioniden in Dänemark. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i Kjøbenhavn 126: 387–402. -- Show included taxa

Mendel, H. (1981). A review of Suffolk pseudoscorpions. Transactions of the Suffolk Natural History Society 18: 226–232. -- Show included taxa

Morley, C. (1940). The remaining Arachnida. Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists' Society 4: 165–174. -- Show included taxa

Pax, F. & Paul, H. (1961). Die Stollenfauna des Siebengebirges. Dechiana, Beihefte 9: 69–76. -- Show included taxa

Pedder, I.J. (1965). Abnormal segmentation of the abdomen in six species of British pseudoscorpions. Entomologist 98: 108–112. -- Show included taxa

Pickard-Cambridge, O. (1892). On the British species of false-scorpions. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club and Archaeological Society 13: 199–231. -- Show included taxa

Pickard-Cambridge, O. (1913). On new and rare British Arachnida noted and observed in 1912. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club and Archaeological Society 34: 107–136. -- Show included taxa

Pieper, H. (1981). Die Pseudoskorpione von Madeira und nachbarinseln. Bocagiana, Funchal 60: 1–7. -- Show included taxa

Pieper, H. (1991). New records of pseudoscorpions from the Madeiran Islands. Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal 42: 217–221. -- Show included taxa

Platen, R., Blick, T., Bliss, P., Drogla, R., Malten, A., Martens, J., Sacher, P. & Wunderlich, J. (1995). Verzeichnis der Spinnentiere (excl. Acarida) Deutschlands (Arachnida: Araneida, Opilionida, Pseudoscorpionida). Arachnologische Mitteilungen, Sonderband 1: 1–55. -- Show included taxa

Poinar, G.O., Jr, Ćurčić, B.P.M. & Cokendolpher, J.C. (1998). Arthropod phoresy involving pseudoscorpions in the past and present. Acta Arachnologica 47: 79–96. -- Show included taxa

Rafalski, J. (1967). Zaleszczotki. Pseudoscorpionidea. In: Katalog Fauny Polski Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa 32 (1): 1–34. -- Show included taxa

Roewer, C.F. (1937). Chelonethi oder Pseudoskorpione. In: Bronns, H.G. (ed.) Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft M.B.H., Leipzig 5(IV)(6)(1): 161–320. -- Show included taxa

Rundle, A.J. (1979). Pseudoscorpions and harvestmen in Bedfordshire. Bedfordshire Naturalist 33: 47–50. -- Show included taxa

Salmon, S.J. (1972). Recent records of British pseudoscorpions. Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 2: 66–68. -- Show included taxa

Savory, T.H. (1945). The spiders and allied orders of the British Isles comprising descriptions of every family of British spiders, every species of harvestmen and false scorpions also the more familiar of the British mites and sea-spiders. Frederick Warne & Co., London. [2nd edition] -- Show included taxa

Smith, M. (1967). The cheliceral flagellum of some British Chernetidae (Pseudoscorpiones). Journal of Natural History 3: 295–300. -- Show included taxa

Standen, R. (1912). The false-scorpions of Lancashire and some adjoining counties, with a preliminary list of records. Lancashire and Cheshire Naturalist 5: 7–16. -- Show included taxa

Stol, I. (2005). Nordiske mosskorpioner (Pseudoscorpiones). Norske Insekttabeller 18: 1–35. -- Show included taxa

Strand, E. (1900a). Arachnologisches. Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne 38: 95–102. -- Show included taxa

Strebel, O. (1961). Pseudoscorpiones aus dem Siebengebirge. Decheniana, Beihefte 9: 107–108. -- Show included taxa

Templeton, R. (1836). Catalogue of Irish Crustàcea, Myriápoda, and Arachnöìda, selected from the papers of the late John Templeton, Esq.. Magazine of Natural History 9: 9–14. -- Show included taxa

Tooren, D. van den (2005b). Naamlijst en determinatiesleutel tot de Pseudoschorpioenen van Nederland (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen 23: 91–102. -- Show included taxa

Tullgren, A. (1899a). Bidrag till Kännedomen om Sveriges Pseudoscorpioner. Entomologisk Tidskrift 20: 161–182. -- Show included taxa

Tullgren, A. (1906b). Notiser rörande arter af Arachnidgrupperna Chelonethi och Phalangidea. Entomologisk Tidskrift 27: 214–218. -- Show included taxa

Vachon, M. (1947a). Nouvelles remarques a propos de la phorésie des Pseudoscorpions. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (2) 19: 84–87. -- Show included taxa

Verner, P.H. (1971). Štírci - Pseudoscorpionidea. In: Daniel, M. and Černý, V. (ed.) Klič Zviřeny ČSSR Českoslovenká Akademie Věd, Praha 4: 19–31. -- Show included taxa

Warburton, C. (1909). Arachnida Embolobranchiata (scorpions, spiders, mites, etc.). In: Harmer, S.F. and Shipley, A.E. (ed.) The Cambridge natural history MacMillan and Co., London 4: 297–474. -- Show included taxa

Whyte, G.A. & Whyte, R.B. (1907). The false-scorpions of Cumberland. Naturalist, London 1907: 203–204. -- Show included taxa

Zaragoza, J.A. (2007a). Catálogo de los Pseudoescorpiones de la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Revista Ibérica de Aracnología 13: 3–91. -- Show included taxa

Zaragoza, J.A. & Galán, C. (2007). Pseudoescorpiones cavernícolas de Gipuzkoa y zonas próximas (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi, Donostia-San Sebastián. -- Show included taxa

Cawley, M. (2016). An indexed bibliographical checklist of the false-scorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) of Ireland (1836-2014). Bulletin of the Irish Biogeographical Society 40: 116–124. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (2019). Changes in the British pseudoscorpion fauna over the last 50 years. Arachnology 18: 189–195. -- Show included taxa

Muster, C., Spelda, J., Rulik, B., Thormann, J., von der Mark, L> & Astrin, J.J. (2021). The dark side of pseudoscorpion diversity: The German Barcode of Life campaign reveals high levels of undocumented diversity in European false scorpions. Ecology and Evolution 11(20): 13815–13829. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. & Farr-Cox, F. (2016). Illustrated key to the British false scorpions (pseudoscorpions). Field Studies Council: Telford. -- Show included taxa

Muster, C. & Blick, T. (2016). Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Pseudoskorpione (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) Deutschlands.. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 70: 539–561. -- Show included taxa

Hlebec, D., Harms, D., Kučinić, M. & Harvey, M.S. (2024). Integrative taxonomy of the pseudoscorpion family Chernetidae (Pseudoscorpiones: Cheliferoidea): evidence for new range-restricted species in the Dinaric Karst. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 200: 644–669. doi: -- Show included taxa

Date Type Reference Old value
2024-09-17 New taxonomic reference entry Hlebec, Harms, Kučinić and Harvey, 2024
2023-10-08 New taxonomic reference entry Kew, 1914
2023-04-22 New taxonomic reference entry Muster and Blick, 2016
2022-12-17 New taxonomic reference entry Klausen, 1998
2022-12-17 New taxonomic reference entry Andrews, 2017
2022-10-03 New taxonomic reference entry Legg and Farr-Cox, 2016
2022-09-25 New taxonomic reference entry Muster, Spelda, Rulik, Thormann, von der Mark and Astrin, 2021
2022-07-02 New taxonomic reference entry Legg, 2019
2022-04-06 Taxonomic reference update Cawley, 2016
2022-04-06 Species updated Old value
2022-04-06 New taxonomic reference entry Cawley, 2016