WAC Bibliography

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7,804 references

Howes, C.A. (1972c). The pseudoscorpion Chthonius kewi Gabbutt in North Nottinghamshire and notes on its breeding. Naturalist, Hull 923: 142. -- Show included taxa

Knowlton, G.F. (1972). Some terrestrial arthropods of Curlew Valley. Utah State University Ecology Center, Terrestrial Arthropod Series 4: 1–7. -- Show included taxa

Kofler, A. (1972). Die Pseudoskorpione Osttirols. Mitteilungen der Zoologischen Gesellschaft Braunau 1: 286–289. -- Show included taxa

Lagar, A. (1972a). Contribución al conocimiento de los Pseudoescorpiones de España. I. Miscelanea Zoologica 3: 17–21. -- Show included taxa

Lagar, A. (1972b). Contribución al conocimiento de los Pseudoescorpiones de España. II. Speleon 19: 45–52. -- Show included taxa

Lamoral, B.H. (1972). New and little known scorpions and solifuges from the Namib Desert, South West Africa. Madoqua 1: 117–131. -- Show included taxa

Lawrence, R.F. (1972). New psammophilous Solifugae, chiefly from desert regions of the Kalahari and South West Africa. Madoqua, series II 1: 97–116. -- Show included taxa

Lee, V.F. (1972). Systematic studies of the litoral Chelonethida of Baja California, México. California State University. [M.Sc. Thesis] -- Show included taxa

Legendre, R. (1972). Les Arachnides de Madagascar. In: Battistini, R. and Richard-Vindard, G. (ed.) Biogeography and ecology in Madagascar Junk, The Hague: 427–457. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1972a). False-scorpions: the families Cheliferiidae [sic] and Chernetiidae [sic]. Countryside 21: 576–583. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1972b). Some little known arachnids. Newsletter of the British Arachnological Society 4: 4–6. -- Show included taxa

Mahnert, V. (1972a). Neobisium (Blothrus) kwartirnikovi nov. spec. (Pseudoscorpionidea) aus Bulgarien. Archives des Sciences, Genève 24: 383–389. -- Show included taxa

Mahnert, V. (1972b). Über griechische Pseudoskorpione I: Microcreagris leucadia nov. spec. (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones, Neobisiidae). Berichte des Naturwissenschaftlich-Medizinischen Vereins in Innsbruck 59: 51–56. -- Show included taxa

Marcuzzi, G. & Dalla Venezia, L. (1972). First results of the study of the soil fauna of two Italian artificial ecosystems. Revue d'Ecologie et de Biologie du Sol 9: 229–233. -- Show included taxa

Minato, H. (1972). [A collecting record of Kashimachelifer cinnamomeus (Cheliferidae)]. Nauki Seibutu 14: 2. -- Show included taxa

Morikawa, K. (1972). Pseudoscorpions from Mt. Poroshiri-daké of the Hidaka Mountain Range, northern Japan. Memoirs of the National Science Museum of Tokyo 5: 33–35. -- Show included taxa

Muchmore, W.B. (1972a). A phoretic Metatemnus (Pseudoscorpionida, Atemnidae) from Malaysia. Entomological News 83: 11–14. -- Show included taxa

Muchmore, W.B. (1972b). The pseudoscorpion genus Paraliochthonius (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpionida, Chthoniidae). Entomological News 83: 248–256. -- Show included taxa

Muchmore, W.B. (1972c). A new Lamprochernes from Utah (Pseudoscorpionida, Chernetidae). Entomological News 82: 327–329. -- Show included taxa

Muchmore, W.B. (1972d). European pseudoscorpions from New England. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 80: 109–110. -- Show included taxa

Muchmore, W.B. (1972e). A remarkable pseudoscorpion from the hair of a rat (Pseudoscorpionida, Chernetidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 85: 427–432. -- Show included taxa

Muchmore, W.B. (1972f). The unique, cave-restricted genus Aphrastochthonius (Pseudoscorpionida, Chthoniidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 85: 433–444. -- Show included taxa

Muchmore, W.B. (1972g). New diplosphyronid pseudoscorpions, mainly cavernicolous, from Mexico (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpionida). Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 91: 261–276. -- Show included taxa

Muchmore, W.B. (1972h). Observations on the classification of some European chernetid pseudoscorpions. Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 2: 112–115. -- Show included taxa

Nelson, S.O., Jr (1972). A systematic study of Michigan Chelonethida (Arachnida), and the population structure of Microbisium confusum Hoff in a beech-maple woodlot.. [Dissertation Abstracts International] -- Show included taxa