Values before 2022-09-14
AuthorDe Francesco Magnussen and Müller
Authority year2022
Authority parentheses0
Is fossil1
Taxon rankspecies
Taxon statusaccepted
Genus gender
Original combinationMuellerizomus amandae
Type repositoryType info: Male (GPIH04895)
Type: Holotype
Type repository: Geological-Paleontological Museum Hamburg (GPIH)
Type info: Female (GPIH04892)
Type: Paratype
Type repository: Geological-Paleontological Museum Hamburg (GPIH)
Parent taxonID: 8069
Name: Muellerizomus
Additional taxon dataRealm: Asia
Locus typicus: Hukawng Valley, Kachin StateMyanmar
Etymology: The specific epithet name is a patronym for Dr Amanda Eva Bauzá Iraola, former directorial assistant of the Center of Natural History in Hamburg, for her outstanding commitment to staff and collection-based science during the past years. It is feminine in gender
Taxon comment:
Country: MMR
Distribution comment: (Cretaceous: Cenomanian)
Locus typicusLatitude: 26.5
Longitude: 96.58305556
Location name: Hukawng Valley
Subgenus idID: