7,812 references
Heurtault, J. (1973). Contribution à la connaissance biologique et anatomo-physiologique des pseudoscorpions. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (3) 124: 561–670. -- Show included taxa
Howarth, F.G. (1973). The cavernicolous fauna of Hawaiian lava tubes, 1. Introduction. Pacific Insects 15: 139–151. -- Show included taxa
Howes, C.A. (1973). The pseudoscorpion Gomphochernes perproximus Bier [sic]. Newsletter of the British Arachnological Society 8: 2. -- Show included taxa
Jiménez, A.N., Decou, V., Negrea, St. & Martínez, C.F. (1973). Première expédition biospéologique Cubano-Roumaines à Cuba (1969). Présentation sommaire des stations prospectées pour la faune terrestre. In: Orghidan, T., Núñez Jiménez, A., Decou, V., Negrea, St. and Bayés, N.V. (ed.) Résultats des Expéditions Biospéologiques Cubano-Roumaines à Cuba Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, Bucaresti 1: 21–42. -- Show included taxa
Lamoral, B.H. (1973). The arachnid fauna of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. Part 1. A revision of the species of "mole solifuges" of the genus Chelypus Purcell, 1901 (Family Hexisopodidae). Koedoe 16: 83–102. -- Show included taxa
Le Pelley, R. (1973). Records of insects and some arachnids, believed new, from the Bailiwick of Guernsey. Report and Transactions of the Guernsey Society of Natural History 19: 18–21. -- Show included taxa
Legg, G. (1973a). Spermatophore formation in the pseudoscorpion Chthonius ischnocheles (Chthoniidae). Journal of Zoology, London 170: 367–394. -- Show included taxa
Legg, G. (1973b). The structure of encysted sperm of some British Pseudoscorpiones (Arachnida). Journal of Zoology, London 170: 429–440. -- Show included taxa
Lindroth, C.H., Andersson, H., Bödvarsson, H. & Richter, S.H. (1973). Surtsey, Iceland. The development of a new fauna, 1963–1970. Entomologica Scandinavica, Supplement 5: 1–280. -- Show included taxa
Maclean, G.L. (1973). The sociable weaver, part 4: predators, parasites and symbionts. Ostrich, Journal of African Ornithology 44: 241–253. -- Show included taxa
Mahnert, V. (1973a). Über griechische Pseudoskorpione II: Höhlenpseudoskorpione (Pseudoscorpionides, Neobisiidae) von Korfu. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 80: 207–220. -- Show included taxa
Mahnert, V. (1973b). Drei neue Neobisiidae (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) von den Ionischen Inseln (Über griechische Pseudoskorpione III). Berichte des Naturwissenschaftlich-Medizinischen Vereins in Innsbruck 60: 27–39. -- Show included taxa
Morris, P. (1973). An unusual partnership. Animals, London 14: 554–555. -- Show included taxa
Muchmore, W.B. (1973a). A new genus of pseudoscorpions based upon Atemnus hirsutus (Pseudoscorpionida: Chernetidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 49: 43–48. -- Show included taxa
Muchmore, W.B. (1973b). New and little known pseudoscorpions, mainly from caves in Mexico (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpionida). Bulletin of the Association for Mexican Cave Studies 5: 47–62. -- Show included taxa
Muchmore, W.B. (1973c). The pseudoscorpion genus Mexobisium in middle America (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpionida). Bulletin of the Association for Mexican Cave Studies 5: 63–72. -- Show included taxa
Muchmore, W.B. (1973d). A second troglobiotic Tyrannochthonius from Mexico (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpionida, Chthoniidae). Bulletin of the Association for Mexican Cave Studies 5: 81–82. -- Show included taxa
Muchmore, W.B. (1973e). The genus Chitrella in America (Pseudoscorpionida, Syarinidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society 81: 183–192. -- Show included taxa
Muchmore, W.B. (1973f). Cavernicolous pseudoscorpions in the eastern United States. Bulletin of the National Speleological Society 35: 18. -- Show included taxa
Muchmore, W.B. (1973g). Ecology of pseudoscorpions - a review. In: Dindal, D.L. (ed.) Proceedings of the First Soil Microcommunities Conference, Syracuse, New York U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Springfield: 121–127. -- Show included taxa
Nelson, S.O., Jr (1973). Population structure of Microbisium confusum Hoff in a beech-maple woodlot. Revue d'Ecologie et de Biologie du Sol 10: 231–236. -- Show included taxa
Orghidan, T.N. (1973). Stations hypogées et épigées prospectées à Cuba entre les 3 Novembre et 12 Décembre 1970. In: Orghidan, T., Núñez Jiménez, A., Decou, V., Negrea, St. and Bayés, N.V. (ed.) Résultats des Expéditions Biospéologiques Cubano-Roumaines à Cuba Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, Bucaresti 1: 45–51. -- Show included taxa
Palmgren, P. (1973). Über die Biotopverteilung waldbodenlebender Pseudoscorpionidea (Arachnoidea) in Finnland und Österreich. Commentationes Biologicae 61: 1–11. -- Show included taxa
Peck, S.B. (1973). A review of the invertebrate fauna of volcanic caves in western North America. Bulletin of the National Speleological Society 35: 99–107. -- Show included taxa
Puddu, S. & Pirodda, G. (1973). Catalogo sistematico ragionato della fauna cavernicola della Sardegna. Rendiconti del Seminario della Facoltà di Scienze dell'Università di Cagliari 43: 151–205. -- Show included taxa