Genus: Cryptocellus Westwood, 1874 | Family: Ricinoididae Ewing, 1929 | Order: Ricinulei Thorell, 1876

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Species List

# Genus Species Author Links
1 Cryptocellus abaporu Bonaldo and Pinto-da-Rocha, 2003 Data
2 Cryptocellus adisi Platnick, 1988 Data
3 Cryptocellus albosquamatus Cooke, 1967 Data
4 Cryptocellus becki Platnick and Shadab, 1977 Data
5 Cryptocellus bocas Platnick and Shadab, 1981 Data
6 Cryptocellus bordoni (Dumitresco and Juvara-balş, 1977) Data
7 Cryptocellus brignolii Cokendolpher, 2000 Data
8 Cryptocellus canga Pinto-da-Rocha and Andrade, 2012 Data
9 Cryptocellus canutama Botero-Trujillo, Carvalho, Florez D. and Prendini, 2021 Data
10 Cryptocellus centralis Fage, 1921 Data
11 Cryptocellus chimaera Botero-Trujillo and Valdez-Mondragón, 2016 Data
12 Cryptocellus chiriqui Platnick and Shadab, 1981 Data
13 Cryptocellus chiruisla Botero-Trujillo and Flórez D., 2017 Data
14 Cryptocellus conori Tourinho and Saturnino, 2010 Data
15 Cryptocellus fagei Cooke and Shadab, 1973 Data
16 Cryptocellus florezi Platnick and García, 2008 Data
17 Cryptocellus foedus Westwood, 1874 Data
18 Cryptocellus gamboa Platnick and Shadab, 1981 Data
19 Cryptocellus glenoides Cooke and Shadab, 1973 Data
20 Cryptocellus goodnighti Platnick and Shadab, 1981 Data
21 Cryptocellus guaviarensis Botero-Trujillo and Flórez D., 2018 Data
22 Cryptocellus hanseni Cooke and Shadab, 1973 Data
23 Cryptocellus iaci Tourinho, Man-Hung and Bonaldo, 2010 Data
24 Cryptocellus icamiabas Tourinho and de Azevedo, 2007 Data
25 Cryptocellus islacolon Botero-Trujillo, Carvalho, Florez D. and Prendini, 2021 Data
26 Cryptocellus isthmius Cooke and Shadab, 1973 Data
27 Cryptocellus jamari Botero-Trujillo, Carvalho, Florez D. and Prendini, 2021 Data
28 Cryptocellus lampeli Cooke, 1967 Data
29 Cryptocellus leleupi Cooreman, 1976 Data
30 Cryptocellus lisbethae González-Sponga, 1998 Data
31 Cryptocellus luisedieri Botero-Trujillo and Pérez, 2009 Data
32 Cryptocellus macagual Botero-Trujillo, Carvalho, Florez D. and Prendini, 2021 Data
33 Cryptocellus magnus Ewing, 1929 Data
34 Cryptocellus muiraquitan Tourinho, Lo-Man-Hung and Salvatierra, 2014 Data
35 Cryptocellus narino Platnick and Paz, 1979 Data
36 Cryptocellus osa Platnick and Shadab, 1981 Data
37 Cryptocellus peckorum Platnick and Shadab, 1977 Data
38 Cryptocellus platnicki Botero-Trujillo and Pérez, 2008 Data
39 Cryptocellus pseudocellatus Roewer, 1952 Data
40 Cryptocellus simonis Hansen and Sørensen, 1904 Data
41 Cryptocellus sofiae Botero-Trujillo, 2014 Data
42 Cryptocellus striatipes Cooke and Shadab, 1973 Data
43 Cryptocellus tarsilae Pinto-da-Rocha and Bonaldo, 2007 Data
44 Cryptocellus tobagoensis Giribet and Benavides, 2021 Data
45 Cryptocellus verde Platnick and Shadab, 1981 Data
46 Cryptocellus whitticki Platnick and Shadab, 1977 Data

Nomina dubia

# Genus Species Author Links
1 Cryptocellus emarginatus Ewing, 1929 Data