WAC Bibliography

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7,802 references

Krajčovičová, K., Christophoryová, J. & Krumpál, M. (2012). New faunistic and ecological data about pseudoscorpion Allochernes peregrinus Lohmander, 1939 from the Czech Republic (Pseudoscorpiones, Chernetidae). Folia Faunistica Slovaca 17: 1–5. -- Show included taxa

Kuipers, L., Scholten, J., Thissen, J.B.M., Bekkers, L., Geertsma, M., Pulless, R.C.A.T., Siepel, H. & van Turnhout, L.J.E.A. (2012). The diet of the garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus) in the Netherlands in summer and autumn. Lutra 55: 17–27. -- Show included taxa

Kulkarni, M.L. (2012). Description of a new genus of Indian short-tailed whip-scorpions (Schizomida: Hubbardiidae) with notes on the taxonomy of the Indian fauna. Taprobanica 4: 65–68. -- Show included taxa

Larsen, P.F. (2012). The macroinvertebrate fauna of rockweed (Ascophyllum nodosum)-dominated low-energy rocky shores of the northern Gulf of Maine. Journal of Coastal Research 28: 36–42. -- Show included taxa

Lo Cascio, P. & Pasta, S. (2012). Lampione, a paradigmatic case of Mediterranean island biodiversity. Biodiversity Journal 3: 311–330. -- Show included taxa

Molander, M. (2012). Inventering av hålträdsklokrypare (Anthrenochernes stellae) i Lunds stadspark 2012. Lunds Commun, Lund. -- Show included taxa

Monjaraz-Ruedas, R. (2012). A new species of the schizomid genus Stenochrus (Schizomida: Hubbardiidae) from Mexico. Zootaxa 3334: 63–68. doi: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3334.1.5 -- Show included taxa

Montaño M., H. (2012). Redescripción de Eukoenenia hanseni (Arachnida: Palpigradi) y descripción de una nueva especie de palpígrado de México. Revista Ibérica de Aracnología 20: 1–15. -- Show included taxa

Moreno-González, J.A. & Villarreal M., O. (2012). A new genus of Hubbardiidae (Arachnida: Schizomida) from the Colombian Andes, with some taxonomic comments. Zootaxa 3560: 61–78. doi: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3560.1.4 -- Show included taxa

Moseley, M., Lim, T.K. & Lim, T.T. (2012). Fauna reported from Batu caves, Selangor, Malaysia: annotated checklist and bibliography. Cave and Karst Science 39: 77–92. -- Show included taxa

Moulds, T. & Bannink, P. (2012). Preliminary notes on the cavernicolous arthropod fauna of Judbarra/Gregory Karst Area, northern Australia. Helictite 41: 75–85. -- Show included taxa

Nassirkhani, M. & Takalloo zade, H.M. (2012). [Pseudoscorpions]. Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Kerman. -- Show included taxa

Novák, J. (2012). New records of pseudoscorpions for the fauna of the Bükk Mts., Northeast Hungary (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Opuscula Zoologica, Budapest 43: 57–65. -- Show included taxa

Ovchinnikov, S. & Masta, S.E. (2012). Pseudoscorpion mitochondria show rearranged genes and genome-wide reductions of RNA gene sizes and inferred structures, yet typical nucleotide composition bias. BMC Evolutionary Biology 12: 31. -- Show included taxa

Palla, F., Sineo, L. & Manachini, B. (2012). Bacteria, fungi and arthropod pests collected on modern human mummies. Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research 43(2): 69–76. -- Show included taxa

Pinto-da-Rocha, R. & Andrade, R. (2012). A new species of Cryptocellus (Arachnida: Ricinulei) from Eastern Amazonia. Zoologica 29(5): 474-478. doi: 10.1590/S1984-46702012000500012 -- Show included taxa

Pizarro-Araya, J., Alfaro, F.M., Agusto, P., Castillo, J.P., Ojanguren-Affilastro, A.A. & Cepeda-Pizarro, J. (2012). Arthropod assemblages of the Quebrada del Morel private protected area (Atacama Region, Chile). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 88: 8–21. -- Show included taxa

Ratton, P., Mahnert, V. & Ferreira, R.L. (2012). A new cave-dwelling species of Spelaeobochica (Pseudoscorpiones: Bochicidae) from Brazil. Journal of Arachnology 40: 274–280. -- Show included taxa

Reboleira, A.S., Gonçalves, F., Oromí, P. & Mendes, L.F. (2012). Squamatinia algharbica gen. n. sp. n., a remarkable new Coletiniinae silverfish (Zygentoma: Nicoletiidae) from caves in southern Portugal. Zootaxa 3260: 33–46. -- Show included taxa

Reboleira, A.S.P.S., Zaragoza, J.A., Gonçalves, F. & Oromí, P. (2012). Lusoblothrus, a new syarinid pseudoscorpion genus (Arachnida) from Portugal, occupying an isolated position within the Holarctic fauna. Zootaxa 3544: 52–62. -- Show included taxa

Rehm, P., Pick, C., Borner, J., Markl, J. & Burmester, T. (2012). The diversity and evolution of chelicerate hemocyanins. BMC Evolutionary Biology 12(1): 1–13. doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2148-12-19 -- Show included taxa

Ressl, F. & Hauser, E. (2012). Die Pseudoskorpione der Staninger Leiten (Unteres Ennstal, Oberösterreich). Beiträge zur Naturkunde Oberösterreichs 22: 65–68. -- Show included taxa

Sato, H. (2012). [Seasonal changes of the soil pseudoscorpions in Yamagata Prefecture, Tohoku-district, Japan]. Bulletin of Tsurumi University. Part 4, Studies in Humanites, Social and Natural Sciences 49: 117–130. -- Show included taxa

Sendra, A. & Reboleira, A.S. (2012). The world’s deepest subterranean community - Krubera-Voronja Cave (Western Caucasus). International Journal of Speleology 41: 221–230. -- Show included taxa

Spagna, J.C. & Peattie, A.M. (2012). Terrestrial locomotion in arachnids. Journal of Insect Physiology 58: 599–606. -- Show included taxa