WAC Bibliography

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7,806 references

Beier, M. (1973b). Zwei neue höhlenbewohnende Chthoniiden aus Oberitalien. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 77: 159–161. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1973c). Neue Funde von Höhlen-Pseudoskorpionen auf Sardinien. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 77: 163–166. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1973d). Pseudoscorpionidea von Ceylon. Entomologica Scandinavica, Supplement 4: 39–55. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1973e). Beiträge zur Pseudoscorpioniden-fauna Anatoliens. Fragmenta Entomologica 8: 223–236. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1973f). Pseudoscorpione aus der Mongolei. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 77: 167–172. -- Show included taxa

Benedict, E.M. & Malcolm, D.R. (1973). A new cavernicolous species of Apochthonius (Chelonethida: Chthoniidae) from the western United States with reference to troglobitic tendencies in the genus. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 92: 620–628. -- Show included taxa

Boissin, L. (1973). Biologie sexuelle du pseudoscorpion Hysterochelifer meridianus (L. Koch); accouplement et description du spermatophore. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 98: 521–529. -- Show included taxa

Botosaneau, L., Decou, V. & Negrea, St. (1973). La situation des matériaux zoologiques recueillis en 1969 et 1970 par les missions Cubano-Roumaines à Cuba. In: Orghidan, T., Núñez Jiménez, A., Decou, V., Negrea, St. and Bayés, N.V. (ed.) Résultats des Expéditions Biospéologiques Cubano-Roumaines à Cuba Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, Bucaresti 1: 13–18. -- Show included taxa

Brignoli, P.M. (1973). Note sulla morfologia dei genitali degli Schizomidi e diagnosi preliminari di due nuove species del Messico (Arachnida, Schizomida). Fragmenta Entomologica 9: 1–9. -- Show included taxa

Browder, J.A. (1973). Long-distance movements of cattle egrets. Bird-Banding 44: 158-170. -- Show included taxa

Carter, N.E. & Brown, N.R. (1973). Seasonal abundance of certain soil arthropods in a fenitrothion-treated red spruce stand. Canadian Entomologist 105: 1065–1073. -- Show included taxa

Cooke, J.A.L. & Shadab, M.U. (1973a). Whipscorpions (Arachnida, Thelyphonida) from Africa. American Museum Novitates 2526: 1–11. -- Show included taxa

Cooke, J.A.L. & Shadab, M.U. (1973b). New and little-known ricinuleids of the genus Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei). American Museum Novitates 2530: 1–25. -- Show included taxa

Ćurčić, B.P.M. (1973a). Le sous-genre Globochthonius Beier 1931 dans la Méditerranée nord-occidentale: Chthonius (G.) globifer Simon 1879 (Chthoniidae, Pseudoscorpiones, Arachnida). Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen des Bosnisch-herzegovinischen Landesmuseums 3C: 77–84. -- Show included taxa

Ćurčić, B.P.M. (1973b). A new cavernicolous species of the pseudoscorpion genus Roncus L. Koch, 1873 (Neobisiidae, Pseudoscorpiones) from the Balkan Peninsula. International Journal of Speleology 5: 127–134. -- Show included taxa

Delhez, F. (1973). Pseudoscorpion nouveau pour la faune bélges. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Royale d'Entomologie de Belgique 109: 220–221. -- Show included taxa

Delle Cave, L. (1973). Notes on some Solpugidae and Daesiidae (Arachnida Solifugae) from the Awash National Park (Shoa, Ethiopia). Monitore Zoologico Italiano, n.s., Supplemento 5: 15–22. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/03749444.1974.10736788 -- Show included taxa

Dumitresco, M. (1973). Deux espèces nouvelles du genre Schizomus (Schizomida), trouvées à Cuba. In: Orghidan, T., Núñez Jiménez, A., Botosaneanu, L., Decou, V., Negrea, St. and Viña Bayés, N. (ed.) Résultats des Expéditions Biospéologiques Cubano-Roumaines à Cuba Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, Bucaresti 1: 279–292. -- Show included taxa

Dumitresco, M. & Juvara-Balş, I. (1973). Cryptocellus cubanicus n. sp. (Arachnida - Ricinulei). Premier représentant de la fam. Ricinuleidae de Cuba. In: Orghidan, T., Núñez Jiménez, A., Decou, V. , Negrea, St. and Bayés, N.V. (ed.) Résultats des Expéditions Biospéologiques Cubano-Roumaines à Cuba Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, Bucaresti 1: 259–275. -- Show included taxa

Elliott, W.R. (1973). Damming up caves. Caving International Magazine 10: 38–41. -- Show included taxa

Elliott, W.R. & Reddell, J.R. (1973). A checklist of the cave fauna of Mexico. VI. Valle de los Fantasmas region, San Luis Potosi. Bulletin of the Association for Mexican Cave Studies 5: 191–201. -- Show included taxa

Firstman, B. (1973). The relationship of the chelicerate arterial system to the evolution of the endosternite. Journal of Arachnology 1: 1–54. -- Show included taxa

Forster, R.R. & Forster, L.M. (1973). New Zealand spiders - an introduction. Collins, Auckland and London. -- Show included taxa

Gaisberger, K. (1973). Über Beobachtungen des Pseudoskorpiones im Toten Gebirge. Mitteilungen der Sektion Ausseerland des Landesvereines für Höhlenkunde in Steiermark 11: 33–34. -- Show included taxa

Govindarajan, S. (1973). A comparative study of the free amino acids in the haemolymph of three arachnids Phrynicus [sic] phipsoni (Palpigradi) [sic] Trombidium gigas (Acari) and Phalangium opili [sic] (Opiliones). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology (B) 45: 125–133. -- Show included taxa