7,791 references
Merrett, P. (1960). A new ricinuleid from Panama. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (13) 3: 241–245. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/00222936008650920 -- Show included taxa
Modder, W.W.D. (1960). The male genital system of Schizomus crassicaudatus. Ceylon Journal of Science, Biological Sciences 3: 173–189. -- Show included taxa
Morikawa, K. (1960). Systematic studies of Japanese pseudoscorpions. Memoirs of Ehime University (2B) 4: 85–172. -- Show included taxa
Müller, A.H. (1960). Lehrbuch der Paläazoologie. Band II. Invertebraten Teil 2. Mollusca 2 - Arthropoda 1. Gustav Fischer, Jena. -- Show included taxa
Murthy, V.A. (1960). On two new species of pseudoscorpions from Madras. Bulletin of Entomology, Madras 1: 28–31. -- Show included taxa
Panouse, J.B. (1960a). Diagnose préliminaire, d'Othoes saharae n. sp. (Solifuges). Comptes Rendus des Séances Mensuelles, Société des Sciences Naturelles et Physiques du Maroc 26: 15–16. -- Show included taxa
Panouse, J.B. (1960b). Un nouveau Solifuge saharien Othoes saharae (Galeodidae). Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles et Physiques du Maroc 39: 175–184. -- Show included taxa
Rack, G. (1960). Über einen in Aschaffenburg gefundenen Pseudoscorpion. Nachrichten, Naturwissenschaftliches Museum der Stadt, Aschaffenburg 65: 99–107. -- Show included taxa
Rémy, P.A. (1960a). Palpigrades de Madagascar. II. Mémoires de l'Institut Scientifique de Madagascar, Série A 13: 33–66. -- Show included taxa
Rémy, P.A. (1960b). Palpigrades de la région de Pondichéry (Inde). Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (2) 32: 230–234. -- Show included taxa
Ricketts, E.F. & Calvin, J. (1960). Between Pacific tides. Stanford University Press, Stanford. [third edition (revised by J.W. Hedgpeth)] -- Show included taxa
Roewer, C.F. (1960). Solifugen und Opilioniden, Araneae Orthognathae, Haplogynae und Entelegynae (contribution à l'étude de la faune d'Afghanistan 23). Göteborgs Kungliga Vetenskaps- och Vitterhetssamhälles Handlingar (6B) 8(7): 1–57. -- Show included taxa
Rosin, R. & Shulov, A. (1960). Representatives of the order Amblypygi (Arachnida) found in Israel. Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel 9B: 167–168. -- Show included taxa
Ruffo, S. (1960). La fauna. In: Allegranzi, A., Bartolomei, G., Broglio, A., Pasa, A., Rigobello, A., Ruffo, S., Il Buso della Rana (40 V-VI).. Rassegna Speleologica Italiana 12: 99–164. -- Show included taxa
Strinati, P. (1960). La faune actuelle de trois grottes d'Afrique Equatoriale Française. Annales de Spéléologie 15: 533–538. -- Show included taxa
Takashima, H. (1960). [Encyclopaedia zoologica illustrated in colours]. Hokuryu-kan Publishing, Tokyo 4. -- Show included taxa
Turk, F.A. (1960). On some sundry species of solifugids in the collection of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 135: 105–124. -- Show included taxa
Vachon, M. (1960a). Sur la présence a Madagascar d'un représentant de la famille des Faellidae [sic] Ellingsen (Pseudoscorpions). Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (2) 32: 165–166. -- Show included taxa
Vachon, M. (1960b). Sur une nouvelle espèce halophile de Pseudoscorpions de l'Archipel de Madère: Paraliochthonius hoestlandti (Fam. des Chthoniidae). Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (2) 32: 331–337. -- Show included taxa
Verner, P.H. (1960). Příspěvek k poznání štírků Československa. Vestnik Československé Zoologické Spolecnosti v Praze 24: 167–169. -- Show included taxa
Andersson, J.S. (1961). The occurrence of some invertebrate animal groups in the south bluffs in Northern Sweden. Oikos 12: 126–156. -- Show included taxa
Baggini, A. (1961). Sulla distribuzione della fauna cavernicola Italiana nelle categorie biospeleologiche. Rassegna Speleologica Italiana 13: 1–35. -- Show included taxa
Barr, T.C., Jr (1961). Caves of Tennessee. Bulletin of the Tennessee Department of Conservation and Commerce, Division of Geology 64: 1–567. -- Show included taxa
Beier, M. (1961a). Pseudoscorpione von den Azoren und Madeira. Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal 14: 67–74. -- Show included taxa
Beier, M. (1961b). Nochmals über iberische und marokkanische Pseudoscorpione. Eos, Madrid 37: 21–39. -- Show included taxa