Tyrannochthonius infirmus Hou, Feng & Zhang, 2023


Original combination: Tyrannochthonius

LSID urn:lsid:wac.nmbe.ch:name:ef31106f-0234-4318-af7a-0513f5eb6f74

Taxonomic references

Tyrannochthonius infirmus Hou, Feng & Zhang:

Hou, Feng and Zhang, 2023: 61‒67, figs 47‒51 original description

Distribution table
China (Guizhou Province)
Type locality: Liujiadadong Cave, Xiajiehe Village, Qingshan Town, Pu’an County, Guizhou Province, China.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Liujiadadong Cave 25.468578 105.005436
Type repository

Hou, Y., Feng, Z. & Zhang, F. (2023). Diversity of cave-dwelling pseudoscorpions from Guizhou in China, with the description of twenty-four new species of the genus Tyrannochthonius (Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae). Zootaxa 5262: 1–158. -- Show included taxa

Date Type Reference Old value
2023-04-13 Taxonomic reference update Hou, Feng and Zhang, 2023
2023-04-13 Species updated Old value
2023-04-13 Species updated Old value
2023-04-10 New taxonomic reference entry Hou, Feng and Zhang, 2023
2023-04-10 Species updated Old value
2023-04-09 New species inserted Hou, Feng and Zhang, 2023