Dinocheirus panzeri (C.L. Koch, 1836)


Original combination: Chelifer Panzeri

LSID urn:lsid:wac.nmbe.ch:name:b40f3fc8-2bb7-4314-8476-37f42c791264

Taxonomic references

Chelifer panzeri

Koch, 1836: n/a, fasc. 140.6, fig
Koch, 1843: 44–46, figs 782–783
Gervais, 1844: 79
Schiner, 1872: 76
Möllendorff, 1873: 24
Ellingsen, 1907a: 159–162
Standen, 1916b: 124
Schönborn, 1961: 649

Chelifer latreillii Leach:

McIntire, 1869: 246, figs 211–212 (as Chelifer latreillei) (misidentification)
McIntire, 1871: 209–210, fig. 3 (as Chelifer latreillei) (misidentification)

Chernes cimicoides panzeri (C.L. Koch):

Stecker, 1874b: 308

Chelifer cimicoides (Fabricius):

Hansen, 1885a: 544–545 (misidentification)

Chernes phaleratus (Simon):

Pickard-Cambridge, 1905: 56 (misidentification)

Chernes panzeri (C.L. Koch):

Butterfield, 1908: 112
Godfrey, 1908: 157
Godfrey, 1909: 25–26
Kew, 1909b: 259
Falconer, 1916: 192–193
Kästner, 1927b: n/a, fig. 46
Savory, 1945: 181, 184–185
Ressl, 1974: 28–29

Chelifer (Chernes) panzeri C.L. Koch:

Kew, 1911a: 45, fig. 7
Standen, 1912: 13
Kew, 1914b: 93
Standen, 1914: 461–462
Kew, 1916b: 79
Standen, 1917: 28
Standen, 1918: 335
Kästner, 1928: 7, figs 12, 21
Schenkel, 1928: 61, figs 15a–c

Chelifer (Trachychernes) panzeri C.L. Koch:

Beier, 1929a: 344

Allochernes (Toxochernes) panzeri (C.L. Koch):

Beier, 1932e: 151–152, fig. 161
Leleup, 1947: 322

Allochernes panzeri (C.L. Koch):

Tumšs, 1934: 15–17, fig. 2
Roewer, 1937: 298
Vachon, 1940f: 2
Verner, 1971: n/a, figs 52, 58, 65

Toxochernes panzeri (C.L. Koch):

Lohmander, 1939b: 308–313, fig. 10
Beier, 1948b: 458, 462
Kaisila, 1949a: 75
Kaisila, 1949b: 83, map 9
Beier, 1952e: 5
Evans and Browning, 1954: 22, fig. 16
Beier, 1955n: 109
Beier, 1956h: 24
Vachon, 1957: 389, figs 1, 9
Ressl and Beier, 1958: 2
George, 1961: 38
Meinertz, 1962: 87–89, figs 11, 37c, 49a–b
Beier, 1963b: 270–271, fig. 272
Meinertz, 1964: 398, map 7
Ressl, 1965: 289
Thaler, 1966: 155
Weygoldt, 1966d: 16
Rafalski, 1967: 17
Cloudsley-Thompson, 1968: 127, 139
Hammen, 1969b: 21
Legg, 1970b: n/a, fig. 3(5)
Gabbutt, 1972a: 37–40, figs 1e, 2e
Gabbutt, 1972b: 2–13
Gabbutt, 1972c: 83–86, figs 3a–b
Howes, 1972a: 109
Kofler, 1972: 288
Legg, 1972a: 583, figs 2(1b), 2(4a), 3(5)
Legg, 1972b: 5
Legg, 1973b: 430, fig. 2i
Palmgren, 1973: 9
Ćurčić, 1974a: 27
Jones, 1975a: 88
Klausen, 1975: 64
Legg, 1975a: 66
Legg, 1975d: n/a, fig. 2
Crocker, 1976: 10
Klausen and Totland, 1977: 101–108, plate 5–7, figs 1–2
Crocker, 1978: 9
Jones, 1978: 94, 95
Jones, 1979a: 200
Schawaller, 1979b: 13
Cloudsley-Thompson, 1984: 190
Lippold, 1985: 40
Lissner, 2020: 14

Dinocheirus panzeri (C.L. Koch):

Mahnert, 1978a: 313, figs 3, 4–7, 10
Judson, 1979a: 63
Jones, 1980c: n/a, map 21
Mendel, 1981: 230
Jędryczkowski, 1985: 80
Jones, 1985: 70
Callaini, 1986c: 380
Jędryczkowski, 1987a: 345
Jędryczkowski, 1987b: 143–144, map 9
Judson, 1987: 370
Hansen, 1988: 187
Krumpál and Cyprich, 1988: 42
Legg and Jones, 1988: 119–121, figs 29a, 30a, 30b(a–j)
Schaefer, 1988: 100
Schawaller and Dashdamirov, 1988: 39, figs 67, 69–71
Chater, 1989: 8
Drogla, 1990: 102
Harvey, 1991a: 572–573
Dashdamirov and Schawaller, 1992b: 58, fig. 10
Gärdenfors and Wilander, 1992: 33, fig. 4g
Hansen, 1992: 105
Ducháč, 1993a: 66, fig. 4
Fowles, 1994: 17
Gärdenfors and Wilander, 1995: 29
Gardini, 1995a: 7
Jędryczkowski, 1995: 511
Platen, Blick, Bliss, Drogla, Malten, Martens, Sacher and Wunderlich, 1995: 55
Legg and O'Connor, 1997: 114, fig. 8
Klausen, 1998: 101–102
Legg, 1998: 2
Poinar, Ćurčić and Cokendolpher, 1998: 88
Ducháč, 1999a: 14
Gardini, 2000: 134
Henderickx, 1999b: 68, fig. 6
Šťáhlavský, 2001: 91–92, fig. 11
Delfosse, 2003b: 42
Krumpál and Krumpálova, 2003: 123
Drogla, 2004: 6
Drogla and Lippold, 2004: 35
Mahnert, 2004: 465
Ozimec, 2004: 389
Stol, 2005: 24, 33, fig. 30, map 20
Tooren, 2005b: 96
Šťáhlavský, 2006a: 174
Šťáhlavský, 2006b: 163
Kárpáthegyi, 2007a: 88–89
Petrov and Šťáhlavský, 2007: 25
Šťáhlavský and Krásný, 2007: 433
Zaragoza, 2007a: 60
Holmen and Scharff, 2008: 68
Kunt, Bayram, Yağmur and Danısman, 2008: 80
Šťáhlavský and Tuf, 2009: 100
Kvavadze, Arabuli and Murvanidze, 2008: 70–71
Christophoryová, 2010: 6
Turienzo, Iorio and Mahnert, 2010: 560, 565, 566, 571, 572, 574, 576, 577, 582, 583, 585, 586, 588
Christophoryová, Štáhlavský and Fedor, 2011: 37, fig. 6D, 6E
Mahnert, 2011d: 33
Šťáhlavský, 2011: 251
Christophoryová, Štáhlavský, Krumpál and Fedor, 2012: 14
Šťáhlavský and Chytil, 2013: 79
Christophoryova, Šťáhlavský and Krajčovičová, 2014: 165
Krajčovičová and Christophoryová, 2014: 174
Kaňuchová, Christophoryova and Krajčovičová, 2015: 115
Krajčovičová, Christophoryova and Lučeničová, 2015: 431
Nassirkhani, Sharaf and Azimi, 2015: 8–1, figs 1–12
Cawley, 2016: 118
Legg and Farr-Cox, 2016: n/a, fig. 19
Muster and Blick, 2016: 550, 552
Christophoryová, Jajcayová and Krajčovičová, 2017: 290
Muster, Komposch and Aurenhammer, 2017: 12
Krajčovičová, Matyukhin and Christophoryová, 2018: 484, figs 2A, 3A, 3C, 3E
Novák, 2018: 103
Opatova and Št'áhlavský, 2018: 105, 106, fig. 2
Legg, 2019: 191
Červená, Christophoryová and Krajčovičová, 2021: 73
Červená, Gardini, Jablonski and Christophoryová, 2021: 19, figs 4D, 6B
Muster, Spelda, Rulik, Thormann, von der Mark and Astrin, 2021: fig. 4, 13819
Krajčovičová, Ivinskis, Rimšaitė and Christophoryová, 2022: 54, fig. 3
Hlebec, Harms, Kučinić and Harvey, 2024: n/a, fig. 3

Not Chernes panzeri (C.L. Koch):

Gilbert, 1949: 17 (misidentification; see Dendrochernes cyrneus (C.L. Koch))

Chelifer schrankii C.L. Koch, 1836 -- synonymised by Beier, 1932e: 151
LSID urn:lsid:wac.nmbe.ch:name:cf4da624-4309-4b1b-aa16-50361762e06e
Chelifer schrankii
Koch, 1836: n/a, fasc. 140.3, fig. (synonymised by Beier, 1932e: 151) original description
Gervais, 1844: 79
Hagen, 1870: 267
Chelifer rufeolus Simon, 1879 -- synonymised by Ellingsen, 1907a: 159
LSID urn:lsid:wac.nmbe.ch:name:cd43253e-6abe-4ae4-821e-df55a9680c21
Chelifer rufeolus
Simon, 1879a: 41–42, plate 17 fig 1, plate 18 fig. 15 (synonymised by Ellingsen, 1907a: 159) original description
Planet, 1905: n/a, unnumbered fig. on p. 281
Chernes (Trachychernes) rufeolus (Simon):
Tömösváry, 1883: 190–191, plate 1 figs 15–16
Chernes rufeolus (Simon):
Pickard-Cambridge, 1905: 56, plate B figs 29–30
Falconer, 1907a: 388
Falconer, 1907b: 432
Whyte and Whyte, 1907: 203
Jackson, 1908: 72
Beier, 1932e: 157, fig. 167
Vachon, 1934d: 133
Vachon, 1934i: 408
Vachon, 1936a: 78
Roewer, 1937: 298
Vachon, 1937e: n/a, fig. 6
Beier, 1958c: 137
Beier, 1963b: 275, fig. 277
Helversen, 1966a: 147–148, fig. 7
Beier, 1967f: 313
Rafalski, 1967: 18
Kofler, 1968: 356
Lazzeroni, 1969a: 337 (as Chernes rufeulus [sic])
Lazzeroni, 1970a: 208
Ressl, 1970: 252
Beier, 1971a: 364
Kofler, 1972: 288
Mahnert, 1974a: 90
Mahnert, 1977d: 97, fig. 6
Chelifer (Trachychernes) rufeolus Simon:
Beier, 1929a: 344–345
Toxochernes panzeri caucasicus Kobakhidze, 1963 -- synonymised by Schawaller and Dashdamirov, 1988: 39
LSID urn:lsid:wac.nmbe.ch:name:1732024e-f74e-4713-be43-f469736937fb
Toxochernes panzeri caucasicus
Kobakhidze, 1963: 645–648, fig. 1 original description
Kobakhidze, 1965b: 542
Kobakhidze, 1966: 705 (synonymised by Schawaller and Dashdamirov, 1988: 39)
Epaphochernes bouvieri Vachon, 1936 -- synonymised by Mahnert, 1978a: 314
LSID urn:lsid:wac.nmbe.ch:name:4c40cab6-e833-4529-8828-6f50e59de7b1
Epaphochernes bouvieri
Vachon, 1936b: 141–143, figs 1–2 original description
Vachon, 1938a: n/a, figs 33d, 33g, 56m
Roewer, 1940: 347 (synonymised with Pselaphochernes anachoreta (Simon) by Beier, 1963b: 257; synonymised with Chelifer panzeri C.L. Koch by Mahnert, 1978a: 314)
Dinocheirus bouvieri (Vachon):
Muchmore, 1974d: 34
Toxochernes panzeri caucasicus Kobakhidze, 1963 -- synonymised by Schawaller and Dashdamirov, 1988: 39
LSID urn:lsid:wac.nmbe.ch:name:e75a465b-bd46-494a-94ad-7a654be42d82
Toxochernes panzeri caucasicus Kobakhidze:
Kobakhidze, 1963: 645–648, fig. 1
Kobakhidze, 1965b: 542
Kobakhidze, 1966: 705
Distribution table

Realm: Palearctic

France (mainland)
Italy (mainland, Sardinia)
Russia (Moskovskaya Oblast’)
Spain (mainland)
Type locality: Regensburg, Bayern, Germany.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Regensburg 49.016666 12.1
Type repository
Zoobank LSID



Beier, M. (1929a). Die Pseudoskorpione des Wiener Naturhistorischen Museums. II. Panctenodactyli. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 43: 341–367. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1932e). Pseudoscorpionidea II. Subord. C. Cheliferinea. Tierreich 58: i–xxi, 1–294. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1948b). Phoresie und Phagophilie bei Pseudoscorpionen. Österreichische Zoologische Zeitschrift 1: 441–497. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1952e). Ordn.: Pseudoscorpionidea, Afterskorpione. In: Strouhal, H. (ed.) Catalogus faunae Austriae Springer-Verlag, Wien 9a: 2–6. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1955n). Neue Beiträge zur Kenntnis der iberischen Pseudoscorpioniden-Fauna. Eos, Madrid 31: 87–122. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1956h). Bemerkenswerte Pseudoscorpioniden-Funde aus Niederösterreich. Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt, Wien 8: 24–25. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1958c). Eine neue Neobisium-Art aus den Picentinischen Bergen in Süd-Italien. Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona 6: 135–137. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1963b). Ordnung Pseudoscorpionidea (Afterskorpione). In: Bestimmungsbücher zur Bodenfauna Europas Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1: vi, 313 pp.. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1967f). Ergebnisse zoologischer Sammelreisen in der Türkei. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 70: 301–323. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1971a). Pseudoskorpione aus dem Iran. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 75: 357–366. -- Show included taxa

Butterfield, W.R. (1908). A preliminary list of the false-scorpions (Chernetidea) of the Hastings district. Hastings and East Sussex Naturalist 1: 111–114. -- Show included taxa

Callaini, G. (1986c). Appunti su alcune specie italiane della famiglia Chernetidae Menge (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpionida). Notulae Chernetologicae XV. Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Verona 11: 379–401. -- Show included taxa

Chater, A.O. (1989). False-scorpions in Ceredigion, VC 46. Dyfed Invertebrate Group Newsletter 14: 5–10. -- Show included taxa

Christophoryová, J. (2010). Sturiky (Pseudoscorpiones) Pod korou stromov, v dutinach a hniezdach na Slovensku. Folia Faunistica Slovaca 15: 1–12. -- Show included taxa

Christophoryová, J., Štáhlavský, F. & Fedor, P. (2011). An updated identification key to the pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Zootaxa 2876: 35–48. -- Show included taxa

Christophoryova, J., Šťáhlavský, F. & Krajčovičová, K. (2014). Šťúriky (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones) pohoria Burda (NPR Kováčovské Kopce). Folia Faunistica Slovaca 19: 161–167. -- Show included taxa

Christophoryová, J., Štáhlavský, F., Krumpál, M. & Fedor, P. (2012). Pseudoscorpions of the Czech Republic and Slovakia: an annotated and revised checklist (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). North-Western Journal of Zoology 8(1): 1–21. -- Show included taxa

Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L. (1968). Spiders, scorpions, centipedes and mites. Pergamon Press, Oxford. [revised edition] -- Show included taxa

Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L. (1984). Arachnids. In: Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L. (ed.) Key environments. Sahara Desert Pergamon Press, Oxford: 175–204. -- Show included taxa

Crocker, J. (1976). False scorpions. Heritage, Quarterly Bulletin of the Loughborough Naturalists' Club 61: 1–11. -- Show included taxa

Crocker, J. (1978). Introduction to false scorpions. British Arachnological Society, Secretary's News Letter 21: 4–9. -- Show included taxa

Ćurčić, B.P.M. (1974a). Arachnoidea. Pseudoscorpiones. In: Catalogus faunae Jugoslaviae Academie Slovène, Ljubljana 3(4): 1–35. -- Show included taxa

Dashdamirov, S. & Schawaller, W. (1992b). [Pseudoscorpions of the Caucasian fauna (Arachnida Pseudoscorpionida)]. Arthropoda Selecta 1(4): 31–72. -- Show included taxa

Delfosse, E. (2003b). Catalogue préliminaire des Pseudoscorpions de France métropolitaine (Arachnida Pseudoscorpiones). Bulletin de Phyllie 17: 24–48. -- Show included taxa

Drogla, R. (1990). Die Pseudoskorpione des Museum der Natur Gotha (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones). Abhandlungen und Berichte, Museums der Natur Gotha 16: 97–102. -- Show included taxa

Drogla, R. (2004). Kommentierte Checkliste der Pseudoskorpione Thüringens (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones). In: Hartmann, M. and Bellstedt, R. (ed.) Check-listen Thüringer Insekten und Spinnentiere Thüringer Entomologenvernad e.V., Jena: 5–8. -- Show included taxa

Drogla, R. & Lippold, K. (2004). Zur Kenntnis der pseudoskorpion-fauna von Ostdeutschland (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones). Arachnologische Mitteilungen 27–28: 1–54. -- Show included taxa

Ducháč, V. (1993a). Zwei neue Afterskorpione-Arten aus der Tschechischen Republik. Arachnologische Mitteilungen 3: 36–38. -- Show included taxa

Ducháč, V. (1999a). The contemporary research of the pseudoscorpion fauna in the Czech Republic. American Arachnology 59: 14. -- Show included taxa

Ellingsen, E. (1907a). Notes on pseudoscorpions, British and foreign. Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club (2) 10: 155–172. -- Show included taxa

Evans, G.O. & Browning, E. (1954). Synopses of the British Fauna. No. 10. Pseudoscorpiones. Linnean Society, London. -- Show included taxa

Falconer, W. (1907a). A pseudo-scorpion new to Northumberland. Naturalist, London 32: 388. -- Show included taxa

Falconer, W. (1907b). A pseudo-scorpion new to Yorkshire. Naturalist, London 32: 432. -- Show included taxa

Falconer, W. (1916). The harvestmen and pseudoscorpions of Yorkshire. Naturalist, London 41: 103–106, 135–140, 155–158, 191–193. -- Show included taxa

Fowles, A. (1994). A provisional checklist of the invertebrates recorded from Wales. 1. False scorpions, harvestmen and spiders (Arachnida). Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru (Countryside Council for Wales), Bangor, Gwynedd. -- Show included taxa

Gabbutt, P.D. (1972a). The disposition of trichobothria in the Chernetidae (Pseudoscorpiones). In: Anonymous (ed.) Arachnologorum Congressus Internationalis V, Brno: 37–42. -- Show included taxa

Gabbutt, P.D. (1972b). Differences in the disposition of trichobothria in the Chernetidae (Pseudoscorpiones). Journal of Zoology, London 167: 1–13. -- Show included taxa

Gabbutt, P.D. (1972c). Some observations of taxonomic importance on the family Chernetidae (Pseudoscorpiones). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 2: 83–86. -- Show included taxa

Gärdenfors, U. & Wilander, P. (1992). Sveriges klokrypare med nyckel till arterna. Entomologisk Tidskrift 113: 20–35. -- Show included taxa

Gärdenfors, U. & Wilander, P. (1995). Ecology and phoretic habits of Anthrenochernes stellae (Pseudoscorpionida, Chernetidae). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 10: 28–30. -- Show included taxa

Gardini, G. (1995a). Arachnida Pseudoscorpionida. In: Minelli, A, Ruffo, S. and La Posta, S. (ed.) Checklist delle specie della fauna Italiana Calderini, Bologna 22: 1–8. -- Show included taxa

Gardini, G. (2000). Catalogo degli Pseudoscorpioni d'Italia (Arachnida). Fragmenta Entomologica 32, Supplemento: 1–181. -- Show included taxa

George, R.S. (1961). More records of Gloucestershire falsescorpions. Report of the North Gloucestershire Naturalists' Society 1959–1960: 38. -- Show included taxa

Gervais, P. (1844). Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Aptères. Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris 3. -- Show included taxa

Gilbert, O. (1949). Some spiders new to Suffolk. ii. Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists' Society 7: 17. -- Show included taxa

Godfrey, R. (1908). The false scorpions of Scotland. Annals of Scottish Natural History 17: 90–100, 155–161. -- Show included taxa

Godfrey, R. (1909). The false scorpions of Scotland (continued). Annals of Scottish Natural History 18: 22–26, 153–163. -- Show included taxa

Hagen, H. (1870). Synopsis pseudoscorpionidum synonymica. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 13: 263–272. -- Show included taxa

Hammen, L. van der (1969b). Bijdrage tot de kennis van de Nederlandse bastaardschorpioenen (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpionida). Zoologische Bijdragen 11: 15–24. -- Show included taxa

Hansen, H. (1988). Über die Arachniden-fauna von urbanen lebensräumen in Venedig (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones, Araneae). Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia 38: 183–219. -- Show included taxa

Hansen, H. (1992). Über die Arachniden-fauna von urbanen lebensräumen in Venedig - II. Die rinde-bewohnenden Arten des stammbereiches von Platanus hybrida (Arachnida: Scorpiones, Pseudoscorpiones, Araneae). Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia 41: 91–108. -- Show included taxa

Hansen, H.J. (1885a). Arthrogastra Danica: en monographisk fremstilling af de i Danmark levende Meiere og Mosskorpioner med bidrag til sidstnaevnte underordens systematik. In: Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift Thieles Bogtrykkeri, Kjøbenhavn (3) 14: 491–554. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (1991a). Catalogue of the Pseudoscorpionida. Manchester University Press, Manchester. -- Show included taxa

Helversen, O. von (1966a). Pseudoskorpione aus dem Rhein-Main-Gebiet. Senckenbergiana Biologica 47: 131–150. -- Show included taxa

Henderickx, H. (1999b). Naamlijst van de Belgische pseudoschorpioenen (Arachnida Pseudoscorpionida). Bulletin de la Societe Royale Belge d'Entomologie 135: 66–71. -- Show included taxa

Holmen, M. & Scharff, N. (2008). Anthrenochernes stellae Lohmander, 1939 - status in Denmark for a new species on the EC Habitats Directive (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones). Entomologiske Meddelelser- Entomologisk Forening Kobenhavn 76: 55–68. -- Show included taxa

Howes, C.A. (1972a). A review of Yorkshire pseudoscorpions. Naturalist, Hull 918: 107–110. -- Show included taxa

Jackson, A.R. (1908). On some rare arachnids captured during 1907. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, new series 3: 49–78. -- Show included taxa

Jędryczkowski, W.B. (1985). Zaleszczotki (Pseudoscorpiones) Mazowsza. Fragmenta Faunistica Musei Zoologici Polonici 29: 77–83. -- Show included taxa

Jędryczkowski, W.B. (1987a). Zaleszczotki (Pseudoscorpiones) Bieszczadów. Fragmenta Faunistica Musei Zoologici Polonici 30: 341–349. -- Show included taxa

Jędryczkowski, W.B. (1987b). Zaleszczotki (Pseudoscorpiones) Gór Świętokryskich. Fragmenta Faunistica Musei Zoologici Polonici 31: 135–157. -- Show included taxa

Jędryczkowski, W.B. (1995). Bezkręgowce lądowe (Isopoda, Diplopoda, Pseudoscorpiones, Opiliones) Pojezierza Mazurskiego. Fragmenta Faunistica Musei Zoologici Polonici 37: 505–520. -- Show included taxa

Jones, P.E. (1975a). The occurrence of pseudoscorpions in the nests of British birds. Proceedings and Transactions of the British Entomological and Natural History Society 8: 87–89. -- Show included taxa

Jones, P.E. (1978). Phoresy and commensalism in British pseudoscorpions. Proceedings and Transactions of the British Entomological and Natural History Society 1978: 90–96. -- Show included taxa

Jones, P.E. (1979a). Pseudoscorpions from Little Wood, Eye, with some additional records from Northamptonshire. Journal of the Northamptonshire Natural History Society and Field Club 37: 198–201. -- Show included taxa

Jones, P.E. (1980c). Provisional atlas of the Arachnida of the British Isles. Part 1. Pseudoscorpiones.. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Monks Wood. -- Show included taxa

Jones, R.E. (1985). The false-scorpions of Norfolk. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society 27: 67–71. -- Show included taxa

Judson, M.L.I. (1979a). Pseudoscorpions in Hertfordshire. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club 28: 58–64. -- Show included taxa

Judson, M.L.I. (1987). Further records of pseudoscorpions (Arachnida) from Hertfordshire. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club 29: 368–370. -- Show included taxa

Kaisila, J. (1949a). Muutamia Suomen faunalle uusia valeskorpionilajeja. Archivum Societatis Zoologico-Botanicae Fennicae 2: 74–76. -- Show included taxa

Kaisila, J. (1949b). A revision of the pseudoscorpion fauna of eastern Fennoscandia. Annales Entomologici Fennici 15: 72–92. -- Show included taxa

Kaňuchová, A., Christophoryova, J. & Krajčovičová, K. (2015). Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida) collected from the heaps with decomposing material in Slovakia. Fragmenta Faunistica 58: 111–122. -- Show included taxa

Kárpáthegyi, P. (2007a). Pseudoscorpions of Hungary. Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis 31: 81–90. -- Show included taxa

Kästner, A. (1927b). Pseudoscorpiones. In: Schulze, P. (ed.) Biologie der Tiere Deutschlands Gebrüder Borntraeger, Berlin 18: 1–68. -- Show included taxa

Kästner, A. (1928). 2. Ordnung: Moos- oder Afterskorpione, Pseudoscorpiónes Latr. (Chernétes Simon; Chelonéti Thorell; Chernetídea Camb.). In: Brohmer, P, Ehrmann, P. and Ulmer, G. (ed.) Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas Quelle und Meyer, Leipzig 3 (1, IV): 1–13. -- Show included taxa

Kew, H.W. (1909b). Pseudoscorpiones (false-scorpions). In: Grinling, C. et al. (ed.) Survey and record of Woolwich and West Kent South Eastern Union of Scientific Societies, Woolwich: 258–259. -- Show included taxa

Kew, H.W. (1911a). A synopsis of the false scorpions of Britain and Ireland. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, section B 29: 38–64. -- Show included taxa

Kew, H.W. (1914b). Pseudo-scorpiones. Annual Report and Proceedings of the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club 7: 93. -- Show included taxa

Kew, H.W. (1916b). A synopsis of the false-scorpions of Britain and Ireland; supplement. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, section B 33: 71–85. -- Show included taxa

Klausen, F.E. (1975). Notes on the Pseudoscorpiones of Norway. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 22: 63–65. -- Show included taxa

Klausen, F.E. (1998). Additional records of pseudoscorpions from Norway. Fauna Norvegica, Series B 45: 100–103. -- Show included taxa

Klausen, F.E. & Totland, G.K. (1977). A scanning electron microscopic study of the setae of some chernetid pseudoscorpions. Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 4: 101–108. -- Show included taxa

Kobakhidze, D. (1965b). Ecological and zoogeographical characteristies [sic] of Pseudoscorpionidea from the Georgian SSR. Revue d'Ecologie et de Biologie du Sol 2: 541–543. -- Show included taxa

Kobakhidze, D.N. (1963). [Toxochernes panzeri caucasicus Kobakhidze, new subspecies from Caucasus]. Soobscenija Akademiji Nauk Gruzinskoj S.S.R. 30: 645–649. -- Show included taxa

Kobakhidze, D.N. (1966). [Material for the faunistic records of Pseudoscorpionidea in the Gruzian Republic]. Soobscenija Akademiji Nauk Gruzinskoj S.S.R. 41: 701–708. -- Show included taxa

Koch, C.L. (1836). Deutschlands Crustaceen, Myriapoden und Arachniden. Pustet, Regensberg 7. [Publication date based on: Nagel, P. and Grieder-Schmidlin, L. (2019). Herrich-Schäffer’s Deutschlands Insecten ... (1829–1844), the associate publication of Koch’s Deutschlands Crustaceen ... (1835–1844), and Heft 110 (1823) of Panzer’s Faunae Insectorum Germanicae ...: bibliographic notes and dating. Sherbornia 5: 1-156.] -- Show included taxa

Koch, C.L. (1843). Die Arachniden. Getreu nach der Natur Abgebildet und Beschrieben. C.H. Zeh'schen, Nürnberg 10. -- Show included taxa

Kofler, A. (1968). Zur Begleitfauna von Quedius (Microsaurus) ventralis (Arag.) (Col., Staphylinidae). Berichte des Naturwissenschaftlich-Medizinischen Vereins in Innsbruck 56: 355–360. -- Show included taxa

Kofler, A. (1972). Die Pseudoskorpione Osttirols. Mitteilungen der Zoologischen Gesellschaft Braunau 1: 286–289. -- Show included taxa

Krajčovičová, K. & Christophoryová, J. (2014). Faunistic survey of pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) collected from trees and using Malaise traps in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Klapalekiana 50: 167–180. -- Show included taxa

Krajčovičová, K., Christophoryova, J. & Lučeničová, T. (2015). Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) found in bird nests and in bat guano In Slovakia and Germany.. Munis Entomology and Zoology 10: 428–434. -- Show included taxa

Krumpál, M. & Cyprich, D. (1988). O výskyte šťúrikov (Pseudoscorpiones) v hniezdach vtákov (Aves) v podmienkach Slovenska. Zbornik Slovenskeho Národneho Múzea Prirodovedny 34: 41–48. -- Show included taxa

Krumpál, M. & Krumpálova, Z. (2003). Šťúriky - Pseudoscorpiones. In: Mašán, P. and Svatoň, J. (ed.) Pavúkovce Národného Parku Poloniny (Arachnida: Araneae, Pseudoscorpiones, Opiliones, Acari - Parasitiformes) Balada Press, Humenné: 115–126. -- Show included taxa

Kunt, K.B., Bayram, A., Yağmur, E.A. & Danısman, T. (2008). Checklist of the pseudoscorpions of Turkey (Pseudoscorpionida; Arachnida). Turkish Journal of Arachnology 1: 70–84. -- Show included taxa

Kvavadze, E., Arabuli, T. & Murvanidze, M. (2008). The pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpions) of Georgia. Proceedings of the Institute of Zoology, Tbilisi 23: 68–73. -- Show included taxa

Lazzeroni, G. (1969a). Sur la faune de pseudoscorpions de la région apenninique méridionale. (Recherches sur les Pseudoscorpions. III.). Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona 16: 321–344. -- Show included taxa

Lazzeroni, G. (1970a). Ricerche sugli Pseudoscorpioni. III. Considerazioni biogeografiche sulla fauna della regione appenninica meridionale. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (2) 41(supplément 1): 205–208. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1970b). False-scorpions: their capture and care, and identification of families. Countryside 21: 367–372. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1972a). False-scorpions: the families Cheliferiidae [sic] and Chernetiidae [sic]. Countryside 21: 576–583. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1972b). Some little known arachnids. Newsletter of the British Arachnological Society 4: 4–6. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1973b). The structure of encysted sperm of some British Pseudoscorpiones (Arachnida). Journal of Zoology, London 170: 429–440. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1975a). A generalised account of the male genitalia and associated glands of pseudoscorpions (Arachnida). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 3: 66–74. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1975d). The possible significance of spermathecae in pseudoscorpions (Arachnida). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 3: 91–95. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1998). New species' - what can I find? And others... Try different sampling/trapping techniques. Galea 1: 2. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. & Jones, R.E. (1988). Synopses of the British fauna (new series). 40. Pseudoscorpions (Arthropoda; Arachnida). Brill/Backhuys, Leiden. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. & O'Connor, J.P. (1997). A review of the Irish pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Bulletin of the Irish Biogeographical Society 20: 105–126. -- Show included taxa

Leleup, N. (1947). Contribution a l'étude des Arthropodes nidicoles et microcavernicoles de Belgique. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 83: 304–343. -- Show included taxa

Lippold, K. (1985). Pseudoscorpione aus dem NSG "Ostufer der Müritz". Zoologischer Rundbrief Bez. Neubrandenburg 4: 40. -- Show included taxa

Lohmander, H. (1939b). Zur Kenntnis der Pseudoskorpionfauna Schwedens. Entomologisk Tidskrift 60: 279–323. -- Show included taxa

Mahnert, V. (1974a). Roncus viti n. sp. (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones) aus dem Iran. Berichte des Naturwissenschaftlich-Medizinischen Vereins in Innsbruck 61: 87–91. -- Show included taxa

Mahnert, V. (1977d). Etude comparative des trichobothries de pseudoscorpions au microscope électronique à balayage. Comptes Rendus des Séances de la Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève, Nouvelle Série 11: 96–99. -- Show included taxa

Mahnert, V. (1978a). Die Pseudoskorpiongattung Toxochernes Beier, 1932. In: Merrett, P. (ed.) Arachnology: Seventh International Congress. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London Academic Press, London 42: 309–315. -- Show included taxa

Mahnert, V. (2004). Die Pseudoskorpione Österreichs (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones). Denisia 12: 459–471. -- Show included taxa

Mahnert, V. (2011d). Pseudoscorpiones (Arachnida). In: Schuster, R. (ed.) Checklisten der Fauna Österreichs Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 5: 28–39. -- Show included taxa

McIntire, S.J. (1869). Pseudoscorpions. Hardwicke's Science Gossip 5: 243–247. -- Show included taxa

McIntire, S.J. (1871). An incident in the life of a Chelifer. Monthly Microscopical Journal 6: 209–210. -- Show included taxa

Meinertz, T. (1962). Mosskorpioner og mejere (Pseudoscorpionidea og Opiliones). G.E.C. Gads, København 67. -- Show included taxa

Meinertz, T. (1964). Beiträge zur Verbreitung der Pseudoskorpioniden in Dänemark. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i Kjøbenhavn 126: 387–402. -- Show included taxa

Mendel, H. (1981). A review of Suffolk pseudoscorpions. Transactions of the Suffolk Natural History Society 18: 226–232. -- Show included taxa

Möllendorff, O. von (1873). Beiträge zur Fauna Bosniens. Hoffmann und Reiber, Görlitz. -- Show included taxa

Muchmore, W.B. (1974d). Clarification of the genera Hesperochernes and Dinocheirus (Pseudoscorpionida, Chernetidae). Journal of Arachnology 2: 25–36. -- Show included taxa

Nassirkhani, M., Sharaf, M.M.D. & Azimi, N. (2015). Redescription of a well-known pseudoscorpion species, Dinocheirus panzeri (C.L. Koch) (Pseudoscorpiones: Chernetidae). The Journal of Zoology Studies 2(6): 6–12. -- Show included taxa

Opatova, V. & Št'áhlavský, F. (2018). Phoretic or not? Phylogeography of the pseudoscorpion Chernes hahnii (Pseudoscorpiones: Chernetidae). Journal of Arachnology 46: 104–113. -- Show included taxa

Ozimec, R. (2004). List of Croatian pseudoscorpion fauna (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones). Natura Croatica 13: 381–394. -- Show included taxa

Palmgren, P. (1973). Über die Biotopverteilung waldbodenlebender Pseudoscorpionidea (Arachnoidea) in Finnland und Österreich. Commentationes Biologicae 61: 1–11. -- Show included taxa

Petrov, B.P. & Šťáhlavský, F. (2007). New species of pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) for the fauna of Bulgaria. Historia Naturalis Bulgarica 18: 15–27. -- Show included taxa

Pickard-Cambridge, O. (1905). On new and rare British Arachnida. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club and Archaeological Society 26: 40–74. -- Show included taxa

Planet, L. (1905). Araignées (Araignées, Chernètes, Scorpions, Opilions). In: Histoire naturelle de la France Deyrolle, Paris 14. -- Show included taxa

Platen, R., Blick, T., Bliss, P., Drogla, R., Malten, A., Martens, J., Sacher, P. & Wunderlich, J. (1995). Verzeichnis der Spinnentiere (excl. Acarida) Deutschlands (Arachnida: Araneida, Opilionida, Pseudoscorpionida). Arachnologische Mitteilungen, Sonderband 1: 1–55. -- Show included taxa

Poinar, G.O., Jr, Ćurčić, B.P.M. & Cokendolpher, J.C. (1998). Arthropod phoresy involving pseudoscorpions in the past and present. Acta Arachnologica 47: 79–96. -- Show included taxa

Rafalski, J. (1967). Zaleszczotki. Pseudoscorpionidea. In: Katalog Fauny Polski Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa 32 (1): 1–34. -- Show included taxa

Ressl, F. (1965). Über Verbreitung, Variabilität und Lebensweise einiger österreichischer Afterskorpione. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 12: 289–295. -- Show included taxa

Ressl, F. (1970). Weitere Pseudoskorpion-Funde aus dem Bezirk Scheibbs (Niederösterreich). Berichte des Naturwissenschaftlich-Medizinischen Vereins in Innsbruck 58: 249–254. -- Show included taxa

Ressl, F. (1974). Myrmecophile Pseudoscorpione aus dem Bezirk Scheibbs (Niederösterreich). Entomologische Nachrichten 18: 26–31. -- Show included taxa

Ressl, F. & Beier, M. (1958). Zur Ökologie, Biologie und Phänologie der heimischen Pseudoskorpione. Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abteilung für Systematik, Ökologie und Geographie der Tiere 86: 1–26. -- Show included taxa

Roewer, C.F. (1937). Chelonethi oder Pseudoskorpione. In: Bronns, H.G. (ed.) Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft M.B.H., Leipzig 5(IV)(6)(1): 161–320. -- Show included taxa

Roewer, C.F. (1940). Chelonethi oder Pseudoskorpione. In: Bronns, H.G. (ed.) Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft M.B.H., Leipzig 5(IV)(6)(1): 321–354. -- Show included taxa

Savory, T.H. (1945). The spiders and allied orders of the British Isles comprising descriptions of every family of British spiders, every species of harvestmen and false scorpions also the more familiar of the British mites and sea-spiders. Frederick Warne & Co., London. [2nd edition] -- Show included taxa

Schaefer, M. (1988). 1. Chelicerata, Spinnentiere. In: Brohmer, P. (ed.) Fauna von Deutschland Quelle und Meyer, Heidelberg: 99–135. [17th edition] -- Show included taxa

Schawaller, W. (1979b). Einige Pseudoskorpione und Weberknechte aus dem landschaftsschutzgebiet Poppenweiler bei Ludwigsburg. Mitteilungen Entomologischer Verein Stuttgart 14: 12–13. -- Show included taxa

Schawaller, W. & Dashdamirov, S. (1988). Pseudoskorpione aus dem Kaukasus, Teil 2 (Arachnida). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde (A) 415: 1–51. -- Show included taxa

Schenkel, E. (1928). Pseudoscorpionida (Afterskorpione). In: Dahl, F. (ed.) Die Tierwelt Deutschlands G. Fischer, Jena 8: 52–72. -- Show included taxa

Schiner, T. (1872). Vorkommen von Chelifer an Fliegen. Verhandlungen der K. K. Zoologischen-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 22: 75–76. -- Show included taxa

Schönborn, W. (1961). Zoozönotische Struktur- und Konnexitätsanalyse in Kieferstümpfen. Biologisches Zentralblatt 80: 645–663. -- Show included taxa

Simon, E. (1879a). Les Ordres des Chernetes, Scorpiones et Opiliones. In: Les Arachnides de France Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris 7: 1–332. -- Show included taxa

Šťáhlavský, F. (2001). Štírci (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) Prahy. Klapalekiana 37: 73–121. -- Show included taxa

Šťáhlavský, F. (2006a). Štírci (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) Národního parku Podyjí. Klapalekiana 42: 167–178. -- Show included taxa

Šťáhlavský, F. (2006b). Štírci (Pseudoscorpiones, Arachnida) CHKO Kokořínsko. Bohemia Centralia, Praha 27: 161–165. -- Show included taxa

Šťáhlavský, F. (2011). Štírci (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) CHKO Třeboňsko a okolí. Klapalekiana 47: 247–258. -- Show included taxa

Šťáhlavský, F. & Chytil, J. (2013). Štírci (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) Biosférické rezervace Dolní Morava a okolí (Česká republika). Klapalekiana 49: 73–88. -- Show included taxa

Šťáhlavský, F. & Krásný, L. (2007). Štírci (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) Dolního Povltaví a Podřipska. Bohemia Centralia, Praha 28: 427–436. -- Show included taxa

Šťáhlavský, F. & Tuf, I.H. (2009). Štírci (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) CHKO Litovelské Pomoraví. Acta Rerum Naturalium 7: 97–102. -- Show included taxa

Standen, R. (1912). The false-scorpions of Lancashire and some adjoining counties, with a preliminary list of records. Lancashire and Cheshire Naturalist 5: 7–16. -- Show included taxa

Standen, R. (1914). Chelifer (Chernes) panzeri C.L. Koch in Cheshire. Lancashire and Cheshire Naturalist 7: 461–462. -- Show included taxa

Standen, R. (1916b). Chelifer (Chernes) powelli Kew and Chelifer (Withius) subruber Simon in Lancashire and Cheshire. Lancashire and Cheshire Naturalist 9: 124–125. -- Show included taxa

Standen, R. (1917). Report on the false-scorpions (Chelifers). Lancashire and Cheshire Naturalist 10: 27–31. -- Show included taxa

Standen, R. (1918). Report on the false-scorpions (Chelifers) for 1917. Lancashire and Cheshire Naturalist 10: 335. -- Show included taxa

Stecker, A. (1874b). Ueber zweifelhafte Chernetiden-Arten, welche von A. Menge beschrieben wurden. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 19: 305–314. -- Show included taxa

Stol, I. (2005). Nordiske mosskorpioner (Pseudoscorpiones). Norske Insekttabeller 18: 1–35. -- Show included taxa

Thaler, K. (1966). Fragmenta faunistica Tirolensia (Diplopoda, Arachnida). Berichte des Naturwissenschaftlich-Medizinischen Vereins in Innsbruck 54: 151–157. -- Show included taxa

Tömösváry, Ö. (1883). Pseudoscorpiones faunae Hungaricae. A Magyar fauna álskorpiói. Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Matematikai és Természettudományi Közlemények 18: 135–256. -- Show included taxa

Tooren, D. van den (2005b). Naamlijst en determinatiesleutel tot de Pseudoschorpioenen van Nederland (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen 23: 91–102. -- Show included taxa

Tumšs, V. (1934). Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Pseudoscorpionen-Fauna Lettlands. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica 7: 12–19. -- Show included taxa

Turienzo, P., Iorio, O. di & Mahnert, V. (2010). Global checklist of pseudoscorpions (Arachnida) found in birds’ nests. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 117: 557–598. -- Show included taxa

Vachon, M. (1934d). Pseudoscorpionides de la Côte-d'Or: 1re liste. Bulletin Scientifique de Bourgogne 4: 133. -- Show included taxa

Vachon, M. (1934i). Sur le développement post-embryonnaire des pseudoscorpionides. Deuxiemes note. Les formes immatures de Chelifer cancroides L. (suite). Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 59: 405–416. -- Show included taxa

Vachon, M. (1936a). Sur le développement postembryonnaire des Pseudoscorpions (quatrième note). Les formules chaetotaxiques des pattes-mâchoires.. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (2) 8: 77–83. -- Show included taxa

Vachon, M. (1936b). Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Pseudoscorpions Epaphochernes bouvieri suivie de quelques remarques sur les genres Dendrochernes Beier et Epaphochernes Beier. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 61: 140–145. -- Show included taxa

Vachon, M. (1937e). Deux espèces nouvelles de Pseudoscorpions Algériens. Bulletin Scientifique de Bourgogne 6: 107–112. -- Show included taxa

Vachon, M. (1938a). Recherches anatomiques et biologiques sur la réproduction et le développement des Pseudoscorpions. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie (11) 1: 1–207. -- Show included taxa

Vachon, M. (1940f). Remarques sur la phóresie des Pseudoscorpions. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 109: 1–18. -- Show included taxa

Vachon, M. (1957). Remarques sur les Chernetidae (Pseudoscorpions) de la fauna britannique. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (12) 10: 389–394. -- Show included taxa

Verner, P.H. (1971). Štírci - Pseudoscorpionidea. In: Daniel, M. and Černý, V. (ed.) Klič Zviřeny ČSSR Českoslovenká Akademie Věd, Praha 4: 19–31. -- Show included taxa

Weygoldt, P. (1966d). Moos- und Bücherskorpione. A. Ziemsen Verlag, Wittenberg Lutherstadt. -- Show included taxa

Whyte, G.A. & Whyte, R.B. (1907). The false-scorpions of Cumberland. Naturalist, London 1907: 203–204. -- Show included taxa

Zaragoza, J.A. (2007a). Catálogo de los Pseudoescorpiones de la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Revista Ibérica de Aracnología 13: 3–91. -- Show included taxa

Cawley, M. (2016). An indexed bibliographical checklist of the false-scorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) of Ireland (1836-2014). Bulletin of the Irish Biogeographical Society 40: 116–124. -- Show included taxa

Muster, C., Komposch, C. & Aurenhammer, S. (2017). Endemitenfauna im Nationalpark Gesäuse. Tiergruppe: Pseudoskorpione. In: Endbericht im Auftrag der Nationalpark Gesäuse GmbH: 1–38. -- Show included taxa

Novák, J. (2018). New data on the pseudoscorpion fauna of Hungary (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 82: 97–107. -- Show included taxa

Lissner, J. (2020). New records of Mundochthonius styriacus Beier, 1971 and Anthrenochernes stellae Lohmander, 1939 in Denmark. Newsletter of the British Arachnological Society 148: 12–16. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (2019). Changes in the British pseudoscorpion fauna over the last 50 years. Arachnology 18: 189–195. -- Show included taxa

Christophoryová, J., Jajcayová, D. & Krajčovičová, K. (2017). Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) living in tree microhabitats in Slovakia. Klapalekiana 53: 283–297. -- Show included taxa

Krajčovičová, K., Matyukhin, A. & Christophoryová, J. (2018). First comprehensive research on pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) collected from bird nests in Russia. Turkish Journal of Zoology 42: 480–487. -- Show included taxa

Červená, M., Gardini, G., Jablonski, D. & Christophoryová, J. (2021). Checklist of pseudoscorpions (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones) of Albania. Zoological Studies 60(17): 1–25. -- Show included taxa

Muster, C., Spelda, J., Rulik, B., Thormann, J., von der Mark, L> & Astrin, J.J. (2021). The dark side of pseudoscorpion diversity: The German Barcode of Life campaign reveals high levels of undocumented diversity in European false scorpions. Ecology and Evolution 11(20): 13815–13829. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. & Farr-Cox, F. (2016). Illustrated key to the British false scorpions (pseudoscorpions). Field Studies Council: Telford. -- Show included taxa

Krajčovičová, K., Ivinskis, P., Rimšaitė, J. & Christophoryová, J. (2022). Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) from the Curonian Spit National Park with Dinocheirus panzeri as a newly recorded genus and species from Lithuania. Arachnologische Mitteilungen 64: 52–56. -- Show included taxa

Muster, C. & Blick, T. (2016). Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Pseudoskorpione (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) Deutschlands.. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 70: 539–561. -- Show included taxa

Červená, M., Christophoryová, J. & Krajčovičová, K. (2021). Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) of the Latorica Protected Landscape Area. In: Invertebrates of Latorica Protected Landscape Area Banská Bystrica, State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic: 68–77. -- Show included taxa

Hlebec, D., Harms, D., Kučinić, M. & Harvey, M.S. (2024). Integrative taxonomy of the pseudoscorpion family Chernetidae (Pseudoscorpiones: Cheliferoidea): evidence for new range-restricted species in the Dinaric Karst. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 200: 644–669. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad083 -- Show included taxa

Date Type Reference Old value
2024-09-17 New taxonomic reference entry Hlebec, Harms, Kučinić and Harvey, 2024
2024-02-01 New taxonomic reference entry Červená, Christophoryová and Krajčovičová, 2021
2023-10-29 Taxonomic reference update McIntire, 1871
2023-10-29 Taxonomic reference update McIntire, 1869
2023-10-29 Taxonomic reference update
2023-10-08 New taxonomic reference entry Kew, 1914
2023-04-22 Taxonomic reference update Gilbert, 1949
2023-04-22 New taxonomic reference entry Muster and Blick, 2016
2023-04-17 Species updated Old value
2023-04-17 New taxonomic reference entry Krajčovičová, Ivinskis, Rimšaitė and Christophoryová, 2022
2022-12-17 New taxonomic reference entry Klausen, 1998
2022-12-14 Species synonymy Schawaller and Dashdamirov, 1988
2022-11-12 New taxonomic reference entry Krajčovičová, Matyukhin and Christophoryová, 2018
2022-10-16 New taxonomic reference entry Opatova and Št'áhlavský, 2018
2022-10-15 New taxonomic reference entry Christophoryová, Jajcayová and Krajčovičová, 2017
2022-10-13 Species updated Old value
2022-10-03 New taxonomic reference entry Legg and Farr-Cox, 2016
2022-09-25 Species updated Old value
2022-09-25 New taxonomic reference entry Muster, Komposch and Aurenhammer, 2017
2022-09-25 New taxonomic reference entry Legg, 2019
2022-09-25 Species updated Old value
2022-09-25 New taxonomic reference entry Červená, Gardini, Jablonski and Christophoryová, 2021
2022-09-25 New taxonomic reference entry Muster, Spelda, Rulik, Thormann, von der Mark and Astrin, 2021
2022-06-18 New taxonomic reference entry Lissner, 2020
2022-05-07 New taxonomic reference entry Novák, 2018
2022-04-06 Taxonomic reference update Cawley, 2016
2022-04-06 New taxonomic reference entry Cawley, 2016