Chernes cimicoides (Fabricius, 1793)


Original combination: Scorpio cimicoides


Genus type of Chernes Menge, 1855

Taxonomic references

Scorpio cimicoides

Fabricius, 1793: 436 original description

Obisium cimicoides (Fabricius):

Illiger, 1798: 501
Walckenaer, 1802: 253

Chelifer cimicoides (Fabricius):

Latreille, 1804: 142
Latreille, 1806: 133
Leach, 1814: 429
Latreille, 1817: 109
Lamarck, 1818: 80–81
Latreille, 1825c: 133
Duméril, 1826: 49–50
Brébisson, 1827: 263
Guérin-Méneville, 1828: 598
Anonymous, 1831b: 284 (as Chélifer cimicöìdes)
Latreille, 1834: 316
Anonymous, 1835: 186
Dugès and Edwards, 1836: 84
Latreille, 1837: 316
Lamarck, 1838: 109
Lamarck, 1839: 301
Gervais, 1844: 78
Hagen, 1870: 268
Stecker, 1875d: 88
Lebert, 1877: 315
Simon, 1879a: 39–40, plate 18 fig. 16
Cantoni, 1882: 192
Canestrini, 1883: n/a, no. 7, figs 1–5
Becker, 1884: cclxiv
MacLeod, 1884: 387–388 (as Chelifer cimicoïdes [sic])
Lameere, 1895: 475
Müller and Schenkel, 1895: 821 (as Chelifer cimicoïdes [sic])
Becker, 1896: 330–331
Cuní y Martornell, 1897: 339
Simon, 1898d: 20
Tullgren, 1899a: 174–175, plate 1 fig. 10
Strand, 1900b: 5
Ellingsen, 1903: 6
Ellingsen, 1905d: 1
Lessert, 1905: 654–655
Planet, 1905: 282–283
Tullgren, 1906a: 203, plate 4 fig. 3
Tullgren, 1906b: 214
Ellingsen, 1907a: 156
Ellingsen, 1908d: 70
Bignotti, 1909: 61
Ellingsen, 1909a: 208, 215
Rossi, 1909: 190
Ellingsen, 1910b: 62
Ellingsen, 1910c: 348
Fernández, 1910: 410
Ellingsen, 1911c: 174
Navás, 1925: 106
Väänänen, 1928a: 18–19
Kew, 1929c: 21–22
Franganillo Balboa, 1936: 155 (misidentification?)

Chelifer scorpioides Hermann:

Théis, 1832: 73–75, plate 3 figs 2, 2a–b (misidentification)

Chernes cimicoides (Fabricius):

Menge, 1855: 40–41, plate 5 fig. 15
Stecker, 1874a: 234
Stecker, 1874b: 306–308
Pavesi, 1876: 74
Pavesi, 1878: 362
Daday, 1880a: 192
Daday, 1889d: 25
Pickard-Cambridge, 1892: 226–227, plate A fig. 4, plate C fig. 18
Hansen, 1894: n/a, plate 5 fig. 14
Kew, 1903: 299
Stschelkanovzeff, 1902a: 126
Stschelkanovzeff, 1903a: 318
Carr, 1906: 48
Bennett, 1908: 114
Jackson, 1908: 72
Butterfield, 1909: 195
Kew, 1909b: 259
Warburton, 1909: 438
Scheuring, 1913: 627 (Chernes cimmoides [sic])
Kew, 1914a: 96
Daday, 1918: 2
Beier, 1930e: 294
Chamberlin, 1931a: n/a, figs 30g, 47l, 47q
Beier, 1932e: 155–156, fig. 165
Tumšs, 1934: 17–18, fig. 3
Vachon, 1934d: 133
Roewer, 1936: n/a, figs 7, 18a–b, 88, 108, 117, 120–123, 124a, 125–126, 135–136, 143
Vachon, 1936a: 78
Roewer, 1937: 298
Vachon, 1937f: 128
Vachon, 1938a: 49–58, 95–97, figs 27–32, 33a, 33e, 54a–c, 56d
Beier, 1939a: n/a, fig. 166d
Beier, 1939e: 312
Beier, 1939f: 199
Lohmander, 1939b: 316–318, fig. 12
Caporiacco, 1940a: 7
Vachon, 1940f: 2
Szent-Ivány, 1941: 89
Savory, 1945: 181, 185
Cooreman, 1946b: 3
Kaisila, 1947: 86
Beier, 1948b: 445, 458
Caporiacco, 1948c: 242
Kaisila, 1949b: 85–86, fig. 1, map 11
Redikorzev, 1949: 654
Vachon, 1949: n/a, figs 220, 223b
Beier, 1952e: 5
Beier and Franz, 1954: 458
Evans and Browning, 1954: 20
Weidner, 1954b: 110
Beier, 1955n: 109
Beier, 1956h: 24
Pschorn-Walcher and Gunhold, 1957: 346
Vachon, 1957: 389, figs 2, 4, 6
Ressl and Beier, 1958: 2
Beier, 1959f: 131
Beier, 1960b: 100–102, fig. 1
George, 1961: 38
Meinertz, 1962: 93–95, figs 12, 52a–b, 53
Weygoldt, 1962: 300–302, fig. 3
Beier, 1963b: 274–275, fig. 276
Lehtinen, 1964: 285
Meinertz, 1964: 398–399, map 7
Weygoldt, 1964b: n/a, figs 16a, 28–30, 36, 56
Kobakhidze, 1965b: 541
Ressl, 1965: 289
Kobakhidze, 1966: 705
Weygoldt, 1966a: 56–62, figs 16–18
Weygoldt, 1966d: 14, 15, figs 32, 49, 56
Zangheri, 1966: 532
Rafalski, 1967: 18
Beron, 1968: 105
Cloudsley-Thompson, 1968: 139, 140
Kofler, 1968: 356
Beier, 1969b: 193
Lazzeroni, 1969a: 337
Lazzeroni, 1969b: 409
Lazzeroni, 1969c: 241
Smith, 1967: 295–297, figs a–d
Weygoldt, 1969a: 28, 115, figs 16, 43a–c, 53a–c, 82
Lazzeroni, 1970a: 208
Mendel, 1981: 230
Verner, 1971: n/a, fig. 67
Gabbutt, 1972a: 37–40, figs 1f, 2f
Gabbutt, 1972b: 2–13
Howes, 1972a: 109
Kofler, 1972: 288
Lagar, 1972a: 21
Legg, 1972a: 580, figs 2(3a), 2(4d), 3(4)
Beier, 1973e: 226
Legg, 1973b: 430, fig. 2f
Palmgren, 1973: 9
Ćurčić, 1974a: 26
Muchmore, 1974d: n/a, figs 1–4
Ressl, 1974: 29 (as Chermes [sic] cimicoides)
Beier, 1975a: 58
Harding, 1975: 411
Jones, 1975a: 88
Klausen, 1975: 64
Legg, 1975a: 66
Legg, 1975d: n/a, fig. 2
Muchmore, 1975d: n/a, fig. 1
Crocker, 1976: 9
Ćurčić, 1976b: 178–179
Klausen and Totland, 1977: 101–108, plate 8–10, figs 1–2
Crocker, 1978: 9
Jones, 1978: 91, 93, 94, 95
Jones, 1979a: 200
Rundle, 1979: 48
Schaller, 1979: n/a, plate 10.III fig. 9
Thaler, 1979: 52
Jones, 1980c: n/a, map 22
Markkula and Tiitanen, 1981: 29–31
Mendel, 1982: 296
Jędryczkowski, 1985: 80
Jones, 1985: 70
Lippold, 1985: 40
Weygoldt, 1985: n/a, figs 2a–b
Callaini, 1986c: 380–388, figs 1a–f, 4a
Schawaller, 1986: 7, fig. 17
Jędryczkowski, 1987b: 144, map 10
Drogla, 1988b: 10, fig. 3
Krumpál and Cyprich, 1988: 42
Legg and Jones, 1988: 122–124, figs 5d, 29b, 31a, 31b(a–j)
Schaefer, 1988: 100
Schawaller and Dashdamirov, 1988: 42, figs 79
Schawaller, 1989: 21–22
Harvey, 1991a: 557–559
Dashdamirov and Schawaller, 1992b: 59, fig. 10
Gärdenfors and Wilander, 1992: 32, fig. 4e
Harvey, 1992: 150
Weslien, 1992: 208
Proctor, 1993: 156
Ducháč, 1994: 144 (as Chernes cimocoides [sic])
Fowles, 1994: 17
Gärdenfors and Wilander, 1995: 29
Gardini, 1995a: 8
Jędryczkowski, 1995: 511
Platen, Blick, Bliss, Drogla, Malten, Martens, Sacher and Wunderlich, 1995: 55
Schawaller, 1995a: 124
Fowles, 1996: 6
Koponen, Rinne and Clayhills, 1997: 180
Petrov, 1997: 267
García Carrillo, 1998: 13
Klausen, 1998: 102
Poinar, Ćurčić and Cokendolpher, 1998: 89, 90
Ducháč, 1999a: 14
Henderickx and Vets, 1999: 117–121, figs 2a, 3–6
Bergsten, Lundgren and Nilsson, 2000: 107
Gardini, 2000: 134–135
Henderickx, 1999b: 67, fig. 4
Ax, 2001: n/a, fig. 55g
Noordijk and Berg, 2001: 27
Jansson and Hultengren, 2002: n/a, appendix 12
Weygoldt, 2002f: 484, fig. 667
Delfosse, 2003b: 41–42, unnumbered figure on page 42
Legg, 2003b: 2
Ćurčić, Dimitrijević and Legakis, 2004: 261
Drogla, 2004: 6
Drogla and Lippold, 2004: 31
Mahnert, 2004: 465
Ozimec, 2004: 389
Stol, 2005: 21, 33, fig. 28, map 17
Tooren, 2005b: 96
Šťáhlavský, 2006b: 163
Kárpáthegyi, 2007a: 88
Kárpáthegyi, 2007b: 96
Zaragoza, 2007a: 59
Gonzalez, Mantilla and Mahnert, 2008: 471
Holmen and Scharff, 2008: 68
Kunt, Bayram, Yağmur and Danısman, 2008: 79
Kvavadze, Arabuli and Murvanidze, 2008: 71
Turienzo, Iorio and Mahnert, 2010: 560, 563, 565, 570, 571, 572, 574–575, 582, 584, 588
Christophoryová, Štáhlavský and Fedor, 2011: 37, fig. 6L, 6N
Köhler, Decker, Doczkal, Fritz-Köhler, Groh, Günther, Haas, Hörren, Kreuels, Mertens, Muster, Neu, Römbke and Ulitzka, 2011: 157
Mahnert, 2011d: 32
Šťáhlavský, 2011: 250
Christophoryová, Štáhlavský, Krumpál and Fedor, 2012: 13
Christophoryová, 2013: 641
Šťáhlavský and Chytil, 2013: 77
Krajčovičová and Christophoryová, 2014: 172–173
Novák, 2015a: 156
Legg and Farr-Cox, 2016: n/a, fig. 17
Muster and Blick, 2016: 549
Andrews, 2017a: 2, fig. 1
Christophoryová, Jajcayová and Krajčovičová, 2017: 289
Muster, Komposch and Aurenhammer, 2017: 12
Krajčovičová, Matyukhin and Christophoryová, 2018: 482
Krajčovičová, Tamutis, Ivinskis, Machač and Christophoryová, 2018: 52, fig. 1D
Novák, 2018: 103
Christophoryová and Krajčovičová, 2019: 197
Legg, 2019: 191
Novák, Jablonski and Christophoryová, 2019: 132
Muster, Spelda, Rulik, Thormann, von der Mark and Astrin, 2021: 13819, fig. 4
Ćurčić, Dimitrijević and Ćurčić, 2020: 18
Červená, Christophoryová and Krajčovičová, 2021: 73
Christophoryová and Krásenský, 2022: 38–39, figs, 1a, b
Krajčovičová, Ivinskis, Rimšaitė and Christophoryová, 2022: 53–54
Hlebec, Harms, Kučinić and Harvey, 2024: fig. 3

Chernes (Trachychernes) cimicoides (Fabricius):

Tömösváry, 1883: 188–190, plate 1 figs 6–12
Ellingsen, 1897: 6–9
Ellingsen, 1910a: 373
Nonidez, 1917: 13
Beier, 1929a: 344

Chernes (Chernes) cimicoides (Fabricius):

Daday, 1889a: 117–118, 172
Leleup, 1947: 322

Chelifer meridianus L. Koch:

Pickard-Cambridge, 1892: 221–222, plate 6 fig. 6, plate C fig. 15 (misidentification)

Chelifer (Chernes) cimicoides (Fabricius):

Kew, 1911a: 46–47, fig. 9
Standen, 1912: 13
Kew, 1916a: 124
Kästner, 1928: 6, fig. 18
Schenkel, 1928: 62, figs 17a–b
Berland, 1929: 15

Chelifer (Trachychernes) cimicoides (Fabricius):

Lessert, 1911: 15–16, figs 7–8, 13
Schenkel, 1929a: 321

Chelifer (Chelanops) cimicoides (Fabricius):

Redikorzev, 1924b: 23–24, fig. 9

Chernes basiléensis (Ellingsen):

Beier, 1930a: 212

Chernes cf. cimicoides (Fabricius):

Ostrovsky, 2020: 14–15, fig. 4

Not Chelifer cimicoides (Fabricius):

Hansen, 1885a: 544–545 (misidentification; see Dinocheirus panzeri (C.L. Koch))

Not Chelifer (Trachychernes) cimicoides (Fabricius):

Beier, 1929e: 445–446 (misidentification; see Chernes graecus Beier))

Chelifer fasciatus Leach, 1815 -- synonymised by Simon, 1879a: 39
Chelifer fasciatus
Leach, 1815: 391 (synonymised by Simon, 1879a: 39) original description
Leach, 1816: 433, plate XXIII
Lamarck, 1818: 80
Lamarck, 1838: 109
Lamarck, 1839: 301
78, Walckenaer, 1844 (reference missing)
Carrara, 1846: 101
Judson, 1997a: 17 (as synonym of Chernes cimicoides (Fabricius))
Chelifer olfersii Leach, 1817 -- synonymised by Koch, 1843: 56
Chelifer olfersii
Leach, 1817: 50, plate 142 fig. 2 (synonymised with Chelifer geoffroyi Leach by C.L. Koch, 1843: 56) original description
Lucas, 1840: 452
Gervais, 1844: 78
Judson, 1997a: 31–32 (as synonym of Chernes cimicoides (Fabricius))
Chelifer geoffroyi Leach, 1817 -- synonymised by Simon, 1879a: 39
Chelifer geoffroyi
Leach, 1817: 50, plate 142 fig. 1 (synonymised by Simon, 1879a: 39) original description
Lucas, 1840: 452–453
Koch, 1843: 56–57, fig. 791
Hagen, 1870: 265–266
Judson, 1997a: 17 (as synonym of Chernes cimicoides (Fabricius))
Not Chelifer geoffroyi Leach:
Jenyns, 1846: 295 (misidentification; see Lamprochernes nodosus (Schrank))
Chernes mengei L. Koch, 1873 -- synonymised by Beier, 1932e: 155
Chernes mengei
Koch, 1873: 11–12 (synonymised by Beier, 1932e: 155) original description
Stecker, 1874a: 234
Stecker, 1875d: 88
Judson, 1997a: 32 (as synonym of Chernes cimicoides (Fabricius))
Chelifer (Trachychernes) cimicoides basileensis Ellingsen, 1906 -- synonymised by Beier, 1932e: 155
Chelifer (Trachychernes) cimicoides var. basileensis
Ellingsen, 1906: 251–252 (Chelifer (Trachychernes) cimicoides var. basiléensis) (synonymised by Beier, 1932e: 155) original description
Chelifer cimicoides basileensis Ellingsen:
Ellingsen, 1912b: 82 (as Chelifer cimicoides basiléensis)
Chernes cimicoides caucasicus Kobakhidze, 1965 -- synonymised by Schawaller and Dashdamirov, 1988: 42
Chernes cimicoides caucasicus
Kobakhidze, 1965a: 441–443, fig. 1 original description
Kobakhidze, 1965b: 541
Kobakhidze, 1966: 705 (synonymised by Schawaller and Dashdamirov, 1988: 42–43) (junior primary homonym of Chernes (Ectoceras) caucasicus Daday, 1889b)
Distribution table

Realm: Palaearctic

Equatorial Guinea?
Belarus (?)
France (mainland)
Greece (mainland)
Italy (mainland, Sardinia)
Russia (Kaluzhskaya Oblast’, Kirovskaya Oblast’, Moskovskaya Oblast’, Republic of Karelia, Sakhalinskaya Oblast', Samarskaya Oblast’)
Spain (mainland)
Type locality: Germany.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Germany (IMPRECISE) 51 11
Type repository
  • undefined Holotype adult (BMNH); Paratype 1 specimen (BMNH)
Zoobank LSID


Andrews, L. (2017a). How to find pseudoscorpions. Newsletter of the British Arachnological Society 138: 2–3. -- Show included taxa

Anonymous (1831b). A lobster-like insect attacking the leg of a house-fly. Magazine of Natural History 4: 283–284. -- Show included taxa

Anonymous (1835). Beobachtungen englischer Naturforscher über die Afterskorpione (Chelifer). Archiv für Naturgeschichte 1(2): 186. -- Show included taxa

Ax, P. (2001). Multicellular animals: the phylogenetic system of the Metazoa. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York II. -- Show included taxa

Becker, L. (1884). Catalogue des Arachnides de Belgique, cinquième partie. Chernètes. Comptes Rendus des Séances de la Société Entomologique de Belgique (3) no. 49 3: cclxiii–cclxiv. -- Show included taxa

Becker, L. (1896). Les Arachnides de Belgique. Annales de la Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique 12: 1–378. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1929a). Die Pseudoskorpione des Wiener Naturhistorischen Museums. II. Panctenodactyli. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 43: 341–367. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1929e). Zoologische Forschungsreise nach den Jonischen Inseln und dem Peloponnes. I. und II. Teil. Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien 128: 425–456. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1930a). Die Pseudoskorpione des Wiener Naturhistorischen Museums. III. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 44: 199–222. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1930e). Die Pseudoskorpione der Sammlung Roewer. Zoologischer Anzeiger 91: 284–300. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1932e). Pseudoscorpionidea II. Subord. C. Cheliferinea. Tierreich 58: i–xxi, 1–294. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1939a). Pseudoscorpionidea - Afterskorpione. Nachträge und Berichtigungen. In: Kükenthal, W. and Krumbach, T. (ed.) Handbuch der Zoologie Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin und Leipzig 3 (3): 169–185. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1939e). Die Pseudoscorpione des oberösterreichischen Landesmuseums in Linz. Jahrbuch des Vereines für Landeskunde und Heimatpflege im Gau Oberdonau, Linz 88: 303–312. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1939f). Die Pseudoscorpioniden-Fauna der iberischen Halbinsel. Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abteilung für Systematik, Ökologie und Geographie der Tiere 72: 157–202. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1948b). Phoresie und Phagophilie bei Pseudoscorpionen. Österreichische Zoologische Zeitschrift 1: 441–497. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1952e). Ordn.: Pseudoscorpionidea, Afterskorpione. In: Strouhal, H. (ed.) Catalogus faunae Austriae Springer-Verlag, Wien 9a: 2–6. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1955n). Neue Beiträge zur Kenntnis der iberischen Pseudoscorpioniden-Fauna. Eos, Madrid 31: 87–122. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1956h). Bemerkenswerte Pseudoscorpioniden-Funde aus Niederösterreich. Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt, Wien 8: 24–25. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1959f). Ergänzungen zur iberischen Pseudoscorpioniden-Fauna. Eos, Madrid 35: 113–131. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1960b). Chernes cimicoides (F.) und Chernes hahni (C.L. Koch), zwei gut unterschiedene Arten. Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichischer Entomologen 12: 100–102. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1963b). Ordnung Pseudoscorpionidea (Afterskorpione). In: Bestimmungsbücher zur Bodenfauna Europas Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1: vi, 313 pp.. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1969b). Weitere Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Pseudoskorpione Anatoliens. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 73: 189–198. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1973e). Beiträge zur Pseudoscorpioniden-fauna Anatoliens. Fragmenta Entomologica 8: 223–236. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. (1975a). Weitere bemerkenswerte Pseudoscorpione von Sizilien. Animalia, Catania 2: 55–58. -- Show included taxa

Beier, M. & Franz, H. (1954). 16. Ordnung: Pseudoscorpionidea. In: Franz, H. (ed.) Die Nordost-Alpen im Spiegel ihrer Landtierwelt Universitätsverlag Wagner, Innsbruck 1: 453–459. -- Show included taxa

Bennett, W.H. (1908). Occurrence of Chernes cyrneus L. Koch and C. cimicoides (Fabricius) in Richmond Park, Surrey. Hastings and East Sussex Naturalist 1: 114. -- Show included taxa

Bergsten, J., Lundgren, M. & Nilsson, A. (2000). Nya fynd av klokrypare i Norrland (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Natur i Norr 19: 107–108. -- Show included taxa

Berland, L. (1929). Arachnides et Crustacès. In: Perrier, R. (ed.) Faune de la France en tableaux synoptiques Librairie Delagrave, Paris 2: 1–220. -- Show included taxa

Beron, P. (1968). [Etudes sur les Pseudoscorpions. I. Sur les espèces du sous-ordre Cheliferinea en Bulgarie]. Bulletin de l'Institut de Zoologie et Musée, Sofia 27: 103–106. -- Show included taxa

Bignotti, G. (1909). Elenco dei Pseudoscorpioni trovati in Italia e loro distribuzione geografica. Atti della Società dei Naturaliste e Matematici, Modena (4) 11: 56–76. -- Show included taxa

Brébisson, J. (1827). Catalogue des Arachnides, des Myriapodes et des Insectes-Aptères que l'on trouve dans le département du Calvados. Mémoires de la Société Linnéenne de Normandie 3: 254–274. -- Show included taxa

Butterfield, W.R. (1909). Occurrence of the false-scorpion Chernes cimicoides (Fabr.) in Dallington Forest. Hastings and East Sussex Naturalist 1: 195–196. -- Show included taxa

Callaini, G. (1986c). Appunti su alcune specie italiane della famiglia Chernetidae Menge (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpionida). Notulae Chernetologicae XV. Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Verona 11: 379–401. -- Show included taxa

Canestrini, J. (1883). Chernetides Italici. In: Berlese, A. (ed.) Acari, Myriapoda et Scorpiones hucusque in Italia reperta A. Berlese, Padova fascicolo VII. -- Show included taxa

Cantoni, E. (1882). Escursione in Calabria (1877). Chernetidi ed Opilionidi. Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana 14: 191–203. -- Show included taxa

Caporiacco, L. di (1940a). Arachniden aus der Provinz Verona (Norditalien). Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica 10: 1–37. -- Show included taxa

Caporiacco, L. di (1948c). L'aracnofauna della Romagna in base alle raccolte Zangheri. Redia 34: 237–288. -- Show included taxa

Carr, J.W. (1906). New Nottinghamshire spiders and false-scorpions. 54th Report and Transactions Nottingham Naturalists' Society for 1905-1906: 47–48. -- Show included taxa

Carrara, F.D. (1846). La Dalmatia descritta. Fratelli Battara Tipografi Editori, Zara. -- Show included taxa

Chamberlin, J.C. (1931a). The arachnid order Chelonethida. Stanford University Publications, Biological Sciences 7(1): 1–284. -- Show included taxa

Christophoryová, J. (2013). A faunistic study on the pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) of oak-hornbeam forests in SW Slovakia. Munis Entomology and Zoology 8: 634–645. -- Show included taxa

Christophoryová, J., Štáhlavský, F. & Fedor, P. (2011). An updated identification key to the pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Zootaxa 2876: 35–48. -- Show included taxa

Christophoryová, J., Štáhlavský, F., Krumpál, M. & Fedor, P. (2012). Pseudoscorpions of the Czech Republic and Slovakia: an annotated and revised checklist (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). North-Western Journal of Zoology 8(1): 1–21. -- Show included taxa

Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L. (1968). Spiders, scorpions, centipedes and mites. Pergamon Press, Oxford. [revised edition] -- Show included taxa

Cooreman, J. (1946b). Note sur les pseudoscorpions de la faune Belge. Bulletin du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique 22(2): 1–8. -- Show included taxa

Crocker, J. (1976). False scorpions. Heritage, Quarterly Bulletin of the Loughborough Naturalists' Club 61: 1–11. -- Show included taxa

Crocker, J. (1978). Introduction to false scorpions. British Arachnological Society, Secretary's News Letter 21: 4–9. -- Show included taxa

Cuní y Martornell, D.M. (1897). Fauna entomológica de la villa de Calella (Cataluña, Provincia de Barcelona). Anales de la Sociedad Española de Historia Natural 26: 281–339. -- Show included taxa

Ćurčić, B.P.M. (1974a). Arachnoidea. Pseudoscorpiones. In: Catalogus faunae Jugoslaviae Academie Slovène, Ljubljana 3(4): 1–35. -- Show included taxa

Ćurčić, B.P.M. (1976b). Une contribution a la connaissance de la faune des pseudoscorpions en Serbie. Glasnik Muzeja Srpske Zemlje, Beograd (B) 31: 169–184. -- Show included taxa

Ćurčić, B.P.M., Dimitrijević, R.N. & Legakis, A. (2004). The pseudoscorpions of Serbia, Montenegro, and the Republic of Macedonia. Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Athens. -- Show included taxa

Daday, E. (1880a). A magyarországi álskorpiók. Értesítö az Erdélyi Múzeum-egyesület Orvos-Természet-Tudományi Szakosztályából 5: 191–193. -- Show included taxa

Daday, E. (1889a). A Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum álskorpióinak áttekintése. Természetrajzi Füzetek 11: 111–136, 165–192. -- Show included taxa

Daday, E. (1889d). Ujabb adatok o magyar-fauna álskorpióinak ismeretéhez. Természetrajzi Füzetek 12: 25–28. -- Show included taxa

Daday, E. (1918). Ordo Pseudoscorpiones. In: A Magyar Birodalom Allatvilága Regia Societas Scientiarum Naturalium Hungarica, Budapest: 1–2. -- Show included taxa

Dashdamirov, S. & Schawaller, W. (1992b). [Pseudoscorpions of the Caucasian fauna (Arachnida Pseudoscorpionida)]. Arthropoda Selecta 1(4): 31–72. -- Show included taxa

Delfosse, E. (2003b). Catalogue préliminaire des Pseudoscorpions de France métropolitaine (Arachnida Pseudoscorpiones). Bulletin de Phyllie 17: 24–48. -- Show included taxa

Drogla, R. (1988b). Pseudoskorpione aus dem Naturschutzgebiet "Ostufer der Müritz" - Abberationen und eine für die DDR neue Art (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones). Zoologischer Rundbrief Bez. Neubrandenburg 5: 10–15. -- Show included taxa

Drogla, R. (2004). Kommentierte Checkliste der Pseudoskorpione Thüringens (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones). In: Hartmann, M. and Bellstedt, R. (ed.) Check-listen Thüringer Insekten und Spinnentiere Thüringer Entomologenvernad e.V., Jena: 5–8. -- Show included taxa

Drogla, R. & Lippold, K. (2004). Zur Kenntnis der pseudoskorpion-fauna von Ostdeutschland (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones). Arachnologische Mitteilungen 27–28: 1–54. -- Show included taxa

Ducháč, V. (1994). Faunisticko-bionomické poznámky k některým druhům štírků České Republiky a Slovenské Republiky. Fauna Bohemiae Septentrionalis 19: 139–153. -- Show included taxa

Ducháč, V. (1999a). The contemporary research of the pseudoscorpion fauna in the Czech Republic. American Arachnology 59: 14. -- Show included taxa

Dugès, A. & Edwards, M. (1836). Arachnides. In: Cuvier, G. (ed.) Le règne animal distribue d'après son organisation Fortin, Masson, Paris 15–16. [3rd edition] -- Show included taxa

Duméril, A.M.C. (1826). Pince, porte-pince ou Chélifère. In: Levrault, F.G. (ed.) Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles F.G. Levrault, Strasbourg 41: 49–50. -- Show included taxa

Ellingsen, E. (1897). Norske Pseudoscorpioner. Forhandlinger i Videnskabsselskabet i Kristiania 1896(5): 1–21. -- Show included taxa

Ellingsen, E. (1903). Norske Pseudoscorpioner. II. Forhandlinger i Videnskabsselskabet i Kristiania 1903(5): 1–18. -- Show included taxa

Ellingsen, E. (1905d). Pseudoscorpions from Italy and southern France conserved in the R. Museo Zoologico in Torino. Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia e di Anatomia Comparata della R. Università di Torino 20(503): 1–13. -- Show included taxa

Ellingsen, E. (1906). Report on the pseudoscorpions of the Guinea Coast (Africa) collected by Leonardo Fea. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (3) 2: 243–265. -- Show included taxa

Ellingsen, E. (1907a). Notes on pseudoscorpions, British and foreign. Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club (2) 10: 155–172. -- Show included taxa

Ellingsen, E. (1908d). Über Pseudoskorpione aus West-Deutschland. Sitzungsberichte herausgegeben vom Naturhistorischen Verein Preussischen Rheinlände und Westfalens 1908: 69–70. -- Show included taxa

Ellingsen, E. (1909a). Contributions to the knowledge of the pseudoscorpions from material belonging to the Museo Civico in Genova. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (3) 4: 205–220. -- Show included taxa

Ellingsen, E. (1910a). Die Pseudoskorpione des Berliner Museums. Mitteilung aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 4: 357–423. -- Show included taxa

Ellingsen, E. (1910b). Pseudoskorpione und Myriopoden des Naturhistorischen Museums der Stadt Wiesbaden. Jahrbuch des Nassauischen Vereins für Naturkunde 63: 62–65. -- Show included taxa

Ellingsen, E. (1910c). Myriapoda und Pseudoscorpiones. In: Strand, E., Neue Beiträge zur Arthropoden-Fauna Norwegens nebst gelegentlichen Bemerkungen über deutsche Arten. Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne 48: 344–348. -- Show included taxa

Ellingsen, E. (1911c). Pseudoscorpionina. In: Le Roi, O. , Zur Fauna des Vereinsgebietes. Sitzungsberichte herausgegeben vom Naturhistorischen Verein Preussischen Rheinlände und Westfalens 1911: 173–174. -- Show included taxa

Ellingsen, E. (1912b). The pseudoscorpions of South Africa, based on the collections of the South African Museum, Cape Town. Annals of the South African Museum 10: 75–128. -- Show included taxa

Evans, G.O. & Browning, E. (1954). Synopses of the British Fauna. No. 10. Pseudoscorpiones. Linnean Society, London. -- Show included taxa

Fabricius, J.C. (1793). Entomologia systematica emendata et aucta. Secundum classes, ordines, genera, species adjectis synonimis, locis, obervationibus, descriptionibus. C.G. Proft, Hafniae 2. -- Show included taxa

Fernández, G.E. (1910). Datos para el conocimiento de la distribución geográfica de los Arácnidos de España. Memorias de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural 6: 343–424. -- Show included taxa

Fowles, A. (1994). A provisional checklist of the invertebrates recorded from Wales. 1. False scorpions, harvestmen and spiders (Arachnida). Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru (Countryside Council for Wales), Bangor, Gwynedd. -- Show included taxa

Fowles, A. (1996). Aspects of arachnid recording in Wales. Newsletter of the British Arachnological Society 77: 6–7. -- Show included taxa

Franganillo Balboa, P. (1936). Los Arácnidos de Cuba hasta 1936. Cultural S.A., La Habana. -- Show included taxa

Gabbutt, P.D. (1972a). The disposition of trichobothria in the Chernetidae (Pseudoscorpiones). In: Anonymous (ed.) Arachnologorum Congressus Internationalis V, Brno: 37–42. -- Show included taxa

Gabbutt, P.D. (1972b). Differences in the disposition of trichobothria in the Chernetidae (Pseudoscorpiones). Journal of Zoology, London 167: 1–13. -- Show included taxa

García Carrillo, J. (1998). Los Pseudoscorpiones de Aragón (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpionida). Catalogus de la Entomofauna Aragonesa 18: 11–17. -- Show included taxa

Gärdenfors, U. & Wilander, P. (1992). Sveriges klokrypare med nyckel till arterna. Entomologisk Tidskrift 113: 20–35. -- Show included taxa

Gärdenfors, U. & Wilander, P. (1995). Ecology and phoretic habits of Anthrenochernes stellae (Pseudoscorpionida, Chernetidae). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 10: 28–30. -- Show included taxa

Gardini, G. (1995a). Arachnida Pseudoscorpionida. In: Minelli, A, Ruffo, S. and La Posta, S. (ed.) Checklist delle specie della fauna Italiana Calderini, Bologna 22: 1–8. -- Show included taxa

Gardini, G. (2000). Catalogo degli Pseudoscorpioni d'Italia (Arachnida). Fragmenta Entomologica 32, Supplemento: 1–181. -- Show included taxa

George, R.S. (1961). More records of Gloucestershire falsescorpions. Report of the North Gloucestershire Naturalists' Society 1959–1960: 38. -- Show included taxa

Gervais, P. (1844). Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Aptères. Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris 3. -- Show included taxa

Gonzalez, V.H., Mantilla, B. & Mahnert, V. (2008). A new host record for Dasychernes inquilinus (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones, Chernetidae), with an overview of pseudoscorpion-bee relationships. Journal of Arachnology 35: 470–474. -- Show included taxa

Guérin-Méneville, F.E. (1828). Pince. Chelifer. In: Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle Rey et Gravier, Paris 13: 596–599. -- Show included taxa

Hagen, H. (1870). Synopsis pseudoscorpionidum synonymica. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 13: 263–272. -- Show included taxa

Hansen, H.J. (1885a). Arthrogastra Danica: en monographisk fremstilling af de i Danmark levende Meiere og Mosskorpioner med bidrag til sidstnaevnte underordens systematik. In: Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift Thieles Bogtrykkeri, Kjøbenhavn (3) 14: 491–554. -- Show included taxa

Hansen, H.J. (1894). Organs and characters in different orders of arachnids [second part]. Entomologiske Meddelelser 4: 145–249. -- Show included taxa

Harding, P.T. (1975). A preliminary list of the fauna of Staverton Park, Suffolk, part 3. Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists' Society 16: 399–413. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, M.S. (1991a). Catalogue of the Pseudoscorpionida. Manchester University Press, Manchester. -- Show included taxa

Harvey, P.R. (1992). Pseudoscorpions. Essex Naturalist 11: 149–150. -- Show included taxa

Henderickx, H. (1999b). Naamlijst van de Belgische pseudoschorpioenen (Arachnida Pseudoscorpionida). Bulletin de la Societe Royale Belge d'Entomologie 135: 66–71. -- Show included taxa

Henderickx, H. & Vets, V. (1999). Chernes hahni, een nieuwe pseudoschorpioen voor Belgie en Luxemburg (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Phegea 27: 117–121. -- Show included taxa

Holmen, M. & Scharff, N. (2008). Anthrenochernes stellae Lohmander, 1939 - status in Denmark for a new species on the EC Habitats Directive (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones). Entomologiske Meddelelser- Entomologisk Forening Kobenhavn 76: 55–68. -- Show included taxa

Howes, C.A. (1972a). A review of Yorkshire pseudoscorpions. Naturalist, Hull 918: 107–110. -- Show included taxa

Illiger, J.K.W. (1798). Verzeichniss der Käfer Preussens. J.J. Bauer, Halle. -- Show included taxa

Jackson, A.R. (1908). On some rare arachnids captured during 1907. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, new series 3: 49–78. -- Show included taxa

Jansson, N. & Hultengren, S. (2002). Oaks, lichens and beetles on Moricsala Island in Latvia - an ecological approach. Miljövårdsenheten, Länsstyrelsen i Östergötland Rapport 2002–2. -- Show included taxa

Jędryczkowski, W.B. (1985). Zaleszczotki (Pseudoscorpiones) Mazowsza. Fragmenta Faunistica Musei Zoologici Polonici 29: 77–83. -- Show included taxa

Jędryczkowski, W.B. (1987b). Zaleszczotki (Pseudoscorpiones) Gór Świętokryskich. Fragmenta Faunistica Musei Zoologici Polonici 31: 135–157. -- Show included taxa

Jędryczkowski, W.B. (1995). Bezkręgowce lądowe (Isopoda, Diplopoda, Pseudoscorpiones, Opiliones) Pojezierza Mazurskiego. Fragmenta Faunistica Musei Zoologici Polonici 37: 505–520. -- Show included taxa

Jenyns, L. (1846). Observations in natural history. John van Voorst, London. -- Show included taxa

Jones, P.E. (1975a). The occurrence of pseudoscorpions in the nests of British birds. Proceedings and Transactions of the British Entomological and Natural History Society 8: 87–89. -- Show included taxa

Jones, P.E. (1978). Phoresy and commensalism in British pseudoscorpions. Proceedings and Transactions of the British Entomological and Natural History Society 1978: 90–96. -- Show included taxa

Jones, P.E. (1979a). Pseudoscorpions from Little Wood, Eye, with some additional records from Northamptonshire. Journal of the Northamptonshire Natural History Society and Field Club 37: 198–201. -- Show included taxa

Jones, P.E. (1980c). Provisional atlas of the Arachnida of the British Isles. Part 1. Pseudoscorpiones.. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Monks Wood. -- Show included taxa

Jones, R.E. (1985). The false-scorpions of Norfolk. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society 27: 67–71. -- Show included taxa

Judson, M.L.I. (1997a). Catalogue of the pseudoscorpion types (Arachnida: Chelonethi) in the Natural History Museum, London. Occasional Papers on Systematic Entomology 11: 1–54. -- Show included taxa

Kaisila, J. (1947). Turun Yliopistan kokoelmien valeskorpioniaineisto. Annales Entomologici Fennici 13: 86–88. -- Show included taxa

Kaisila, J. (1949b). A revision of the pseudoscorpion fauna of eastern Fennoscandia. Annales Entomologici Fennici 15: 72–92. -- Show included taxa

Kárpáthegyi, P. (2007a). Pseudoscorpions of Hungary. Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis 31: 81–90. -- Show included taxa

Kárpáthegyi, P. (2007b). Check list of the Hungarian Pseudoscorpiones. Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis 31: 91–97. -- Show included taxa

Kästner, A. (1928). 2. Ordnung: Moos- oder Afterskorpione, Pseudoscorpiónes Latr. (Chernétes Simon; Chelonéti Thorell; Chernetídea Camb.). In: Brohmer, P, Ehrmann, P. and Ulmer, G. (ed.) Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas Quelle und Meyer, Leipzig 3 (1, IV): 1–13. -- Show included taxa

Kew, H.W. (1903). North of England pseudoscorpions. Naturalist, London 28: 293–300. -- Show included taxa

Kew, H.W. (1909b). Pseudoscorpiones (false-scorpions). In: Grinling, C. et al. (ed.) Survey and record of Woolwich and West Kent South Eastern Union of Scientific Societies, Woolwich: 258–259. -- Show included taxa

Kew, H.W. (1911a). A synopsis of the false scorpions of Britain and Ireland. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, section B 29: 38–64. -- Show included taxa

Kew, H.W. (1914a). On the nests of Pseudoscorpiones: with historical notes on the spinning-organs and observations on the building and spinning of the nests. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 84: 93–111. -- Show included taxa

Kew, H.W. (1916a). An historical account of the pseudoscorpion-fauna of the British islands. Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club (2) 13: 117–136. -- Show included taxa

Kew, H.W. (1929c). Observations on Mr. Donisthorpe's "Guests of British ants, chapter XII. Pseudoscorpiones".. Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 41: 21–22. -- Show included taxa

Klausen, F.E. (1975). Notes on the Pseudoscorpiones of Norway. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 22: 63–65. -- Show included taxa

Klausen, F.E. (1998). Additional records of pseudoscorpions from Norway. Fauna Norvegica, Series B 45: 100–103. -- Show included taxa

Klausen, F.E. & Totland, G.K. (1977). A scanning electron microscopic study of the setae of some chernetid pseudoscorpions. Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 4: 101–108. -- Show included taxa

Kobakhidze, D. (1965b). Ecological and zoogeographical characteristies [sic] of Pseudoscorpionidea from the Georgian SSR. Revue d'Ecologie et de Biologie du Sol 2: 541–543. -- Show included taxa

Kobakhidze, D.N. (1965a). [A new sub-species of pseudoscorpion, Chernes cimicoides caucasicus Kobakhidze ssp. n. from Caucasus]. Soobscenija Akademiji Nauk Gruzinskoj S.S.R. 37: 441–443. -- Show included taxa

Kobakhidze, D.N. (1966). [Material for the faunistic records of Pseudoscorpionidea in the Gruzian Republic]. Soobscenija Akademiji Nauk Gruzinskoj S.S.R. 41: 701–708. -- Show included taxa

Koch, C.L. (1843). Die Arachniden. Getreu nach der Natur Abgebildet und Beschrieben. C.H. Zeh'schen, Nürnberg 10. -- Show included taxa

Koch, L. (1873). Uebersichtliche Dartstellung der Europäischen Chernetiden (Pseudoscorpione). Bauer und Raspe, Nürnberg. -- Show included taxa

Kofler, A. (1968). Zur Begleitfauna von Quedius (Microsaurus) ventralis (Arag.) (Col., Staphylinidae). Berichte des Naturwissenschaftlich-Medizinischen Vereins in Innsbruck 56: 355–360. -- Show included taxa

Kofler, A. (1972). Die Pseudoskorpione Osttirols. Mitteilungen der Zoologischen Gesellschaft Braunau 1: 286–289. -- Show included taxa

Köhler, F., Decker, P., Doczkal, D., Fritz-Köhler, W., Groh, K., Günther, H., Haas, F., Hörren, T., Kreuels, M., Mertens, W., Muster, C., Neu, P.J., Römbke, J. & Ulitzka, M. (2011). Gliedertiere, Schnecken und Würmer in Totholzgesieben im Naturwaldreservat “Enneschte Bësch” (Arthropoda, Gastropoda, Annelida) (2007–2009). In: Murat, D. (ed.) Zoologische und botanische Untersuchungen "Enneschte Bësch" 2007 - 2010. Naturverwaltung Luxemburg 8: 136–188. -- Show included taxa

Koponen, S., Rinne, V. & Clayhills, T. (1997). Arthropods on oak branches in SW Finland, collected by a new trap type. Entomologica Fennica 8: 177–183. -- Show included taxa

Krajčovičová, K. & Christophoryová, J. (2014). Faunistic survey of pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) collected from trees and using Malaise traps in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Klapalekiana 50: 167–180. -- Show included taxa

Krumpál, M. & Cyprich, D. (1988). O výskyte šťúrikov (Pseudoscorpiones) v hniezdach vtákov (Aves) v podmienkach Slovenska. Zbornik Slovenskeho Národneho Múzea Prirodovedny 34: 41–48. -- Show included taxa

Kunt, K.B., Bayram, A., Yağmur, E.A. & Danısman, T. (2008). Checklist of the pseudoscorpions of Turkey (Pseudoscorpionida; Arachnida). Turkish Journal of Arachnology 1: 70–84. -- Show included taxa

Kvavadze, E., Arabuli, T. & Murvanidze, M. (2008). The pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpions) of Georgia. Proceedings of the Institute of Zoology, Tbilisi 23: 68–73. -- Show included taxa

Lagar, A. (1972a). Contribución al conocimiento de los Pseudoescorpiones de España. I. Miscelanea Zoologica 3: 17–21. -- Show included taxa

Lamarck, J.B.P.A. de (1818). Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres. Lanoe, Paris 5. -- Show included taxa

Lamarck, J.B.P.A. de (1838). Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres. J.B. Baillière, Paris 5. [2nd edition] -- Show included taxa

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Lameere, A. (1895). Manuel de la faune de Belgique. Lamertin, Bruxelles 1. -- Show included taxa

Latreille, P.A. (1804). Histoire naturelle, generale et particulière, des Crustacés et des Insectes. F. Dufart, Paris 7: 130–132. -- Show included taxa

Latreille, P.A. (1806). Genera crustaceorum et insectorum secundum ordinem naturalem in familias disposita, iconibus exemplisque plurimis explicata. Amand Koenig, Paris 1. -- Show included taxa

Latreille, P.A. (1817). Pedipalpes, Pedipalpi, Latr. In: Nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle, appliquée aux arts, a l'agriculture, a l'économie rurale et domestique, à la médecine, etc. Deterville, Paris 25: 112–113. [nouvelle édition] -- Show included taxa

Latreille, P.A. (1825c). Pince. In: Encyclopédie méthodique. Histoire naturelle. Entomologie, ou histoire naturelle de Crustacés, des Arachnides et des Insectes Agasse, Paris 10: 131–133. -- Show included taxa

Latreille, P.A. (1834). The animal kingdom. In: Cuvier, G. (ed.) G. Henderson, London 3. -- Show included taxa

Latreille, P.A. (1837). The animal kingdom. In: Cuvier, G. (ed.) G. Henderson, London 3. -- Show included taxa

Lazzeroni, G. (1969a). Sur la faune de pseudoscorpions de la région apenninique méridionale. (Recherches sur les Pseudoscorpions. III.). Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona 16: 321–344. -- Show included taxa

Lazzeroni, G. (1969b). Contributo alla conoscenza degli pseudoscorpioni della regione Veronese. (Ricerche sugli Pseudoscorpioni. IV). Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona 16: 379–418. -- Show included taxa

Lazzeroni, G. (1969c). Ricerche sugli Pseudoscorpioni. VI. Il popolamento della Sardegna. Fragmenta Entomologica 6: 223–251. -- Show included taxa

Lazzeroni, G. (1970a). Ricerche sugli Pseudoscorpioni. III. Considerazioni biogeografiche sulla fauna della regione appenninica meridionale. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (2) 41(supplément 1): 205–208. -- Show included taxa

Leach, W.E. (1814). Crustaceology. In: Brewster, D. (ed.) The Edinburgh Encyclopaedia Blackwood, Edinburgh 7: 383–437. -- Show included taxa

Leach, W.E. (1815). A tabular view of the external characters of four classes of animals, which Linné arranged under Insecta; with the distribution of the genera composing three of these classes into orders, andc. and descriptions of several new genera and species.. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 11(2): 306–400. doi: -- Show included taxa

Leach, W.E. (1816). Annulosa. In: Encyclopedia Britannica Encyclopedia Britannica, London Supplement 1: 401–453. -- Show included taxa

Leach, W.E. (1817). The zoological miscellany; being descriptions of new or interesting animals. Nodder, London 3. -- Show included taxa

Lebert, H. (1877). Die Spinnen der Schweiz. Neue Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 27: 1–321. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1972a). False-scorpions: the families Cheliferiidae [sic] and Chernetiidae [sic]. Countryside 21: 576–583. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1973b). The structure of encysted sperm of some British Pseudoscorpiones (Arachnida). Journal of Zoology, London 170: 429–440. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1975a). A generalised account of the male genitalia and associated glands of pseudoscorpions (Arachnida). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 3: 66–74. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1975d). The possible significance of spermathecae in pseudoscorpions (Arachnida). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 3: 91–95. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (2003b). An archaeological pseudoscorpion. Galea 6: 1–3. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. & Jones, R.E. (1988). Synopses of the British fauna (new series). 40. Pseudoscorpions (Arthropoda; Arachnida). Brill/Backhuys, Leiden. -- Show included taxa

Lehtinen, P.T. (1964). The phalangids and pseudoscorpionids of Finnish Lapland. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis (2A) 32: 279–287. -- Show included taxa

Leleup, N. (1947). Contribution a l'étude des Arthropodes nidicoles et microcavernicoles de Belgique. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 83: 304–343. -- Show included taxa

Lessert, R. de (1905). Arachniden Graubündens. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 13: 621–661. -- Show included taxa

Lessert, R. de (1911). Pseudoscorpions. Catalogue des Invertébrés de la Suisse 5: 1–50. -- Show included taxa

Lippold, K. (1985). Pseudoscorpione aus dem NSG "Ostufer der Müritz". Zoologischer Rundbrief Bez. Neubrandenburg 4: 40. -- Show included taxa

Lohmander, H. (1939b). Zur Kenntnis der Pseudoskorpionfauna Schwedens. Entomologisk Tidskrift 60: 279–323. -- Show included taxa

Lucas, H. (1840). Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, des Arachnides et des Myriapodes. P. Duménil, Paris. -- Show included taxa

MacLeod, J. (1884). La structure de l'intestin antérieur des Arachnides. Communication préliminaire. Bulletin de l'Académie Royal de Belgique (3) 8: 377–391. -- Show included taxa

Mahnert, V. (2004). Die Pseudoskorpione Österreichs (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones). Denisia 12: 459–471. -- Show included taxa

Mahnert, V. (2011d). Pseudoscorpiones (Arachnida). In: Schuster, R. (ed.) Checklisten der Fauna Österreichs Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 5: 28–39. -- Show included taxa

Markkula, M. & Tiitanen, K. (1981). The pseudoscorpionid Chernes cimicoides as a predator of the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis on cucumber cultures in glasshouses. Annales Agriculturae Fennici 20: 28–31. -- Show included taxa

Meinertz, T. (1962). Mosskorpioner og mejere (Pseudoscorpionidea og Opiliones). G.E.C. Gads, København 67. -- Show included taxa

Meinertz, T. (1964). Beiträge zur Verbreitung der Pseudoskorpioniden in Dänemark. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i Kjøbenhavn 126: 387–402. -- Show included taxa

Mendel, H. (1981). A review of Suffolk pseudoscorpions. Transactions of the Suffolk Natural History Society 18: 226–232. -- Show included taxa

Mendel, H. (1982). A few more records of pseudoscorpions including a species new to Suffolk. Transactions of the Suffolk Natural History Society 18: 296. -- Show included taxa

Menge, A. (1855). Ueber die Scheerenspinnen, Chernetidae. Neueste Schriften der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 5(2): 1–43. -- Show included taxa

Muchmore, W.B. (1974d). Clarification of the genera Hesperochernes and Dinocheirus (Pseudoscorpionida, Chernetidae). Journal of Arachnology 2: 25–36. -- Show included taxa

Muchmore, W.B. (1975d). Use of the spermathecae in the taxonomy of chernetid pseudoscorpions. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Arachnological Congress Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam, Amsterdam: 17–20. -- Show included taxa

Müller, F. & Schenkel, E. (1895). Verzeichnis der Spinnen von Basel und Umgegend. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel 10: 691–824. -- Show included taxa

Navás, L. (1925). Sinopsis de los Quernetos (Arácnidos) de la Península Ibérica. Broteria, Zoologica 22: 99–130. -- Show included taxa

Nonidez, J.F. (1917). Pseudoscorpiones de España. Trabajos del Museo Nacional de Ciencas Naturales, Madrid, Serie Zoológica 32: 1–46. -- Show included taxa

Noordijk, J. & Berg, M. (2001). De corticole fauna van platanen I: Arachniden (Arachnida: Aranea, Pseudoscorpiones, Acari). Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen 15: 13–31. -- Show included taxa

Novák, J. (2015a). New records for the pseudoscorpion fauna of the Bakony Mts, Hungary (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Opuscula Zoologica (Budapest) 46: 153–158. -- Show included taxa

Ozimec, R. (2004). List of Croatian pseudoscorpion fauna (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones). Natura Croatica 13: 381–394. -- Show included taxa

Palmgren, P. (1973). Über die Biotopverteilung waldbodenlebender Pseudoscorpionidea (Arachnoidea) in Finnland und Österreich. Commentationes Biologicae 61: 1–11. -- Show included taxa

Pavesi, P. (1876). Gli Aracnidi Turchi. Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali, e del Museo Civile di Storia Naturale, Milano 19: 50–74. -- Show included taxa

Pavesi, P. (1878). Aracnidi aggiunto un catalogo sistematico della specie di Grecia. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 11: 335–396. -- Show included taxa

Petrov, B. (1997). A review of Bulgarian pseudoscorpions (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpionida). In: Zabka, M. (ed.) Proceedings of the 16th European Colloquium of Arachnology Wydawnictwo Wyzszej Skoly Rolniczo-Pedagogicznej, Siedlce: 261–269. -- Show included taxa

Pickard-Cambridge, O. (1892). On the British species of false-scorpions. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club and Archaeological Society 13: 199–231. -- Show included taxa

Planet, L. (1905). Araignées (Araignées, Chernètes, Scorpions, Opilions). In: Histoire naturelle de la France Deyrolle, Paris 14. -- Show included taxa

Platen, R., Blick, T., Bliss, P., Drogla, R., Malten, A., Martens, J., Sacher, P. & Wunderlich, J. (1995). Verzeichnis der Spinnentiere (excl. Acarida) Deutschlands (Arachnida: Araneida, Opilionida, Pseudoscorpionida). Arachnologische Mitteilungen, Sonderband 1: 1–55. -- Show included taxa

Poinar, G.O., Jr, Ćurčić, B.P.M. & Cokendolpher, J.C. (1998). Arthropod phoresy involving pseudoscorpions in the past and present. Acta Arachnologica 47: 79–96. -- Show included taxa

Proctor, H.C. (1993). Mating biology resolves trichotomy for cheliferoid pseudoscorpions (Pseudoscorpionida, Cheliferoidea). Journal of Arachnology 21: 156–158. -- Show included taxa

Pschorn-Walcher, H. & Gunhold, P. (1957). Zur Kenntnis der Tiergemeinschaft in Moos- und Flechtenrasen an Park- und Waldbäumen. Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Ökologie der Tiere 46: 342–354. -- Show included taxa

Rafalski, J. (1967). Zaleszczotki. Pseudoscorpionidea. In: Katalog Fauny Polski Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa 32 (1): 1–34. -- Show included taxa

Redikorzev, V. (1924b). [Les pseudoscorpions de l'Oural]. Bulletin de la Société Ouralienne d'Sciences Naturelles 39: 11–27. -- Show included taxa

Redikorzev, V. (1949). [Pseudoscorpionidea of Central Asia]. Travaux de l'Institute de Zoologique de l'Académie Sciences de l'U.R.S.S. 8: 638–668. -- Show included taxa

Ressl, F. (1965). Über Verbreitung, Variabilität und Lebensweise einiger österreichischer Afterskorpione. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 12: 289–295. -- Show included taxa

Ressl, F. (1974). Myrmecophile Pseudoscorpione aus dem Bezirk Scheibbs (Niederösterreich). Entomologische Nachrichten 18: 26–31. -- Show included taxa

Ressl, F. & Beier, M. (1958). Zur Ökologie, Biologie und Phänologie der heimischen Pseudoskorpione. Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abteilung für Systematik, Ökologie und Geographie der Tiere 86: 1–26. -- Show included taxa

Roewer, C.F. (1936). Chelonethi oder Pseudoskorpione. In: Bronns, H.G. (ed.) Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft M.B.H., Leipzig 5(IV)(6)(1): 1–160. -- Show included taxa

Roewer, C.F. (1937). Chelonethi oder Pseudoskorpione. In: Bronns, H.G. (ed.) Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft M.B.H., Leipzig 5(IV)(6)(1): 161–320. -- Show included taxa

Rossi, A. (1909). Materiali per una fauna aracnologica della Provincia di Roma. Chernetes (Pseudoscorpioni). Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana 40: 182–194. -- Show included taxa

Rundle, A.J. (1979). Pseudoscorpions and harvestmen in Bedfordshire. Bedfordshire Naturalist 33: 47–50. -- Show included taxa

Savory, T.H. (1945). The spiders and allied orders of the British Isles comprising descriptions of every family of British spiders, every species of harvestmen and false scorpions also the more familiar of the British mites and sea-spiders. Frederick Warne & Co., London. [2nd edition] -- Show included taxa

Schaefer, M. (1988). 1. Chelicerata, Spinnentiere. In: Brohmer, P. (ed.) Fauna von Deutschland Quelle und Meyer, Heidelberg: 99–135. [17th edition] -- Show included taxa

Schaller, F. (1979). Significance of sperm transfer and formation of spermatophores in arthropod phylogeny. In: Gupta, A.P. (ed.) Arthropod phylogeny Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York: 587–608. -- Show included taxa

Schawaller, W. (1986). Pseudoskorpione aus der Sowjetunion, Teil 2 (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde (A) 396: 1–15. -- Show included taxa

Schawaller, W. (1989). Pseudoskorpione aus der Sowjetunion, Teil 3 (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde (A) 440: 1–30. -- Show included taxa

Schawaller, W. (1995a). Review of the pseudoscorpion fauna of the Far East of Russia (Arachnida Pseudoscorpionida). Arthropoda Selecta 3: 123–126. -- Show included taxa

Schawaller, W. & Dashdamirov, S. (1988). Pseudoskorpione aus dem Kaukasus, Teil 2 (Arachnida). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde (A) 415: 1–51. -- Show included taxa

Schenkel, E. (1928). Pseudoscorpionida (Afterskorpione). In: Dahl, F. (ed.) Die Tierwelt Deutschlands G. Fischer, Jena 8: 52–72. -- Show included taxa

Schenkel, E. (1929a). Pseudoskorpione des Zehlaubruches. Schriften der Physikalischen-Ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu Königsberg 66: 320–323. -- Show included taxa

Scheuring, L. (1913). Die Augen der Arachnoideen. Zoologische Jahrbücher, Anatomie und Ontogenie 33: 553–636. -- Show included taxa

Simon, E. (1879a). Les Ordres des Chernetes, Scorpiones et Opiliones. In: Les Arachnides de France Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris 7: 1–332. -- Show included taxa

Simon, E. (1898d). Studio sui Chernetes Italiani conservati nel Museo Civico di Genova con descrizione di nuova specie. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (2) 19: 20–24. -- Show included taxa

Smith, M. (1967). The cheliceral flagellum of some British Chernetidae (Pseudoscorpiones). Journal of Natural History 3: 295–300. -- Show included taxa

Šťáhlavský, F. (2006b). Štírci (Pseudoscorpiones, Arachnida) CHKO Kokořínsko. Bohemia Centralia, Praha 27: 161–165. -- Show included taxa

Šťáhlavský, F. (2011). Štírci (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) CHKO Třeboňsko a okolí. Klapalekiana 47: 247–258. -- Show included taxa

Šťáhlavský, F. & Chytil, J. (2013). Štírci (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) Biosférické rezervace Dolní Morava a okolí (Česká republika). Klapalekiana 49: 73–88. -- Show included taxa

Standen, R. (1912). The false-scorpions of Lancashire and some adjoining counties, with a preliminary list of records. Lancashire and Cheshire Naturalist 5: 7–16. -- Show included taxa

Stecker, A. (1874a). Zur Kenntnis der Chernetidenfauna Böhmens. Sitzungsberichte der Königliche Böhmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften 8: 227–241. -- Show included taxa

Stecker, A. (1874b). Ueber zweifelhafte Chernetiden-Arten, welche von A. Menge beschrieben wurden. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 19: 305–314. -- Show included taxa

Stecker, A. (1875d). Die Chernetidenfauna Böhmens. Zeitschrift für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 11: 87–89. -- Show included taxa

Stol, I. (2005). Nordiske mosskorpioner (Pseudoscorpiones). Norske Insekttabeller 18: 1–35. -- Show included taxa

Strand, E. (1900b). Zur Kenntniss der Arachniden Norwegens. Kongelige Norske Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter 1900(2): 1–46. -- Show included taxa

Stschelkanovzeff, J.P. (1902a). Über den Bau der Respirationsorgane bei den Pseudoscorpionen. Zoologischer Anzeiger 25: 126–135. -- Show included taxa

Stschelkanovzeff, J.P. (1903a). Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Segmentierung und des Körperbaues der Pseudoscorpione. Zoologischer Anzeiger 26: 318–334. -- Show included taxa

Szent-Ivány, J. (1941). Neue Angaben zur Verbreitung der Pseudoscorpione im Karpaten-becken. Fragmenta Faunistica Hungarica 4: 85–90. -- Show included taxa

Thaler, K. (1979). Fragmenta faunistica Tirolensia, IV (Arachnida: Acari: Caeculidae; Pseudoscorpiones; Scorpiones; Opiliones; Aranei; Insecta: Dermaptera; Thysanoptera; Diptera Nematocera: Mycetophilidae, Psychodidae, Limoniidae und Tipulidae). Veröffentlichungen des Museums Ferdinandeum 59: 49–83. -- Show included taxa

Théis, C. de (1832). Lettre adressée à M. Audouin, sur quelques Arachnides des genres Hydrachna et Chelifer. Annales des Sciences Naturelles 27: 57–78. -- Show included taxa

Tömösváry, Ö. (1883). Pseudoscorpiones faunae Hungaricae. A Magyar fauna álskorpiói. Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Matematikai és Természettudományi Közlemények 18: 135–256. -- Show included taxa

Tooren, D. van den (2005b). Naamlijst en determinatiesleutel tot de Pseudoschorpioenen van Nederland (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen 23: 91–102. -- Show included taxa

Tullgren, A. (1899a). Bidrag till Kännedomen om Sveriges Pseudoscorpioner. Entomologisk Tidskrift 20: 161–182. -- Show included taxa

Tullgren, A. (1906a). Svensk spindelfauna. Första Ordningen. Klokrypare Chelonethi. Entomologisk Tidskrift 27: 195–205. -- Show included taxa

Tullgren, A. (1906b). Notiser rörande arter af Arachnidgrupperna Chelonethi och Phalangidea. Entomologisk Tidskrift 27: 214–218. -- Show included taxa

Tumšs, V. (1934). Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Pseudoscorpionen-Fauna Lettlands. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica 7: 12–19. -- Show included taxa

Turienzo, P., Iorio, O. di & Mahnert, V. (2010). Global checklist of pseudoscorpions (Arachnida) found in birds’ nests. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 117: 557–598. -- Show included taxa

Väänänen, H. (1928a). Suomen valeskorppioonilajit. Luonnon Ystävä 32: 9–19. -- Show included taxa

Vachon, M. (1934d). Pseudoscorpionides de la Côte-d'Or: 1re liste. Bulletin Scientifique de Bourgogne 4: 133. -- Show included taxa

Vachon, M. (1936a). Sur le développement postembryonnaire des Pseudoscorpions (quatrième note). Les formules chaetotaxiques des pattes-mâchoires.. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (2) 8: 77–83. -- Show included taxa

Vachon, M. (1937f). Le contenu du sac ovigère chez les Pseudoscorpions. Bulletin Scientifique de Bourgogne 6: 128–129. -- Show included taxa

Vachon, M. (1938a). Recherches anatomiques et biologiques sur la réproduction et le développement des Pseudoscorpions. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie (11) 1: 1–207. -- Show included taxa

Vachon, M. (1940f). Remarques sur la phóresie des Pseudoscorpions. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 109: 1–18. -- Show included taxa

Vachon, M. (1949). Ordre des Pseudoscorpions. In: Grassé, P.-P. (ed.) Traité de zoologie Masson, Paris 6: 437–481. -- Show included taxa

Vachon, M. (1957). Remarques sur les Chernetidae (Pseudoscorpions) de la fauna britannique. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (12) 10: 389–394. -- Show included taxa

Verner, P.H. (1971). Štírci - Pseudoscorpionidea. In: Daniel, M. and Černý, V. (ed.) Klič Zviřeny ČSSR Českoslovenká Akademie Věd, Praha 4: 19–31. -- Show included taxa

Walckenaer, C.A. (1802). Faune Parisienne, Insectes. Imprimeur-Libraire, Paris 2. -- Show included taxa

Warburton, C. (1909). Arachnida Embolobranchiata (scorpions, spiders, mites, etc.). In: Harmer, S.F. and Shipley, A.E. (ed.) The Cambridge natural history MacMillan and Co., London 4: 297–474. -- Show included taxa

Weidner, H. (1954b). Die Pseudoskorpione, Weberknechte und Milben der Umgebung von Hamburg mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der für den Menschen wichtigen Arten. Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Staatsinstitut und Zoologischen Museum in Hamburg 1: 103–156. -- Show included taxa

Weslien, J. (1992). The arthropod complex associated with Ips typographus (L.) (Coleoptera, Scolytidae): species composition, phenology, and impact on bark beetle productivity. Entomologica Fennica 3: 205–213. -- Show included taxa

Weygoldt, P. (1962). Beobachtungen am Pumporgan der Embryonen der Pseudoscorpione (Chelonethi). Zoologische Beiträge 7: 293–309. -- Show included taxa

Weygoldt, P. (1964b). Vergleichend-embryologische Untersuchungen an Pseudoscorpionen (Chelonethi). Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Ökologie der Tiere 54: 1–106. -- Show included taxa

Weygoldt, P. (1966a). Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Fortpflanzungsbiologie der Pseudoscorpione: Beobachtungen über das Verhalten, die Samenubertragungsweisen und die Spermatophoren einiger einheimischer Arten. Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Ökologie der Tiere 56: 39–92. -- Show included taxa

Weygoldt, P. (1966d). Moos- und Bücherskorpione. A. Ziemsen Verlag, Wittenberg Lutherstadt. -- Show included taxa

Weygoldt, P. (1969a). The biology of pseudoscorpions. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. -- Show included taxa

Weygoldt, P. (1985). Ontogeny of the arachnid central nervous system. In: Barth, F.G. (ed.) Neurobiology of arachnids Springer-Verlag, Berlin: 20–37. -- Show included taxa

Weygoldt, P. (2002f). Chelicerata, Spinnentiere. In: Westheide, W. and Rieger, R. (ed.) Spezielle Zoologie Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin 1: Einzeller und Wirbellose Tiere: 449–497. -- Show included taxa

Zangheri, P. (1966). Repertorio sistematico e topografico della flora e fauna vivente e fossile della Romagna. Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, Memorie Fuori Serie 1 2: 485–854. -- Show included taxa

Zaragoza, J.A. (2007a). Catálogo de los Pseudoescorpiones de la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Revista Ibérica de Aracnología 13: 3–91. -- Show included taxa

Muster, C., Komposch, C. & Aurenhammer, S. (2017). Endemitenfauna im Nationalpark Gesäuse. Tiergruppe: Pseudoskorpione. In: Endbericht im Auftrag der Nationalpark Gesäuse GmbH: 1–38. -- Show included taxa

Novák, J., Jablonski, D. & Christophoryová, J. (2019). Contribution to the pseudoscorpion fauna of Transylvania and the Eastern and Southern Carpathians, Romania (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones).. North-Western Journal of Zoology 15: 127–134. -- Show included taxa

Novák, J. (2018). New data on the pseudoscorpion fauna of Hungary (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 82: 97–107. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (2019). Changes in the British pseudoscorpion fauna over the last 50 years. Arachnology 18: 189–195. -- Show included taxa

Christophoryová, J., Jajcayová, D. & Krajčovičová, K. (2017). Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) living in tree microhabitats in Slovakia. Klapalekiana 53: 283–297. -- Show included taxa

Krajčovičová, K., Matyukhin, A. & Christophoryová, J. (2018). First comprehensive research on pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) collected from bird nests in Russia. Turkish Journal of Zoology 42: 480–487. -- Show included taxa

Ostrovsky, A.M. (2020). On the fauna of false scorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) of southeastern Belarus. Ecosystem Transformation 3: 11–21. -- Show included taxa

Krajčovičová, K., Tamutis, V., Ivinskis, P., Machač, O. & Christophoryová, J. (2018). First records of pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) from Lithuania. Entomologica Fennica 29: 49–53. -- Show included taxa

Christophoryová, J. & Krajčovičová, K. (2019). Faunistic records of pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) from South East Poland. Klapalekiana 55: 193–198. -- Show included taxa

Muster, C., Spelda, J., Rulik, B., Thormann, J., von der Mark, L> & Astrin, J.J. (2021). The dark side of pseudoscorpion diversity: The German Barcode of Life campaign reveals high levels of undocumented diversity in European false scorpions. Ecology and Evolution 11(20): 13815–13829. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. & Farr-Cox, F. (2016). Illustrated key to the British false scorpions (pseudoscorpions). Field Studies Council: Telford. -- Show included taxa

Ćurčić, N.B., Ćurčić, N.B. & Ćurčić, S.B. (2020). Checklist of the pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) of Serbia. Arthropoda Selecta 29: 13–27. -- Show included taxa

Christophoryová, J. & Krásenský, P. (2022). Phoresy association between a pseudoscorpion (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) and a crane fly (Diptera: Tipulidae) in the Czech Republic. Biharean Biologist 16: 38-39. -- Show included taxa

Krajčovičová, K., Ivinskis, P., Rimšaitė, J. & Christophoryová, J. (2022). Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) from the Curonian Spit National Park with Dinocheirus panzeri as a newly recorded genus and species from Lithuania. Arachnologische Mitteilungen 64: 52–56. -- Show included taxa

Muster, C. & Blick, T. (2016). Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Pseudoskorpione (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) Deutschlands.. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 70: 539–561. -- Show included taxa

Červená, M., Christophoryová, J. & Krajčovičová, K. (2021). Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) of the Latorica Protected Landscape Area. In: Invertebrates of Latorica Protected Landscape Area Banská Bystrica, State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic: 68–77. -- Show included taxa

Hlebec, D., Harms, D., Kučinić, M. & Harvey, M.S. (2024). Integrative taxonomy of the pseudoscorpion family Chernetidae (Pseudoscorpiones: Cheliferoidea): evidence for new range-restricted species in the Dinaric Karst. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 200: 644–669. doi: -- Show included taxa

Date Type Reference Old value
2024-09-16 New taxonomic reference entry Hlebec, Harms, Kučinić and Harvey, 2024
2024-02-01 New taxonomic reference entry Červená, Christophoryová and Krajčovičová, 2021
2023-11-22 New taxonomic reference entry Weygoldt, 1966
2023-04-21 New taxonomic reference entry Muster and Blick, 2016
2023-04-17 New taxonomic reference entry Krajčovičová, Ivinskis, Rimšaitė and Christophoryová, 2022
2022-12-17 New taxonomic reference entry Klausen, 1998
2022-12-17 New taxonomic reference entry Andrews, 2017
2022-11-18 New taxonomic reference entry Christophoryová and Krásenský, 2022
2022-11-18 New taxonomic reference entry Ćurčić, Dimitrijević and Ćurčić, 2020
2022-11-18 New taxonomic reference entry Muster, Spelda, Rulik, Thormann, von der Mark and Astrin, 2021
2022-11-13 Species updated Old value
2022-11-13 New taxonomic reference entry Ostrovsky, 2020
2022-11-13 New taxonomic reference entry Christophoryová and Krajčovičová, 2019
2022-11-12 Species updated Old value
2022-11-12 New taxonomic reference entry Krajčovičová, Tamutis, Ivinskis, Machač and Christophoryová, 2018
2022-11-12 Species updated Old value
2022-11-12 Taxonomic reference update Krajčovičová, Matyukhin and Christophoryová, 2018
2022-11-12 New taxonomic reference entry Krajčovičová, Matyukhin and Christophoryová, 2020
2022-10-16 New taxonomic reference entry Muster, Komposch and Aurenhammer, 2017
2022-10-16 New taxonomic reference entry Novák, Jablonski and Christophoryová, 2019
2022-10-15 New taxonomic reference entry Christophoryová, Jajcayová and Krajčovičová, 2017
2022-10-03 New taxonomic reference entry Legg, 2019
2022-10-03 New taxonomic reference entry Legg and Farr-Cox, 2016
2022-05-08 New taxonomic reference entry Novák, 2018