WAC Bibliography

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7,820 references

Pickard-Cambridge, O. (1913). On new and rare British Arachnida noted and observed in 1912. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club and Archaeological Society 34: 107–136. -- Show included taxa

Rainbow, W.J. (1913). Arachnida from the Solomon Islands. Records of the Australian Museum 10: 1–16. -- Show included taxa

Scheuring, L. (1913). Die Augen der Arachnoideen. Zoologische Jahrbücher, Anatomie und Ontogenie 33: 553–636. -- Show included taxa

Silvestri, F. (1913). Novi generi e specie de Koeneniidae (Arachnida, Palpigradi). Bollettino del Laboratorio di Entomologia Agraria Portici 7: 211–217. -- Show included taxa

Strand, E. (1913). Arachnida. I. In: Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition 1907-1908 Klinkhardt and Biermann, Leipzig 4: 325–474. -- Show included taxa

Annandale, N. & Gravely, F.H. (1914). The limestone caves of Burma and the Malay Peninsula. Part II. The fauna of the caves. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 9: 402–423. -- Show included taxa

Banks, N. (1914a). Notes on some Costa Rican Arachnida. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 65: 676–687. -- Show included taxa

Banks, N. (1914b). A new pseudoscorpion from California. Journal of Entomology and Zoology, Pomona College 6: 203. -- Show included taxa

Berland, L. (1914). Un Palpigrade nouvelle [Arachn. Palpigradi] trouvé dans le serres du Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 83: 375–377. -- Show included taxa

Birula, A. (1914). Ergebnisse einer von Prof. Franz Werner im Sommer 1910 mit Unterstützung aus dem Legate Wedl ausgeführten zoologischen Forschungsreise nach Algerien. VI. Skorpione und Solifugae.. Sitzungsberichte der Mathematischen-Naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 123: 633–668. -- Show included taxa

Brian, A. (1914). Elenco di animali cavernicoli delle grotte situate in vicinanza di Genova. Monitore Zoologico Italiano 25: 8–12. -- Show included taxa

Brünnich, ? (1914). Der Bücherskorpion. Schweizerische Bienen-Zeitung 37: 483. -- Show included taxa

Dambach, ?. (1914). Der Bücherskorpion. Schweizerische Bienen-Zeitung 37: 483. -- Show included taxa

Ellingsen, E. (1914). On the pseudoscorpions of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. Records of the Indian Museum 10: 1–14. -- Show included taxa

Falcoz, L. (1914). Contribution à l'étude de la faune des microcavernes. Université de Lyon. [Thèse] -- Show included taxa

Heselhaus, F. (1914). Über Arthropoden in Nestern. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 57: 62–88. -- Show included taxa

Hewitt, J. (1914a). Records and descriptions of the Arachnida of the collection. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 4: 146–159. -- Show included taxa

Hewitt, J. (1914b). Records of species of Solifugae in the collection of the Transvaal Museum and descriptions of several new species of the family Solpugidae. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 4: 160–167. -- Show included taxa

Hewitt, J. (1914c). Descriptions of new Arachnida from South Africa. Records of the Albany Museum 3: 1–37. -- Show included taxa

Jeannel, R. & Racovitza, E.G. (1914). Biospeologica. XXXIII. Énumération des grottes visitées 1911–1913 (cinquième série). Archives de Zoologie Expérimentale et Générale 53: 325–558. -- Show included taxa

John, O. (1914). ["Batu" Caves of the Malayan Peninsula]. Lyubitel' Prirody 12: 353–365. -- Show included taxa

Kew, H.W. (1914a). On the nests of Pseudoscorpiones: with historical notes on the spinning-organs and observations on the building and spinning of the nests. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 84: 93–111. -- Show included taxa

Kew, H.W. (1914b). Pseudo-scorpiones. Annual Report and Proceedings of the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club 7: 93. -- Show included taxa

Kraepelin, K. (1914a). Die Skorpione und Pedipalpen von Neu-Caledonien und den benachbarten Inselgruppen. In: Sarasin, F. and Roux, J. (ed.) Nova Caledonia, Zoologie C.W. Kreidals Verlag, Wiesbaden 1: 327–337. -- Show included taxa

Kraepelin, K. (1914b). Skorpiones und Solifugae. In: Michaelsen, W. (ed.) Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Land- und Süsswasserfauna Deutsch-Südwestafrikas ergebnisse der Hamburger deutsch-südwestaftrikanischen Studienreise 1911 L. Friederischen & Co., Hamburg: 107–136. -- Show included taxa