WAC Bibliography

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7,820 references

Pocock, R.I. (1903a). Some Arachnida collected by Mr. G.W. Bury in Yemen. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7) 11: 214–220. -- Show included taxa

Pocock, R.I. (1903b). Descriptions of four new Arachnida of the orders Pedipalpi, Solifugae, and Araneae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7) 11: 220–226. -- Show included taxa

Pocock, R.I. (1903c). Scorpions and spiders. In: Forbes, H.O. (ed.) The natural history of Sokotra and Abd-el-Kuri Liverpool Museums, Liverpool: 177–205. -- Show included taxa

Purcell, W.F. (1903a). Descriptions of new genera and species of South African Solpugidae. Annals of the South African Museum 3: 1–12. -- Show included taxa

Purcell, W.F. (1903b). New Arachnida collected by Mr. S. C. Cronwright Schreiner at Hanover, Cape Colony. Annals of the South African Museum 3: 13–40. -- Show included taxa

Purcell, W.F. (1903c). On the scorpions, Solifugae, and a trapdoor spider, collected by Rev. Henri A. Junod, at Shilouvane, near Leysdorp, in the Transvaal.. Novitates Zoologicae 10: 303–306. -- Show included taxa

Rucker, A. (1903a). A new Koenenia from Texas. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science (new series) 47: 215–231. -- Show included taxa

Rucker, A. (1903b). Further observations on Koenenia. Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abtheilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Thiere 18: 401–434. -- Show included taxa

Schimkewitsch, W. (1903). Über die Entwicklung von Telyphonus [sic] caudatus (L.). Zoologischer Anzeiger 26: 665–685. -- Show included taxa

Silvestri, F. (1903). Fauna Napoletana. Descrizione preliminare di due nuove specie di Koenenia trovate in Italia. Annuario del Museo Zoologico della R. Università di Napoli 1(11): 1–2. -- Show included taxa

Simon, E. (1903a). Arachnides de la Guinée Espagnole. Memorias de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural 1: 65–124. -- Show included taxa

Simon, E. (1903b). Liste des Arachnides recueillis par M. Schmitt dans l'île d'Anticosti. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 9: 386–387. -- Show included taxa

Stschelkanovzeff, J.P. (1903a). Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Segmentierung und des Körperbaues der Pseudoscorpione. Zoologischer Anzeiger 26: 318–334. -- Show included taxa

Stschelkanovzeff, J.P. (1903b). Matérial pour l'anatomie des pseudoscorpions. Gelehrte Schriften Univ., Naturwissenschaftliche Abteilung 26: 1–202. -- Show included taxa

Waterston, J. (1903). Roncus cambridgii L. K. in Argyllshire. Annals of Scottish Natural History 12: 187. -- Show included taxa

Banks, N. (1904a). The Arachnida of Florida. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 56: 120–147. -- Show included taxa

Banks, N. (1904b). Some Arachnida from California. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (3) 3: 331–374. -- Show included taxa

Berthoumieu (1904). Révision de l'entomologie dans l'antique. Revue Scientifique du Bourbonnais et du Centre de la France 1904: 197–200. -- Show included taxa

Börner, C. (1904). Beitrage zur Morphologie der Arthropoden. I. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Pedipalpen. Zoologica, Stuttgart 42: 1–174. -- Show included taxa

Dawydoff, C. (1904). Les resultats du voyage scientifique au Java et les autres îles de l'Archipel Malais. I. Sur les organes excréteurs et la phagocytose éliminatrice chez le Telyphonus [sic] de Java.. Bulletin de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St-Pétersbourg 18: 201–206. -- Show included taxa

Ellingsen, E. (1904). On some pseudoscorpions from Patagonia collected by Dr. Filippo Silvestri. Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia e di Anatomia Comparata della R. Università di Torino 19(480): 1–7. -- Show included taxa

Fabiani, R. (1904). Contributo alla conoscenza della fauna delle grotte di Malo, Priabona e Cereda nel Vicentino. Rivista Italiana di Speleologia 2: 8–13. -- Show included taxa

Ferrer, F. (1904). Alguns articulats dels voltants de Barcelona. Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d'Historia Natural 4(1–2): 14–16. -- Show included taxa

Frič, A. (1904). Palaeozoische Arachniden. A. Frič, Prague. -- Show included taxa

Gestro, R. (1904). Una gita in Sardegna. Divagazioni biogeografiche. Bollettino della Societá Geografica Italiana (4) 5(4): 1–39. -- Show included taxa