7,820 references
Simon, E. (1881b). Descriptions d'Arachnides nouveaux d'Afrique. (Chernetes de la Basse Égypte rec. par M. Letourneux). Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 6: 1–15. -- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1881c). Arachnides nouveaux ou rares de la faune française. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 6: 82–91. -- Show included taxa
Cantoni, E. (1882). Escursione in Calabria (1877). Chernetidi ed Opilionidi. Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana 14: 191–203. -- Show included taxa
Colenso, W. (1882). On some newly-discovered New Zealand arachnids. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 15: 165–173. -- Show included taxa
Crowther, H. (1882a). Chelifer Degeerii, C. Koch, a species new to Britain. Zoologist (3) 6: 465. -- Show included taxa
Crowther, H. (1882b). Chelifer Degeerii C.L. Koch, a species new to Britain. Science Gossip 18: 277. -- Show included taxa
Daday, E. (1882). Az álskorpiók (Pseudoscorpionidae) boncztana. Orvos-Termeszetudomanyi 7: 1–76. (External link) -- Show included taxa
Dalla Torre, K. v. (1882). Beiträge zur Arthropoden-Fauna Tirols. Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlich-Medizinischen Vereins in Innsbruck 12: 32–73. -- Show included taxa
Geinitz, H.B. (1882). Kreischeria wiedei, ein fossiler Pseudoscorpion aus der Steinkholenformation von Zwickau. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 34: 228–242. -- Show included taxa
Joseph, G. (1882). Systematiches Verzeichniss der in den Tropfstein-Grotten von Krain einheimischen Arthropoden nebst Diagnosen der vom Verfasser entdeckten und bisher noch nicht beschriebenen Arten. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 26: 1–50. -- Show included taxa
Karsch, F. (1882). Ueber ein neues Spinnenthier aus der Schlesischen Steinkohle und die Arachnoiden der Steinkohlen-formation überhaupt. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 34: 556–561. -- Show included taxa
MacLeod, J. (1882). Recherches sur la structure et la signification de l'appareil respiratoire des Arachnides. Bulletin de l'Académie Royal de Belgique (3) 3: 779–792. -- Show included taxa
Peach, B.N. (1882). Further researches on the Crustacea and Arachnida of the Carboniferous rocks of the Scottish border. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 30: 511–529. -- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1882a). Viaggio ad Assab nel Mar Rosso, dei signori G. Doria ed O. Beccari con il R. Avviso "Esploratore" dal 16 Novembre 1879 al 26 Febbraio 1880. II. Étude sur les Arachnides de l'Yemen méridional. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 18: 207–260. -- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1882b). Arachnidae. In: Cavanna, G., Artropodi raccolti a Lavaiano (Provincia di Pisa). Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana 14: 356–366. -- Show included taxa
Tömösváry, Ö. (1882). Egy új alak hazánk Arachnoida faunájában Zemplén megyéböl. Természetrajzi Füzetek 6: 226–228, 296–298. -- Show included taxa
Wood-Mason, J. (1882). Notes on the anatomy of the scorpion-spiders (Thelyphonus). Part I, The scent-glands. Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 1882: 59–60. -- Show included taxa
Canestrini, J. (1883). Chernetides Italici. In: Berlese, A. (ed.) Acari, Myriapoda et Scorpiones hucusque in Italia reperta A. Berlese, Padova fascicolo VII. -- Show included taxa
Courtois de Langlade, F. de (1883). Parasites des mouches. La Nature, Paris 11: 71. -- Show included taxa
Dahl, F. (1883). Über die Hörhaare bei den Arachnoiden. Zoologischer Anzeiger 6: 267–270. -- Show included taxa
Pavesi, P. (1883). Aracnidi del Regno di Scioa. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 20: 5–106. -- Show included taxa
Putnam, J.D. (1883). The Solpugidae of America. Papers of J. Duncan Putnam, arranged for publication by Herbert Osborn.. Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences 3: 249–310. -- Show included taxa
Rochebrune, A.T. de (1883). Diagnoses d'Arthropodes nouveaux propres à la Sénégambie. Bulletin de la Société Philomatique de Paris (7) 8: 28–31. -- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1883). Matériaux pour servir à la faune arachnologique des îles de l'Océan Atlantique (Açores, Madère, Salvages, Canaries, Cap Vert, Sainte-Hélène et Bermudes). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (6) 3: 259–314. -- Show included taxa
Thorell, T. (1883). Descrizione di alcuni Aracnidi inferiori dell'Arcipelago Malese. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 18: 21–69. -- Show included taxa