7,808 references
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Jass, J.P. & Young, A.M. (1985). Phrynus parvulus Pocock and P. whitei Gervais (Amblypygi, Phrynidae) in Costa Rica. Brenesia 24: 405–407. -- Show included taxa
Jędryczkowski, W.B. (1985). Zaleszczotki (Pseudoscorpiones) Mazowsza. Fragmenta Faunistica Musei Zoologici Polonici 29: 77–83. -- Show included taxa
Jones, R.E. (1985). The false-scorpions of Norfolk. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society 27: 67–71. -- Show included taxa
Judson, M.L.I. (1985). Redescription of Myrmochernes Tullgren (Chelonethida: Chernetidae). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 6: 321–327. -- Show included taxa
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Lewis Smith, R.I. & Prince, P.A. (1985). The natural history of Beauchêne Island. Journal of Natural History 24: 233–238. -- Show included taxa
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Malcolm, D.R. & Muchmore, W.B. (1985). An unusual species of Tyrannochthonius from Florida (Pseudoscorpionida, Chthoniidae). Journal of Arachnology 13: 403–405. -- Show included taxa
Martín, J.L., Oromí, P. & Barquín, J. (1985). Estudio ecológico del ecosistema cavernícola de una Sima de origen volcánico: la Sima Robada (Tenerife, Islas Canarias). Endins 10–11: 37–46. -- Show included taxa
Maury, E.A. (1985a). Las familias de Solifugos Americanos y su distribucion geografica (Arachnida, Solifugae). Physis, Buenos Aires 42: 73–80. -- Show included taxa
Maury, E.A. (1985b). Nota sobre los géneros Namibesia y Syndaesia (Solifugae, Daesiidae). Aracnologia 4: 1–6. -- Show included taxa
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Meyer, R.P., Reisen, W.K. & Eberle, M.E. (1985). Pseudoscorpions of the genus Cheiridium (Pseudoscorpionida: Cheiridiidae) phoretic on mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in Kern County, California, USA. Journal of Medical Entomology 22: 464–465. -- Show included taxa
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Morais, J.W. (1985). Abundancia e distribuiçao vertical de artropodos de solo numa floresta primaria nao inundada. INPA. [Dissertation] -- Show included taxa
Moro, S.D. & Geethabali (1985a). Distribution of cuticular sensory hairs on the legs and whip of Thelyphonus indicus Stoliczka (Arachnida Uropygi). Monitore Zoologico Italiano, n.s. 19: 207–218. -- Show included taxa
Moro, S.D. & Geethabali (1985b). The role of trichobothria of whip scorpion in wind perception. Proceedings of the VI All India Symposium on Life Sciences, Tirupathi 1985: 67–72. -- Show included taxa
Muma, M.H. (1985). A new, possibly diagnostic, character for Solpugida (Arachnida). Novitates Arthropodae 2(2): 1–5. -- Show included taxa
Murthy, V.A. & Venkataramanan, R. (1985). Contribution to the biology of the pseudoscorpion, Ellingsenius indicus Chamberlain [sic]. Indian Bee Journal 47: 34–35. -- Show included taxa