7,802 references
Gardini, G. (1982e). Pseudoscorpioni cavernicoli italiani. Lavori della Società Italiana di Biogeografia 7: 15–32. -- Show included taxa
Hahn, N.S. & Matthiesen, F.A. (1982). Aspectos do comportamento de Paratemnus minor (Balzan, 1891) (Pseudoscorpiones, Atemnidae). In: IX Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia, Porto Aligre: 98–99. -- Show included taxa
Hammen, L. van der (1982). Comparative studies in Chelicerata II. Epimerata (Palpigradi and Actinotrichida). Zoologische Verhandelingen 196: 1–70. -- Show included taxa
Harvey, M.S. (1982). A parasitic nematode (Mermithidae) from the pseudoscorpion "Sternophorus" hirsti Chamberlin (Sternophoridae). Journal of Arachnology 10: 192. -- Show included taxa
Haupt, J. (1982). Hair regeneration in a solfugid chemotactile sensillum during moulting (Arachnida, Solifugae). Wilhelm Roux's Archives of Developmental Biology 191: 137–142. -- Show included taxa
Heurtault, J. (1982). Le développement postembryonnaire chez deux espèces nouvelles de Pseudoscorpions Olpiinae du Venezuela. Revue de Nordest Biologie 3: 57–85. -- Show included taxa
Howarth, F.G. & Montgomery, S.L. (1982). Trithyreus? sp. (Schizomidae: Schizomida). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 24: 8. -- Show included taxa
Jones, R.E. & Irwin, A.G. (1982). A rare pseudoscorpion new to Norfolk. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society 26: 56. -- Show included taxa
Jost, G. (1982). Zum Vorkommen und zer Verbreitung von Pseudoskorpionen (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpionidea) im Naturpark Hoher Vogelsberg. Bericht der Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein Darmstadt, n.f. 6: 2–12. -- Show included taxa
Kistner, D.H. (1982). The social insects' bestiary. In: Hermann, H.R. (ed.) Social insects Academic Press, New York 3: 1–244. -- Show included taxa
Krumpál, M. & Kiefer, M. (1982). Pseudoskorpione aus der Mongolei (Arachnida, Pseudoskorpiones). Ergebnisse der gemeinsamen Mongolisch-Slowakischen biologischen expedition. Annotationes Zoologicae et Botanicae 146: 1–27. -- Show included taxa
Kusch, H. (1982). Ergebnisse speläologischer Forschungen in Thailand (Stand 1978). Die Höhle 33: 59–69. -- Show included taxa
Leclerc, P. (1982a). Une nouvelle espèce de Pseudoscorpion cavernicole de la Drôme: Neobisium (Blothrus) auberti (Pseudoscorpions, Arachnides). Revue Arachnologique 4: 39–45. -- Show included taxa
Leclerc, P. (1982b). Les pseudoscorpions des grottes des Sadoux. Ursus Spelaeus 7: 43–46. -- Show included taxa
Lee, W.K. (1982). Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida) from Korea II. A new species of the genus Allochthonius. Basic Science Review, Chonbuk National University, Korea 5: 75–80. -- Show included taxa
Legg, G. (1982). Some Ricinulei (Arachnida) from Ivory Coast, including a new species and a note on the immature stages of Ricinoides westermanni (Hansen and Sørensen). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 89: 287–296. -- Show included taxa
Levi, H.W. (1982a). Uropygi. In: Parker, S.P. (ed.) Synopsis and classification of living organisms McGraw-Hill, New York 2: 75. -- Show included taxa
Levi, H.W. (1982b). Schizomida. In: Parker, S.P. (ed.) Synopsis and classification of living organisms McGraw-Hill, New York 2: 76. -- Show included taxa
Levi, H.W. (1982c). Amblypygi. In: Parker, S.P. (ed.) Synopsis and classification of living organisms McGraw-Hill, New York 2: 76–77. -- Show included taxa
Levi, H.W. (1982d). Palpigradi. In: Parker, S.P. (ed.) Synopsis and classification of living organisms McGraw-Hill, New York 2: 77. -- Show included taxa
Levi, H.W. (1982e). Ricinulei. In: Parker, S.P. (ed.) Synopsis and classification of living organisms McGraw-Hill, New York 2: 95–96. -- Show included taxa
Mahnert, V. (1982a). The pseudoscorpion genus Corosoma Karsch, 1879, with remarks on Dasychernes Chamberlin, 1929 (Pseudoscorpiones, Chernetidae). Journal of Arachnology 10: 11–14. -- Show included taxa
Mahnert, V. (1982b). Die Pseudoskorpione (Arachnida) Kenyas II. Feaellidae; Cheiridiidae. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 89: 115–134. -- Show included taxa
Mahnert, V. (1982c). Die Pseudoskorpione (Arachnida) Kenyas. 3. Olpiidae. Monitore Zoologico Italiano, n.s., Supplemento 16: 263–304. -- Show included taxa
Mahnert, V. (1982d). Die Pseudoskorpione (Arachnida) Kenyas, IV. Garypidae. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 74: 307–329. -- Show included taxa