Phrynichus heurtaultae Weygoldt, Pohl and Polak, 2002


Original combination: Phrynichus heurtaultae


Taxonomic references

Phrynichus heurtaultae Weygoldt, Pohl and Polak:

Weygoldt, Pohl and Polak, 2002: 298–300, figs. 17–23 original description

Distribution table
Yemen (Suqutra)
Type locality: 200 m W. of Hoq Cave, Suqutra (as Socotra), Yemen.


Locality Lat Lon
1 Hoq Cave (Socotra Island) 12.583333 54.35
Type repository
  • Holotype Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt (HLMD), Germany Male (HLMD-EA-43-HT)
  • Paratype Natural History Collection of Yemen (NHCY), Sana'a, Yemen 1 male; same locality as holotype
  • Paratype Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt (HLMD), Germany 1 male (HLMD-EA-165_PT); from Diksam, cave [Lat 12.47775, Lon 53.980667]
  • Paratype Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt (HLMD), Germany 1 female (HLMD-EA-166-PT); from Ras Momi, Irisal, cave
  • Paratype Collection W. Wranik, Universität Rostock (CWWR), Germany 1 female; from Diksam, cave

Weygoldt, P., Pohl, H. & Polak, S. (2002). Arabian whip spiders: four new species of the genera Charinus and Phrynichus (Chelicerata: Amblypygi) from Oman and Socotra. Fauna of Arabia 19: 289–309. -- Show included taxa

Date Type Reference Old value
2024-06-04 Species updated Old value
2024-06-04 Species updated Old value
2024-03-18 Taxonomic reference update Weygoldt, Pohl and Polak, 2002
2024-03-18 Taxonomic reference update
2024-03-18 Species updated Old value