Values before 2024-02-13
Authority year1983
Authority parentheses1
Is fossil0
Taxon rankspecies
Taxon statusaccepted
Genus gender
Original combinationCharinides decu
Type repositoryType info: Not deposited in the IES collections (Armas 2004, 2014)
Type: Holotype
Type repository: Instituto de Ecología e Sistemática (IES), Havanna, Cuba
Type info: 1 male, 1 female, 2 dismembered specimens
Type: Paratype
Type repository: Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ), Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
Parent taxonID: 77
Name: Charinus
Additional taxon dataRealm: Central America
Locus typicus: Cueva del Abono, Isla de Pinos, Isla de la Juventud, Cuba.
Age: CAINOZOIC: Holocene
Habitat: Disturbed habitats, caves

Patronym honoring Dr Vasile Decu.

Taxon comment:
Country: CUB
Distribution comment:
Locus typicusLatitude: 21.666666
Longitude: -82.833333
Location name: Isla de Pinos
Subgenus idID: