Values before 2024-05-18
AuthorArmas, Torres-Contreras and Alvarez García
Authority year2015
Authority parentheses0
Is fossil0
Taxon rankspecies
Taxon statusaccepted
Genus gender
Original combinationHeterophrynus caribensis
Type repositoryType info: Female
Type: Holotype
Type repository: Instituto de Ciencias Naturales (ICN) of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia
Type info: 1 female, 1 male; same locality as holotype
Type: Paratype
Type repository: Instituto de Ciencias Naturales (ICN) of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia
Type info: 1 male; same locality as holotype
Type: Paratype
Type repository: Instituto de Ecología e Sistemática (IES), Havanna, Cuba
Type info: 1 female; 1 male, same locality as holoty
Type: Paratype
Type repository: Laboratorio de Entomología de la Universidad de Sucre (LEUS), Sincelejo, Colombia.
Parent taxonID: 79
Name: Heterophrynus
Additional taxon dataRealm: South America
Locus typicus: Cueva Roca Madre, Tolú Viejo, corregimiento La Piche, Sucre, Colombia.
Taxon comment:
Country: COL
Distribution comment:
Locus typicusLatitude: 9.513916
Longitude: -75.3935
Location name: Cueva Roca Madre
Subgenus idID: 0