Values before 2024-05-16
Authority year2017
Authority parentheses0
Is fossil0
Taxon rankspecies
Taxon statusaccepted
Genus gender
Original combinationPhrynus calypso
Type repositoryType info: Female (CASENT 9060553)
Type: Holotype
Type repository: California Academy of Sciences (CAS), San Francisco, CA, USA
Type info: 1 female, 1 male, same locality as holotype (CASENT 9060553)
Type: Paratype
Type repository: California Academy of Sciences (CAS), San Francisco, CA, USA
Type info: 2 females, from Petite Tacarib [Lat 10.741194, Lon -61.225750] (CASENT 9060537)
Type: Paratype
Type repository: California Academy of Sciences (CAS), San Francisco, CA, USA
Type info: 2 males, 1 juvenile, near Maracas Bay Port of Spain [Lat 10.750593, Lon -61.478858] (MZUSP 70892)
Type: Paratype
Type repository: Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo (MZSP), São Paulo, Brazil
Type info: 9 males, 7 females, from Venezuela, cave over Cueva del Guacharo [Lat 10.200000, Lon -63.639722] (MNRJ 09310, 09312, 09315)
Type: Paratype
Type repository: Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Type info: 4 males, 2 females, from Venezuela, Quebrada Cambural [Lat 10.042500, Lon -63.558861] (MNRJ 09317)
Type: Paratype
Type repository: Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Type info: 1 female, 1 male, 5 juveniles, from Venezuela, between Cueva del Guacharo and Caripe [Lat 10.169900, Lon -63.505800] (MNRJ 0916)
Type: Paratype
Type repository: Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Type info: 3 females, 2 juveniles, from Venezuela, Santa Maria [Lat 10.631944, Lon -63.077777] (MNRJ 09313–09314)
Type: Paratype
Type repository: Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Parent taxonID: 110
Name: Phrynus
Additional taxon dataRealm:
Locus typicus: Laja Trace, Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago.
Habitat: Tropical rain forest
Etymology: Species name is dedicated to music rhythm Calypso, typical from Trinidad and Tobago. In commemoration to cultural expression of this country. Name in apposition.
Taxon comment:
Country: TTO
Distribution comment:
Country: VEN
Distribution comment: (Coastal area)
Locus typicusLatitude: 10.741194
Longitude: -61.271472
Location name: Laja Trace
Subgenus idID: 0