7,818 references
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Schawaller, W. (1982). Neue Befunde an Geisselspinnen in Dominikanischem Bernstein (Stuttgarter Bersteinsammlung: Arachnida, Amblypygi). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde (B) 86: 1–12. -- Show included taxa
Schawaller, W. (1982a). Der erste Pseudoskorpion (Chernetidae) aus Mexikanischem Bernstein (Stuttgarter Bernsteinsammlung: Arachnida, Pseudoscorpionidea). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde (B) 85: 1–9. -- Show included taxa
Schawaller, W. (1982b). Eine neue höhlenbewohnende Chthonius-Art aus den italienischen Südalpen (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpionidea). Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana 114: 49–55. -- Show included taxa
Schawaller, W. (1982c). Eine für Deutschland neue Pseudoskorpion-Art aus dem Allgäu (Arachnida). Jahreshefte, Gesellschaft für Naturkunde in Württemberg 137: 159–160. -- Show included taxa
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Zaragoza, J.A. (1982). Roncus (Parablothrus) setosus n. sp., otro caso de "néochétotaxie majorante prosomatique" (Heurtault) en los Pseudoscorpiones Neobisiidae.. Mediterranea, Serie de Estudios Biologicos 6: 101–108. -- Show included taxa
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Aliev, S.I. & Gadzhiev, A.T. (1983a). Sol'pugi (Arachnida, Solifugae) Azerbaidzhana [Solpugids (Arachnida, Solifugae) of Azerbaijan SSR]. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR, Ser. Biologicheskaya 4: 43–46. -- Show included taxa
Aliev, S.I. & Gadzhiev, A.T. (1983b). Pitanie sol'pug v Azerbaidzhane [Feeding of solpugids in Azerbaidzhan]. Materialy simpoziuma Poleznye nasekomye i okhrana ikh v Azerbaidzhane. Baku: 31–32. -- Show included taxa
Anonymous (1983). Bureau of Entomology. Tri-ology 22(11): 4–6. -- Show included taxa
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Anonymous (1983b). Quelques récoltes Ursus de pseudoscorpions. Ursus Spelaeus 8: 27. -- Show included taxa
Bauchhenss, E. (1983). Morphology and ultrastructure of sensilla ampullacea in Solifugae (Chelicerata, Arachnida). International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology 12: 129–138. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/0020-7322(83)90005-3 -- Show included taxa
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Bonzano, C. (1983). Consideraizioni generali sulla fauna cavernicola delle Alpi Apuane. Grotte d'Italia (4) 9: 123–132. -- Show included taxa
Brauckmann, C. & Koch, L. (1983). Prothelyphonus naufragus n. sp., ein neuer Geisselskorpion [Arachnida: Thelyphonida: Thelyphonidae] aus dem Namurium (unteres Ober-Karbon) von West-Deutschland. Entomologica Germanica 9: 63–74. -- Show included taxa