WAC Bibliography

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7,818 references

Ćurčić, B.P.M. (1978e). Certains criteres d'identification des rapports de parente entre les genres de la famille des Neobisiidae (Pseudoscorpiones, Arachnida). In: Proceedings of the 7th International Speleological Congress, Sheffield British Cave Research Association, Bridgwater: 134–136. -- Show included taxa

Davis, B.N.K. & Jones, P.E. (1978). The ground arthropods of some chalk and limestone quarries in England. Journal of Biogeography 5: 159–171. -- Show included taxa

Delle Cave, L. (1978). On Biton monodentatus, a new species of the family Daesiidae (Solifuga, Arachnida). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 4: 238–240. -- Show included taxa

Dial, B.E. (1978). Aspects of the behavioral ecology of two Chihuahan Desert geckoes (Reptilia, Lacertilia, Gekkonidae). Journal of Herpetology 12: 209–216. -- Show included taxa

Dobat, K. (1978). Die Höhlenfauna der Fränkischen Alb. Bericht der Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Bayreuth 16: 11–240. -- Show included taxa

Estany, J. (1978). Sobre algunos Neobisiidae cavernícolas del País Valenciano. Speleon 24: 33–37. -- Show included taxa

Esterbauer, H. (1978). Solifugen im Terrarium. Aquarien-und Terrarien Zeitschrift 31(11): 387–388. -- Show included taxa

Forestiero, S. & Sbordoni, V. (1978). Biospeleologia. In: Manuale di speleologia Longanesi and Co., Milano: 219–272. -- Show included taxa

Franklin, E.R. & Kunz, T.H. (1978). The structure and dynamics of arthropod communities of bat guano ecosystems. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 86: 288. -- Show included taxa

Grasshoff, M. (1978). A model of the evolution of the main Chelicerate groups. In: Merrett, P. (ed.) Arachnology: Seventh International Congress. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London Academic Press, London 42: 273–284. -- Show included taxa

Hamilton, W.D. (1978). Evolution and diversity under bark. In: Mound, L.A. and Waloff, N. (ed.) Diversity of insect faunas Symposium of the Royal Entomological Society, London: 154–175. -- Show included taxa

Hammen, L. van der (1978). The evolution of the chelicerate life-cycle. Acta Biotheoretica 27: 44–60. -- Show included taxa

Harms, K.H. (1978). Zur Verbreitung und Gefährdung der Spinnentiere Baden-Württembergs (Arachnida: Araneae, Pseudoscorpiones, Opiliones). Beihefte Veröffentlichungen zum Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege Baden-Württemberg 11: 313–322. -- Show included taxa

Heurtault, J. (1978a). Occitanobisium coiffaiti n. gen. n. sp. de Pseudoscorpions (Arachnides, Neobisiidae, Neobisiinae) du département de l'Hérault, France. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (3) 497(Zoologie 346): 1121–1134. -- Show included taxa

Heurtault, J. (1978b). Système sympathetique, structures glandulaires neurohémales prosomatiques chez Phrynus whitei et Damon sp. (Arachnides, Amblypyges). In: Merrett, P. (ed.) Arachnology: Seventh International Congress. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London Academic Press, London 42: 389–397. -- Show included taxa

Hickman, J.L. & Hill, L. (1978). Terrestrial invertebrates. In: Lower Gordon River scientific survey Hydro-electric Commission, Hobart. -- Show included taxa

Holm, A. (1978). Om Carl Clerk Spindelsamling. Fauna och Flora 73: 201–205. -- Show included taxa

Jespersen, A. (1978). The fine structure of spermiogenesis in the Amblypygi and the Uropygi (Arachnida). Zoomorphologie 89: 237–250. -- Show included taxa

Jones, P.E. (1978). Phoresy and commensalism in British pseudoscorpions. Proceedings and Transactions of the British Entomological and Natural History Society 1978: 90–96. -- Show included taxa

Krantz, G.W. (1978). A manual of acarology. Oregon State University Book Stores, Corvallis. [2nd edition] -- Show included taxa

Lagar, A. (1978). Bioespeleología. In: Barreres, M., Garbí, F. and Ferreres, J. (ed.) El Avenc del Teix, Montral, Tarragona Exploracions, Grup Geogràfic de Gracia, 2: 71–75. -- Show included taxa

Larsson, S.G. (1978). Baltic amber - a palaeobiological study. Entomonograph 1: 1–192. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1978). British pseudoscorpions. Newsletter of the British Arachnological Society 21: 8–9. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1978a). Two new ricinuleids from W. Africa (Arachnida: Ricinulei) with a key to the adults of the genus Ricinoides. Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 4: 89–99. -- Show included taxa

Legg, G. (1978b). The status of Ricinoides plebejus and a note on R. afzelii (Ricinulei, Arachnida). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 4: 124–125. -- Show included taxa